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I like especially the #2. Thank you.More...
a lovely little collection - strange, cruel fantasies -
perhaps a pair of little hooks would let her hang her tablet on her nipples,
already conveniently chained?
#4 of the two Sikh? soldiers is particularly good artwork but it's not by Otaku it's by Sashaotaku.Non-erotic pictures by Otaku
but it's not by Otaku it's by Sashaotaku.
#4 of the two Sikh?
Non-erotic pictures by Otaku
It's the same artist.
Otaku, Sasha Otaku, Blood Otaku...
Signed : "Indian infantry".
Can be Sikhs, sepoys and other Indian troops. I don't know the subject very well.
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The one on the left also has kirpan (dagger) and kacche (shorts),Sikhs, you can tell by the turbans, it is a religious requirement as Sikhs do not cut their hair...that they functioned as effective helmets for centuries was just a happy accident.
Awesomely well drawn though.
This is really beautiful.and from this site :
New pictures from Otaku's blog