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I say
Because the loincloth is beautiful, contrasting with his naked flesh, and marks him as a slave. Nudity is very common in the modern world, the slave loincloth is a rarity and, like fine art, is to be admired
I say rip it off him and donate it to a museum!
Because the loincloth is beautiful, contrasting with his naked flesh, and marks him as a slave. Nudity is very common in the modern world, the slave loincloth is a rarity and, like fine art, is to be admired.
Because the loincloth is beautiful, contrasting with his naked flesh, and marks him as a slave. Nudity is very common in the modern world, the slave loincloth is a rarity and, like fine art, is to be admired.
It depends, it sometimes still today used to shock people, while the iconography of the cultural dominating Catholic Church makes a crucifixion with loincloth a rather standard even sometimes primitive piece of art. We also know that one famous crucified was mocked with his "kingly" robe and we know that Romans can be shocked by nudity, considering the nude Celtic warriors. Anyway, we all admire the beautiful pics of Rufus and we are motivated to do better ones ourselves, which will be not possible, the way we like them. In a sense, you know, Rufus would be shocking us, when he now would be exposed .....
"Hey Mark, where is the last prisoner?"
"Here is your man"

This is my favorite part of this movie. I place my self in the place of the prisoner. Stripped of my clothes, scouraged, tied to the cross beam, in the hallway of a dark prison, just waiting for the Centurion and his four soldiers to lead me to my destiny.

Time comes, and the man who scourged me, pulls the wooden beam attached to me and pushes me towards the execution squad who will lead me throught the city to the execution place.

The place where I will be crucified.

"Hey Mark, where is the last prisoner?"
"Here is your man"

This is my favorite part of this movie. I place my self in the place of the prisoner. Stripped of my clothes, scouraged, tied to the cross beam, in the hallway of a dark prison, just waiting for the Centurion and his four soldiers to lead me to my destiny.

Time comes, and the man who scourged me, pulls the wooden beam attached to me and pushes me towards the execution squad who will lead me throught the city to the execution place.

The place where I will be crucified.

At this point, it's really happening.
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