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Crime and Punishment in Modern Singapore

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As Barb answered, Rogers typed it in the laptop. He hit enter and said, “We’ll have your clothes in a minute. It is all automated with custom fitting. The matron-in-charge, Miss Yew, says ‘incarceration is punishment enough without humiliating a woman with badly designed and badly fitting clothes.’”

How fucking civilized of the matron-in-charge .... geeeeez :mad:

“You are, of course, free to file a complaint later, but for now, you have no choice, Miss Moore. Do you wish me to have the matrons strap you down,” Rogers said, nodding toward the anteroom. Barbara looked and saw, for the first time, an examining table with heavy leather cuffs at the corners.

Hmmmmm .... a choice between my natural proclivity to complain and heavy leather cuffs .... hmmmmmmm :rolleyes:

I can see where this is going .... great episode! :popcorn:
Even not a few strokes on the bare bottom?:(
Singapore, now you disappoint me!
Being in Singapore and not to receive a painfull souvenir on bottom? It's like being in Egypt and not seeing Cheops pyramid.
Ohhhh... it’s a Strap-Search :p
Go for it Barb, we’re all right behind you!:devil:
I'm confused.:confused: It seems as if all the readers here, Barb's friends, are hoping she gets in trouble. Perhaps this is a reaction to a clearly excessive standard for giving out demerits? I'm sure they all mean it in fun, and would never want poor, sweet, innocent Moore to actually received any punishment!
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I'm confused.:confused: It seems like all the readers here, Barb's friends, are hoping she gets in trouble. Perhaps this is a reaction to a clearly excessive standard for giving out demerits? I'm sure they all mean it in fun, and would never want poor, sweet, innocent Moore to actually received any punishment!
Whats that?! Do you want us others to look bad or selfish? We men have to stick together!
Its only that we know how much Barb loves it to be the DiD. We are only helping out in her fantasy. It is self-evident that we all abhor all kind of abuses of poor (?), sweet (!), innocent (wtf?) Miss Moore!
Apropos of the earlier discussion of segment length, I do apologize for a very long entry today (especially to most of you who move your lips while reading!). However, it did not seem right to break in the middle of the action.

Central Station, Jail Intake Processing: 7:10 PM SST

“OK,” responded Barb with defiance in her voice. “But only under STRONG protest.”

“Then please stand and remove all your clothes, including underwear and shoes and hand them to the matron. She will bag them for safekeeping and they will be returned to you when you are ready to leave the custody of the Singapore Police Force.”

Barb stood and began to unbutton her blouse. From the various police and jail shows, she expected the officials around her to leer and make rude remarks. She was ready to respond with her usual feistiness. However, they acted as if they were just doing their jobs and said nothing. When she handed her bra and panties to the matron and stood naked, Innusha said, “Please step into the next room and stand with your legs apart and your hands on the back of your head.”

“This is outrageous!” Barbara protested. It is demeaning and sexist and probably illegal! I will have the Embassy file a formal complaint with the highest levels of your government!”

“Do as I say, please, Miss Moore. We don’t want to use force unless absolutely necessary.”

“But it’s not fair!” whined Barb, turning slowly to the anteroom.

“It is all recorded digitally and archived,” replied Rogers, pointing to cameras on the wall. “We are following all rules and procedures precisely.”

Barb was shocked to realize that her entire humiliation was recorded in video. Who would see it? But with the threat of physical restraint, she reluctantly assumed the position.

“Matron Chang, please conduct a complete search.”

One of the two matrons stepped up and snapped on latex examining gloves while Rogers and the other matron observed.

Chang proceeded to examine every inch of Moore’s body including lightly kneading her breasts and buttocks. Barb kept up a constant stream of complaints that morphed slowly into insults. Eventually she was implying that the matron was a lesbian and was stroking Barb’s fabulous (Barbara’s word – though the author doesn’t disagree) body for her own perverted thrill. However, though it was uncomfortable and embarrassing, in reality, it was in no way sexual or unreasonably abusive.

“Nothing unusual, Miss Rogers.”

“Of course! What did you expect to find, you dyke!” The moment the word escaped her mouth, Barb knew she’d made a mistake. But it was too late to take it back. The matron looked at her with a mix of contempt and pity, but said nothing.

“Thank you, matron. Proceed with a full cavity search.”

“Open your mouth, please,” the matron asked Barb. She hesitated and barely opened.

“As wide as you can, Miss Moore, we have dental spreaders we can use, though you may find that very uncomfortable.” instructed Innusha. Barb did so.

