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Burned at the stake

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The flame has flared up enough. It's time to start burning woman. The executioners know their business. They don't throw it into the fire completely . They simply lower it so that the flames come into contact with the female body in front. It is very important for them that a woman burns out slowly and suffers more. They want him to woman burned, not suffocated by smoke. They don't want a quick death.
So the process began. The woman is being burned. They will burn it, but not quickly.


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When Quoom shows it in such detail, then personally I have only pity for this woman. Poor little skinny woman. They cut her body, cut off her nipples, pulled out her tongue, and thrust a red-hot rod into her vagina. And now here's the scary ending. Maybe this is what the author wanted?
Why couldn't she just be fucked out and let go.
Płomień rozbłysnął wystarczająco. Czas zacząć palić kobieto. Kaci znają się na swoim fachu. Nie wrzucają go całkowicie do ognia. Po prostu opuszczają go tak, aby płomienie zetknęły się z kobiecym ciałem z przodu. Bardzo ważne jest dla nich, aby kobieta wypalała się powoli i bardziej cierpiała. Chcą, żeby kobieta się spaliła, a nie udusiła dymem. Nie chcą szybkiej śmierci.
Więc proces się rozpoczął. Kobieta jest spalona. Spalą go, ale nie szybko.
It is immediately obvious that she is destined for hell. It shows in her demented face.
Crazy face. Undoubtedly. The author is a great master. He managed to show the horror in her eyes. Will go to hell. Maybe yes, maybe not. God works in mysterious ways. She's already been through hell. Here on earth.
Maybe he'll give her hell. It will turn it into purgatory for her as a naked slave, 100 years in the mines, or 80 years in the galleys, or 120 years in the cotton plantations.
Compared to what her people arranged, this would not be a punishment, but a reward.
And considering that in those days the average was 40 years old, this would not be so bad.
Overseen by angels with whips. Punished for the smallest offenses. She would only get stale bread and water once a day. 16 hours a day of rock-cutting, galley rowing, or cotton-picking.
Perhaps this is the scariest series about burning. Taken from comics.8muses.com
If @Aluafaen et Rimmon Ra drew the burning of women beautifully, then it is shown very creepy. In every detail. From the beginning to the end. What preceded the burning, in my opinion, it makes no sense to spread. I don’t understand why she had to be so tortured if she was going to be burned alive anyway.
I will post according to the rules.
First up: best story from Quoom.

Historically: Often torture before the execution was part of the sentence. A common practice in southern parts of Germany during the 17th century. Although doubtful they inserted a glowing rod into the vagina. Most common was the pinching with glowing hot pliers. The breasts were main targets. If the sentence stated more than two times pinching (one book states up to 17 times) then the executioner targeted arms, thighs and torso as well.

At times a simple pinching would do, sometimes whole pieces of flesh were torn out of the breasts.
I like the idea of an un marked victim being burned as it does not detract from the burning. Thats why I did my last burning scene with a woman with no marks or injuries. That way people could see the effects of the fire on her more clearly.

Witnessing a pretty and unmarked witch‘s body being prepared for the execution must have been a rare event. Most victims needed some “convincing” to confess. Doubtful that any mentally healthy person voluntarily confessed just to get burned.
Although, sadly, there were incidents where children fantasised proudly and loudly of being a witch and confessed openly to the accusations in the consequent witch trials. Often with dire consequences.
Historically, this has been the case. There is no doubt about this. But from such torture, the victim could die before the burning began. If they pulled out whole pieces of meat. And, perhaps, after such torture, they burned the corpse of a woman. I wonder what the local ruler did with the executioners then?
Historically, this has been the case. There is no doubt about this. But from such torture, the victim could die before the burning began. If they pulled out whole pieces of meat. And, perhaps, after such torture, they burned the corpse of a woman. I wonder what the local ruler did with the executioners then?
Human body can be strong. This sounds very cruel, but doubtful the victims died within the ‘short’ time frame of a day’s long execution merely by having pieces of flesh torn out. Especially if it were ‘just’ pieces of ‘fatty’ tissue.
Even off the burning topic, there’s following eyewitness report of the execution of Damiens in Paris 1757:
Then the executioner, his sleeves rolled up, took the steel pincers, which had been especially made for the occasion, and which were about a foot and a half long, and pulled first at the calf of the right leg, then at the thigh, and from there at the two fleshy parts of the right arm; then at the breasts. Though a strong, sturdy fellow, this executioner found it so difficult to tear away the pieces of flesh that he set about the same spot two or three times, twisting the pincers as he did so, and what he took away formed at each part a wound about the size of a six-pound crown piece.”

What fascinates me most with witch burnings is that the victims were innocent.
Just being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Or a jealous neighbor trying to get rid of the pretty competition next door.
Once being accused of witchcraft there was hardly any escape. Death was inevitable. Especially if being burned alive: Innocent of the crimes accused of and still being cruelly executed to the pleasure of the audience.
Quooms artwork is truly remarkable: Hell, I understand her facial expression of horror, fear and pain as the burning begins.

What fascinates me most with witch burnings is that the victims were innocent.
Just being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Or a jealous neighbor trying to get rid of the pretty competition next door.
Once being accused of witchcraft there was hardly any escape. Death was inevitable. Especially if being burned alive: Innocent of the crimes accused of and still being cruelly executed to the pleasure of the audience.
Quooms artwork is truly remarkable: Hell, I understand her facial expression of horror, fear and pain as the burning begins.
Absolutely agree. This story is one of Quoom’s best, and not just because it is one of the few that he finished.
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