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Burned at the stake

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The couple that burns together, stays together, but not for very long.

I wonder what their crime was? Infidelity? Wichcraft?
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old school style manip
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Mongol peril
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Um, I thought it was the Injuns who did the burning?
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The couple (1st photo) : The scene takes place in kyiv, Ukraine. It is about an adulterous couple and traitors. She is Ukrainian, he is Russian.
Actually in England at any rate witches were more likely to be hanged than burned to death. A wife could be burned if she murdered her husband or a servant if she murdered her master or mistress, as it was deemed to be Petty Treason.
For instance see "Margery Beddingfield (also known as Margaret Beddingfield) (1742–1763) was a British woman convicted and burnt for murder in 1763" to be found on Wikipedia. She was the last woman to be burned in England. The boyfriend who actually killed the husband was hanged.
See also : https://www.saxmundhammuseum.org.uk/assets/The Last Woman to be Burnt.pdf
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Three witches on their Sabbath. One of them must be sacrificed: she'll burn alive.

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But maybe it's better to capture all three and burn them at the stake!

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And now burn, witches! Burn alive!
Three women enjoyed each others company. They were caught and accused of being witches and were sentenced to be burned to death. Fortunately, they were dressed in white with the hopes of burning the women would cleans their souls...
Three women enjoyed each others company. They were caught and accused of being witches and were sentenced to be burned to death. Fortunately, they were dressed in white with the hopes of burning the women would cleans their souls...
Surely witches repent of their sins now. Although I proposed to burn them in one pile, it's a waste of raw material.
In the middle age many witches were burned at the stake. Nowaday, we have the duty to burn alive the modern witches. Who are them?
The smoker women, the lesbians, the whores,...
"Come on! Here's the fire! Are you ready?"

"Ok, do you want to smoke your last cigarette?"
"No, I don't. I'm ready. But let me burn quickly. I don't want to suffer."
"Mmmm, I don't Know if I can. I want to see you burning slowly. I want enjoy your burning!"

"And now, burn, witch, burn alive!"
"Noooo! Noooo"
"Scream, witch, scream! I want to ear your screaming!"

"Let me die! Put on other wood, so the fire can catch my body, It's too hot"
"Roast, girl. Your end is next, but you must suffer for a bit more time. Roast, and then you'll burn definitively!"
Here's what I found.
Everyone knows that witches burn. What else is burning? Of course, wood. And does the wood sink? Not really, it floats on water. And what else floats on the water? Well, duck. So if we want to find out if a woman is a witch, we have to weigh her and see if she weighs as much as a duck. If so, that means she's a witch.

Monty Python's Philosophy on Witches
"What's on fire besides a witch?"
"Other witches!"

The essence of the sport of burning witches
Burning witches - the favorite sport of the Catholic and Protestant world. Its beginnings date back to the 12th century, i.e. the Middle Ages. The sport gained its greatest popularity in the Renaissance.

1 Game rules
1.1 Characteristics of a witch
1.2 Scoring
2 League structure
3 Best representations
4 See also
Game rules
The game is about finding, judging and finally burning the witch. Depending on the mod, the following can participate in the game:

Low budget version:
villagers and a witch.
Elite version:
The brigade of the Holy Inquisition and a witch, possibly a heretic.
The game starts with finding the witch; first, the team's goal is to find one, and then using the prescribed tools (torches, pitchforks, rusty rakes, rails) to force it to surrender to the team.

The witch who did not manage to escape from the participants in the game was subjected to the stone test by them. It consisted in tying a rope to the witch with a stone, after which the stone with the rope and the witch were thrown into the water. If the witch broke free and floated, it means the second turn of the game, i.e.:
Searching for certain characteristics in a suspect. The more such attributes a witch had, the more points the team scored for burning her. And if that witch didn't come out, it meant the so-called "burnt", that is, this witch was not a witch... and you had to look for another witch to play with.

Burning witches. In the background you can see the scores for style
Characteristics of a witch
Female (meaning female).
Usually not so pretty.
Goth-style black clothing (the more black, the more points).
Messy black hair.
Carrot nose.
Broom or mop, possibly a vacuum cleaner.
Black cat. There may be other colors, but black is the highest score. The number of points is multiplied by the number of cats owned by the witch.
Bats. The more bats around the hut, the more points.
He lives in a remote area in a bizarre wooden cabin (burning down the cabin - 15 extra points).
She is afraid of holy water (you can use gasoline instead of holy water, threatening to set it on fire. It is important that she is afraid).
It weighs as much as a duck and is made of wood.
He has a wart on his face.
After finding the witch, the team went to the judge who counted the points, and then the type of wood was chosen, how much was to be, and whether it was to be dry or damp. This was important because you could get extra style points when burning a witch.

