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Crucifixion Fotography by Briccone

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The tribunal has decided, 488 shall be executed.
For the doubters and squeamish contemporaries who feel sorry for the lice-ridden, stinking, half naked and castrated convict, let us once again recall 488's nefarious past:
As bare-chested space pirates, she had struck fear into the Outer Rim. At that time, 488 had still been called Taarna. Wild nights of lesbian drug-fueled love with her playmate and commander - Captain Black Widow Jane - had alternated with bloodthirsty pirate raids on defenseless planetary settlements or freighters.
The entire crew consisted of 8 women and 3 men, of whom none was alive anymore except Jane and Taarna. The two pirates meanwhile stewed as half-naked convict slaves on Purgatory and slowly perished there for months. Whereby Taarna's end would now come a little faster but all the more painfully.
Let's look back a few months to Taarna's time as a pirate and we will find 1000 reasons why this woman has to be maltreated and nailed to the cross:
Her appearance alone: Taarna and Jane were notorious for appearing bare-breasted and always in boots at every raid. They relied fully on their deflector shields and never wore body armor. For this impertinence alone they should have been nailed to the cross. And then still these boots ! One of the guards had already suggested to crucify 488 in her boots under jeering applause.
In general, this horrible Taarna person: birdbrain, too many muscles, stubborn and obstinate, always in combat boots and with a huge laser cannon. But it took fortunately a bad end with her.
Here are some pictures to remind you who 488 had been before her capture.


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Two sweaty, dirty convicts, unwashed for months. No. 488 and No. 686. Neither of them has a name anymore. Once navigator and landing craft pilot of a notorious space pirate crew, captured 2 years ago and sentenced to lifelong hard labor on the notorious convict planet Purgatory.
After a prisoner uprising, an example is now to be made: One of the two graces is to be crucified.
There now stand the two gallows birds - half-naked, barefoot, unwashed, sweaty.
Which of the two is to be crucified?
488 or 686?
BOTH of them,I'm not fussy !! ;)
Two sweaty, dirty convicts, unwashed for months. No. 488 and No. 686. Neither of them has a name anymore. Once navigator and landing craft pilot of a notorious space pirate crew, captured 2 years ago and sentenced to lifelong hard labor on the notorious convict planet Purgatory.
After a prisoner uprising, an example is now to be made: One of the two graces is to be crucified.
There now stand the two gallows birds - half-naked, barefoot, unwashed, sweaty.
Which of the two is to be crucified?
488 or 686?
How could you get idea to hang her labia ? :O
Well - the torturers had made fun of Taarna's appearance: she would be too short, too short legs, tits too small, would have a rat face and too many muscles for a woman. In general, she just looked like shit.
To brighten her up a bit, she had some jewelry poked through her nose, nipples and labia in the torturechamber.
Especially when the shark hook was driven through Taarna's labia, she had screamed until she fainted.
Taarna hated her torturers, she hated her jewelry and she imagined what she would do to the guys if she managed to escape.


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Well - the torturers had made fun of Taarna's appearance: she would be too short, too short legs, tits too small, would have a rat face and too many muscles for a woman. In general, she just looked like shit.
To brighten her up a bit, she had some jewelry poked through her nose, nipples and labia in the torturechamber.
Especially when the shark hook was driven through Taarna's labia, she had screamed until she fainted.
Taarna hated her torturers, she hated her jewelry and she imagined what she would do to the guys if she managed to escape.
Her face said well of the cruel torture :(
Lunatic babble of an imbecile or legitimate accusal of abuse and inhumane torture and execution methods?

This convict here has claimed to be innocent since the beginning of his incarceration. So do most of the criminals, terrorists or dissidents in this institution. But in fact, the Revolutionary Council has concluded that the convict has committed the most serious crimes against the law and order and against the community. The sentence of the maximum penalty is therefore justified.
After meanwhile 57 hours in the death row, the limbs begin to die off under hellish cramps and a slow suffocation process begins, which apparently now leads to a dwindling mental capacity and increasing imbecility in convict F-186-RZ (formerly the convict had possessed a name : Taarna).
Instead of economizing with his remaining lung capacity, this chess-minded hag now babbles nonsense to herself over and over again and allows herself to doubt and accuse the omniscience of the Revolutionary Council of the New Order and its regulatory forces.
Who believes this Taarna who she is. She should be tortured and then crucified - if she were not already. It is only to be hoped that soon she will run out of steam for her drivel, but so far she has shown extraordinary tenacity.
What is your opinion?



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Lunatic babble of an imbecile or legitimate accusal of abuse and inhumane torture and execution methods?

This convict here has claimed to be innocent since the beginning of his incarceration. So do most of the criminals, terrorists or dissidents in this institution. But in fact, the Revolutionary Council has concluded that the convict has committed the most serious crimes against the law and order and against the community. The sentence of the maximum penalty is therefore justified.
After meanwhile 57 hours in the death row, the limbs begin to die off under hellish cramps and a slow suffocation process begins, which apparently now leads to a dwindling mental capacity and increasing imbecility in convict F-186-RZ (formerly the convict had possessed a name : Taarna).
Instead of economizing with his remaining lung capacity, this chess-minded hag now babbles nonsense to herself over and over again and allows herself to doubt and accuse the omniscience of the Revolutionary Council of the New Order and its regulatory forces.
Who believes this Taarna who she is. She should be tortured and then crucified - if she were not already. It is only to be hoped that soon she will run out of steam for her drivel, but so far she has shown extraordinary tenacity.
What is your opinion?

No please no crucify the other skank
Her name is Lina; another really fantastic model and a very nice person. I like her very much but she is living far away from me. So it is difficult to come together for a shooting. Probably I will be shooting her again in spring
@Briccone Danke !!
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