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One of the many criticisms leveled at "The Passion of the Christ", is the severity of the flogging. As can be seen in these images, if Jesus had been flogged that heavily, he would never have made it to Golgotha.

Mel Gibson seems to have a fascination with making his heroes suffer horribly.
One of the many criticisms leveled at "The Passion of the Christ", is the severity of the flogging. As can be seen in these images, if Jesus had been flogged that heavily, he would never have made it to Golgotha.

Mel Gibson seems to have a fascination with making his heroes suffer horribly.


Yes, it's true, Mel Gibson was heavily criticized for the scenes of violence, and also for his well-known anti-Semitism.

One of the many criticisms leveled at "The Passion of the Christ", is the severity of the flogging. As can be seen in these images, if Jesus had been flogged that heavily, he would never have made it to Golgotha.

Mel Gibson seems to have a fascination with making his heroes suffer horribly.
The film script is based, near as I can tell, on the version of the crucifixion story that apparently came to a Roman Catholic nun in a dream or vision. I think it even included the flashbacks of Jesus laughing with his mother, etc. As such, it has a very "Catholic" histrionic and melodramatic sensibility which emphasizes the enormity of the suffering of Christ to atone for all the heinous sins of humanity (especially nuns who might possibly have had an impure thought or two on the way to Compline). I recall that the Nun's vision version was very explicit about the flogging as well.

The Nun's account can be found here: http://www.jesus-passion.com/DOLOROUS_PASSION_OF_OUR_LORD_JESUS_CHRIST.htm
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The Crucifixion Of Christ Reproduced In A Studio. By Positioning Behind The Cameras, Ernst Haas Manages To Show The Greatness Of The Superproductions.

Movie: The Greatest Story Ever Told (1965) Directors: George Stevens, David Lean (uncredited) Actor: Max Von Sydow (Jesus) Photographer: Ernst Haas


A few more shots from the shoot after they got her ready:


This is so annoyingly common that I do not feel pity for her when she is on the cross!;)
'just a couple of secs, let me read this text...
then I'll get naked and ready for my cross!'

Does kind of look like she's texting, but my understanding was that she was keeping the time for the model who was up on the cross. I believe Makar had a strict time limit that he wouldn't let them exceed, although there was at least one model who he said didn't want to come down when her time was up - not finished, I guess! Anyway, in this pic I think the girl is letting them know that the model on the cross only has two minutes left to go.
This is the model who Makar said didn't want to come down when it was time, and she does look like she's very much into the experience. See attached pics. The name she used was Inga.


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from femaleschrist.org :) unfortynately it's in french propably..
If you like to read of actresses thoroughly enjoying their roles
being whipped and tortured (yes, really) in Jac Avila's Red Feline films,
don't miss 'News from Margot' http://www.cruxforums.com/xf/threads/news-from-margot.4343/post-455004
Thanks alot. Jac with his art is always outstanding, the torture and the movies format. But personaly, cruxdreams and the others(ramon martinez with his POAG, femalechrist)still be the best when we talking about women crucifixion, they can make it simple and they made it to bring us a view about what really roman empire did to criminals( especialy women)
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