Then the scores for the witch's value and the burning style were added together; the result was recorded in the overall ranking. At the end of the season, each team's points were tallied, and the team with the most points was awarded the Incorporator's Cup.

The final score depended on many factors and variables, firstly on the number of witches and their witchcraft factor (i.e. the more witch qualities listed above, the better).

Witches were judged on the following score:

Ugliness - the uglier the more points - 1-15 points.
Amount of black in clothing - the blacker the more points - 1-10 points.
Having disheveled black hair:
black and disheveled - +10 points;
black and not disheveled - +7 points;
dark (but not black) and disheveled - +5 points;
dark and not disheveled - +3 points;
bright and disheveled - +1 point;
bright and not disheveled - 0 points.
Possession of a broom, mop, vacuum cleaner - +5 points for one of the items.
Owning a black cat - +10 points (times the number of cats); having a cat (non-black) – +5 points (+2 points for each subsequent one).
Bats living nearby – +1 point for each.
Living in a hut in a remote area - +10 pts. Additional cabin burn after capturing a witch - +15 points.
It is worth mentioning that 5 penalty points were deducted from the final score for each villager above the legal number of 35 (in words: eighty-four) villagers in the team.
Points for burn style were awarded by judges sitting near the pyre. They could add from 0 to 40 extra points.

League structure
In every Christian country there were national leagues whose teams played local championships. Once every 4 years, the Great European Championship in Burning Witches (WMEPC) was organized in Rome, where the representations of Catholic countries competed with each other for the Holy Cup of the Championship in Burning Witches. During the championship there were slightly different rules, namely each team had to appoint exactly 25 villagers, and not as in the local version - as many as came. Nevertheless, it soon turned out that players from Protestant countries were perfect in this discipline, whose achievements in the number of burned witches soon surpassed the results from Catholic countries.

The best representations
The best representations were undoubtedly the representation of Germany (including a particularly thriving Catholic representation), Italy, Spain, England, the English colonies in the new world and France. There was a fierce battle between them in each championship. The Polish national team was also not a second league, because it was very successful in this sport, although it never won the holy cup.

The most famous teams were FC Salem, AC Inkwiziciona, Witchburn Rovers, FC Prossneck Hexe, Real Qumar Brujah, AS Incendier Goule, Kingom Arsburn London, CKKS Spanish Inquisition and Polish clubs KS Salezjano, Stos Gniezno and KKS Wiedźma.
Here's what I found.
Everyone knows that witches burn. What else is burning? Of course, wood. And does the wood sink? Not really, it floats on water. And what else floats on the water? Well, duck. So if we want to find out if a woman is a witch, we have to weigh her and see if she weighs as much as a duck. If so, that means she's a witch.

Monty Python's Philosophy on Witches
"What's on fire besides a witch?"
"Other witches!"

The essence of the sport of burning witches
Burning witches - the favorite sport of the Catholic and Protestant world. Its beginnings date back to the 12th century, i.e. the Middle Ages. The sport gained its greatest popularity in the Renaissance.

1 Game rules
1.1 Characteristics of a witch
1.2 Scoring
2 League structure
3 Best representations
4 See also
Game rules
The game is about finding, judging and finally burning the witch. Depending on the mod, the following can participate in the game:

Low budget version:
villagers and a witch.
Elite version:
The brigade of the Holy Inquisition and a witch, possibly a heretic.
The game starts with finding the witch; first, the team's goal is to find one, and then using the prescribed tools (torches, pitchforks, rusty rakes, rails) to force it to surrender to the team.

The witch who did not manage to escape from the participants in the game was subjected to the stone test by them. It consisted in tying a rope to the witch with a stone, after which the stone with the rope and the witch were thrown into the water. If the witch broke free and floated, it means the second turn of the game, i.e.:
Searching for certain characteristics in a suspect. The more such attributes a witch had, the more points the team scored for burning her. And if that witch didn't come out, it meant the so-called "burnt", that is, this witch was not a witch... and you had to look for another witch to play with.

Burning witches. In the background you can see the scores for style
Characteristics of a witch
Female (meaning female).
Usually not so pretty.
Goth-style black clothing (the more black, the more points).
Messy black hair.
Carrot nose.
Broom or mop, possibly a vacuum cleaner.
Black cat. There may be other colors, but black is the highest score. The number of points is multiplied by the number of cats owned by the witch.
Bats. The more bats around the hut, the more points.
He lives in a remote area in a bizarre wooden cabin (burning down the cabin - 15 extra points).
She is afraid of holy water (you can use gasoline instead of holy water, threatening to set it on fire. It is important that she is afraid).
It weighs as much as a duck and is made of wood.
He has a wart on his face.
After finding the witch, the team went to the judge who counted the points, and then the type of wood was chosen, how much was to be, and whether it was to be dry or damp. This was important because you could get extra style points when burning a witch.