The matron inserted a gloved index finger and ran it fully around Barb’s oral cavity. Over the inside and outside of both top and bottom gums and teeth as well as probing under her tongue. At one point, Barb gagged lightly and the matron immediately pulled out and apologized. After what seemed forever to Barb, the women reported, “Mouth is clear.”

“Of course!” sneered Barb.

“Miss Moore, if you would please turn away from us, please place your knees in those stirrups and your trunk and arms flat on the table.”

Barb looked around and considered the position she had been directed to assume. She turned back to Rogers. “No way! You cannot be serious. I’ll have you all fired for this. It is…is…degrading!”

“Do we have to strap you down, Miss Moore?” The two stared at each other for a moment and then Barb, with a ‘harump” of protest turned around as instructed and climbed on the stirrups and bent over. This is just the reverse of my last Gyno exam, she thought, trying to contain her anger and humiliation. But she knew the stirrups were very wide and bent as she was, her pussy and ass were elevated and exposed and wide open to the women behind her.

Unseen by Barb, the matron dipped the gloved fingers of her right hand in a jar of disinfectant lubricant. With her left, she spread Barb’s outer lips to facilitate entry. Gently she slipped one finger into the outer vagina.

“Fuck You!” blurted Barb. “This is so wrong!”

Ignoring the outburst, the matron, who clearly was very experienced at this, slowly slipped a second and then a third finger in and moved them deeper.

“Owwww,” moaned Barb. “I protest!”

Without a pause, the matron began probing around the cunt, and thrusting deeper. While Barb continued to complain, it did occur to her that this was actually gentler than her last internal exam. (That doctor was a prick, she thought. I need to file a complaint with the University Medical Board).

Just then the matron contacted Barb’s g-spot and she felt her pussy immediately moisten and a moan of pleasure “Ahhhh” escaped her lips..

The fingers finally encountered the cervix and drew a deeper moan from the prisoner. Withdrawing, Chang reported, “No contraband detected.”

Barb began to raise her upper body to get off the table, but Rogers halted her.

“Remain in position, Miss Moore. The is still one “inner sanctum” where you may be hiding something.”

“NO! You are kidding! That cannot be permitted! Never! I would never hide something…a…a…there! I PROTEST!”

“Matron please search the prisoner’s anal cavity.”

Even as Barb continued to object, she felt fingers spreading her cheeks and a well-lubricated digit probing as her anus. She clamped down to deny entry.

“It is your choice, Miss Moore," said Chang. “I will get my fingers in there. It you make it harder it will hurt a whole lot more.”

Unleashing a stream of her most inventive curses, Barb, nevertheless relaxed her asshole to avoid more pain.

The matron again gently inserted one, two and then three fingers and gradually forced them deeper and deeper until they fully imbedded. A careful but not excessive probing search followed as Barb made truly disgusting comments about the matron and her perversions.

“No contraband detected,” she announced.

You may get down now, Miss Moore,” said Rogers, “and come back to the office. You prison clothes have been delivered.”
“But it’s not fair!” whined Barb

Whining is one of my special talents ;)

Barb was shocked to realize that her entire humiliation was recorded in video. Who would see it?

Probably all those perverts on the CF site ... :rolleyes:

“Of course! What did you expect to find, you dyke!” The moment the word escaped her mouth, Barb knew she’d made a mistake. But it was too late to take it back.

Bad timing is another of my special talents ;)

The matron again gently inserted one, two and then three fingers and gradually forced them deeper and deeper until they fully imbedded. A careful but not excessive probing search followed as Barb made truly disgusting comments about the matron and her perversions.

Well deserved comments, I might add ... :mad:

Thoroughly humiliating episode, PrPr .... I suppose I can only expect Moore to come? :confused::facepalm:
Underneath was a small space filled with a half dozen brightly-colored tablets with various symbols.
I’m not totally convinced of your veracity, Miss Moore,” interjected Innusha as Barb’s frantic denials stretched on. “But I think I will give you the benefit of the doubt and not enter a charge for this.”
Barb can be lucky that they didn´t sift trough her suitcase with the 3 packs of chewing gum. Possession of more than 24 gums is a crime in Singapure.
Don’t get me wrong, I am loving the story.. but really! The Singaporean police need a refresher course on how to do a cavity search!

Rule 1. it should be done in public..
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They do seem a little over-polite and considerate. I wonder though, is it possible to push them too far?:nono::teeth::BangHead::cursing2::mad::smiley_1140:
Fake news! Where does it say that? Fine print somewhere?:rolleyes:
Since 2017 the sale of chewing gum is only allowed in apothecary and only dental care gum. Other gums are only allowed for one own personal use. They accept 3 gums per hour for 12 hours. Thats a max of 24. If you have more they allege dealing. It may be written in fine print :)
You should read
It´s hilarious.
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