The real medallion...Oh Barb, I fear, that is not historical correct.
Maybe this model for DIMIOS déntro:
Like this is the first time for that, Barb?Cashing in on a good thing?
It is said the Sultan often went to that apartment, and much to the consternation of everyone at the palace, would not be seen again for days
Nice to see that the Captain and the guards got a bit of their own medicine there.When the Captain protested that he and his men were in fact carrying out the Sultan's orders and reminded him that these were the very women who had assaulted him in the harem with a bronze shield, and hit him over the head with it, he denied any memory of the incident or of ordering their execution.
The Captain of the Guard and his lieutenants were promptly beheaded.
Now that comment comes from way south of Kent!Super lekker!!!!!