Then the scores for the witch's value and the burning style were added together; the result was recorded in the overall ranking. At the end of the season, each team's points were tallied, and the team with the most points was awarded the Incorporator's Cup.

The final score depended on many factors and variables, firstly on the number of witches and their witchcraft factor (i.e. the more witch qualities listed above, the better).

Witches were judged on the following score:

Ugliness - the uglier the more points - 1-15 points.
Amount of black in clothing - the blacker the more points - 1-10 points.
Having disheveled black hair:
black and disheveled - +10 points;
black and not disheveled - +7 points;
dark (but not black) and disheveled - +5 points;
dark and not disheveled - +3 points;
bright and disheveled - +1 point;
bright and not disheveled - 0 points.
Possession of a broom, mop, vacuum cleaner - +5 points for one of the items.
Owning a black cat - +10 points (times the number of cats); having a cat (non-black) – +5 points (+2 points for each subsequent one).
Bats living nearby – +1 point for each.
Living in a hut in a remote area - +10 pts. Additional cabin burn after capturing a witch - +15 points.
It is worth mentioning that 5 penalty points were deducted from the final score for each villager above the legal number of 35 (in words: eighty-four) villagers in the team.
Points for burn style were awarded by judges sitting near the pyre. They could add from 0 to 40 extra points.

League structure
In every Christian country there were national leagues whose teams played local championships. Once every 4 years, the Great European Championship in Burning Witches (WMEPC) was organized in Rome, where the representations of Catholic countries competed with each other for the Holy Cup of the Championship in Burning Witches. During the championship there were slightly different rules, namely each team had to appoint exactly 25 villagers, and not as in the local version - as many as came. Nevertheless, it soon turned out that players from Protestant countries were perfect in this discipline, whose achievements in the number of burned witches soon surpassed the results from Catholic countries.

The best representations
The best representations were undoubtedly the representation of Germany (including a particularly thriving Catholic representation), Italy, Spain, England, the English colonies in the new world and France. There was a fierce battle between them in each championship. The Polish national team was also not a second league, because it was very successful in this sport, although it never won the holy cup.

The most famous teams were FC Salem, AC Inkwiziciona, Witchburn Rovers, FC Prossneck Hexe, Real Qumar Brujah, AS Incendier Goule, Kingom Arsburn London, CKKS Spanish Inquisition and Polish clubs KS Salezjano, Stos Gniezno and KKS Wiedźma.
brucia-nuda-al-rogo-2.jpgIt' s better burning a naked witch! So...

These witches definitely got a lot of style points.
In the Middle Ages, the sin of being a lesbian was punished by burning at the stake.
But even today they must be burned alive.

Laureen has secluded herself in an old abandoned wooden boat, waiting for her partner Josephine.
We wait for the two to strip naked and start making love to each other. Meanwhile we pour gasoline all around the boat.

We start the fire and shout at them: "Laureen and Josephine! You have no way out. You must burn alive!"

The two lesbians, completely naked, try to escape, but by now the flames surround them. To be sure of their deserved end, let's throw a bucket of petrol at each of them!
"Here is your deserved end. Burn, burn alive!"
In his novel “Unconquered” Neil H. Swanson descries the torture of a young English girl by American Indians. Abigail (Abby) Hale is tied naked to a torture stake in the center of the village. She will be the cynosure of the entertainment for the night. An old women approaches the terrified nude. She holds up a large gourd shaped like a woman’s breast. Even the stem to which it was attached looks like a large nipple. She sticks a pine needle in the center of it. The needle has been coated with pitch so that it will burn easily. She continues to stick needles into the gourd until it looks like a pin cushion. Then she stoops down and takes a burning stick from the fire and brings it to the pine needles. The needles burst into fame and burn down into the gourd.

All the Indians laugh uproariously. Abby is confused. She doesn’t understand what this means. She will soon find out. Her tormentors plan to drive pitch-soaked pine needles into her, all over her body, breasts, genitals, buttocks, belly, even the soles of her bare feet. Once she’s like a pin cushion, they will set the needles alight and Abby will become a living torch, screaming frantically into the night.


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The adulterer must be burned alive. Like in the Middle Ages, we must tie her at a pole, put dry wood under her feets and declaim her sin!

"Here's the fire. Burn alive, bitch!"

The flames will have reason of her body in few minutes.

Sarah knowes well her sins: she's an adulterer, she's a witch! Well, she decides it's well for her burning alive.

She pours on her some flammable liquid and light up herself with the lighter.
"And now I'll let the flames catching all my body! I know it: this is my deserved end!"
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