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“No, m’Lady. It seems Ms Emily came along and swooped our Barbara off to the cellar chambers for a hair styling session … where they were soon joined by Darkprincess, @messaline and Judith … all of whom had somehow come under the influence of Joan Tree’s horny potion ..: I suspect the Riesling they’d opened had been spiked with the same … and … well … what can I say … you have to see what’s going on down there to believe it!”
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No, m’Lord, I was referring to the government in Westminster. There’s an official from the Department for Culture, Media and Sport’s ‘Office of Entertainment and Licensing’ waiting to see you in the Library … a Ms Prudely …rather a dour tempered sort … and quite appropriately named, if I may say so. She’s told me that she’s come to express official concerns over the content of our proposed event. I noticed that she’s come armed with advance copies of some of Fossy’s promotional material.
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“I’m afraid she’s made the acquaintance of Mr @Jollyrei , who just happened to wander into the library. It seems Ms Prudely promptly fainted and is presently lying sprawled out on the library floor. Should I ring for Mrs Briggs to bring up some smelling salts and a cup of warm tea?”
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