Long time no post... I know... I have been very busy completing the series you are seeing here, more than 280 pictures in total...
So here you go for the next update. This is the last update before this entire series will be made available. I still ahve a lot of text to write and edit, and a few touch ups to do in pstwork on the pics. But I'll be sure to let you know when the entire set of 280+ pictures will be available.
Here goes the story
“Right!” Said the executioner. “I’m going to start hammering it in now… Any last words before your actual execution starts, Stephani?”
The crowd were hushed, expectant. Stephani wriggled on the rough wood, feeling the anticipation tight in all her muscles, from her legs – the right one stretched taut, the left nervously flexed – up to her arms, the left gripping at the crossbar, the right held rigid under the nail... she turned her head, looked at the nail resting on her wrist, then up into her Executioner’s eyes.
“Um, sir… will it… will it take long to hammer it in all the way?”
Although Stephani wanted to cooperate as best she could, she just knew she wasn’t going to be able to take the pain of being nailed to a cross for very long, if she could take it at all, that was…
So despite the fact she was craving to suffer beyond belief right now, she was also hoping the nail would go in quite deep fairly quick, especially on the first blow… when she would inevitably pull her wrist back in an involuntary reflex to escape the pain, she hoped the nail would already be in so deep that it wouldn’t make a difference… that it wouldn’t tear her wrist, wouldn’t annoy the Executioner ... that she wouldn’t mess up her own voluntary execution…
The Executioner just kept on laughing…
“My dear Stephani!” he jeered. “Death by crucifixion is meant to be agonizing beyond imagination! So I’ll be hammering this little hound-dog into you as slowly as I possibly can… to cause you maximum pain and distress! You know very well, my girl… it has to be brutal and merciless!”
Stephani nodded. “I know sir…” she whispered… “It’s just… I don’t want to ruin this once you start… Since no one is holding me down… I’m worried I won’t be able to hold still…”
The Executioner grinned confidently at Stephani. “Hahahaha! Oh, you can be sure of that! You absolutely won’t be able to hold still! But don’t worry about that… as I’ve said before, you’re not the first girl I’ve nailed to a cross. Even though the nail won’t fix your wrist to the beam on the first blow, not even the first few, I’ll keep a firm grip on it. I’ll be pushing it down, even between the blows. You can pull, jerk and squirm all you want, but I guarantee, your wrist won’t move a single inch.”
He paused, her eyes were wide with excitement and terror. Just as a girl-victim should be, he was thinking to himself ...
“Leave all the nailing business to me, sweet Stephani, all you have to do is suffer, suffer harder and then suffer harder still - hahahaha!!”
Stephani sighed, a sigh both of relief and arousal. Her hips wiggled slightly, her thighs quivered. She trusted her Executioner, she felt a rush of joy to learn she couldn’t ruin her own crucifixion. Knowing her execution was imminent now, she realized how bizarre all of this was… She could have been at home now… or going out with friends… but she wasn’t… of her own volition she has come here… not to watch an execution, but to be executed herself! In public, in front of anyone and everyone who wanted to come and see, she had agreed to be crucified. She had taken off her clothes, and now here she was, lying on her cross naked, waiting submissively for her executioner to land the first blow on that first nail. She moaned softly in anticipation of the agony she had been dreaming of for so long, her breasts lifted and fell on her panting chest, she could hear her heart pounding ...
“Shall we start then?” the Executioner asked.
“Oh… please do…” Stephani gasped in reply, “Please… I’m ready for my ordeal…”
the Executioner raised his hammer for the first blow. She couldn’t keep her eyes off the nail. “Will I still like it as much once the pain actually starts?” Stephani was thinking to herself as the hammer swung down. She knew she wanted to suffer, but it was only now she actually realized she had no clue as to how painful this was really going to be …