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Crucified males

Go to CruxDreams.com
Hi, kommst du aus Deutschland? Ich würde dich gern kreuzigen.
Would like to crucify you and nail your dick on the cross
where do you com from?
Goodentag - Not from Munich Sorry. Woud I like my Cock nailed to the cross - NIEN.

Not homosexual but would like to roast and eat you scrotum(we call them sweetbread)


Latin Royalty
I thought I'd take a turn here with an illustrated short story; it is about the execution methods savage Indians used upon young captives of the Pony Express. Crucifixion is briefly considered for beautiful Kit, but is not the ultimate outcome. Enjoy.


  • Injuns on the hunt.pdf
    516.3 KB · Views: 233
An assortment of male crux

tumblr_mqn7vcFRd41rnz8rho1_500.jpg tumblr_n5lx6mX2a91sj8mzdo3_1280.jpg tumblr_n4znateuWB1sj8mzdo1_400.jpg tumblr_n7ipf7UDtk1sj8mzdo1_1280.jpg 31-7-13_0001 x.jpg Manolo Gallardo 20080130125759.000000.jpg 20140817161558.000000.jpg MarcSijan.jpg 3d_bdsm_tumb-6319.jpg homoeros_2016_captive_006.jpg
My newest sketch... As one of the examples in the "assortment" post was one of my drawings, I decided to post this new drawing here on occasion of becoming a member on this site... thank you for letting me join.

Great to see a master of male crux art posting here! Welcome Sherwin.
I have a couple of manips I've been playing with inspired by one of your pics, one of my favourites. I love this scenario, crux as a non lethal modern punishment.
I'll post them some day when I'm happy with them :)

where from no 4?

Sorry Balti, I found it online but I don't know where it came from, some obscure film?
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