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Interesting art
This is a variant of the "parrot perch" (pau de arara) beloved of Latin American Torturers,​
where the victim is hung over a single bar:​
pau.jpg parrot perch.jpg
(I looked for images of women victims, but couldn't find any)​
In this position, s/he's obviously very exposed for foot torture of all kinds.​
Yes, Amor e Revolucao is a series worth seeking out on YouTube,​
there's some exciting scenes and much is intelligible without understanding Portuguese.​
In my humble opinion, the bastinado - one of the sexiest and most beautiful (if I may say so) of torture. I can not know for sure, but I think this kind of torture is under-represented in this resource.
Imagine Honourable public what little I have on this topic. And I hope that you, Dear friends, support the development of the topic.
Ooo, foot torture, love it ❤️
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