All of them are excellent, as usual. You are a master of expression.
For realism's sake I think unshaven is the way to go. I used to not like unshaven armpits, but have acquired a taste for it, particularly if it doesn't look like a forest. The first time I found an unshaven armpit attractive I was 17 (eons ago). We were in Paris (the only time I have been) taking a tour of Notre Dame, the tour guide was a beautiful red head, I did not notice the hair on her armpits until she raised her arm to point at something (she had a sleeveless dress on). At first I was taken aback, but after a while I said hmmmm, maybe this is not so bad after all. Then I went back to my hairless armpit thing until recently. The same thing with bush, I do not really go for the totally hairless pubic area. It reminds me too much of little girls and my crucified females should all be grownup women.Jucundus, another thing, there is a susbset of crux pervs who get off on unshaven armpits, who even as I type are getting off on these.
Judging by the number of likes, you are feeding this crowd very well indeed. These are excellent! The body positions, muscle tension, and facial expressions seem totally real. Would you consider a a multiple crux image? Two or three cruxed? Maybe add a crucified guy too. I love the drama of men and women crucified together.I'll use this thread as a place to post my future crux-related images. I don't really do "commissions", but from time to time I am surely open to suggestions. You are welcome to voice them here as a source of inspiration (just don't expect me to follow up on all of them at once, I need to feed all of my many fetishes...)
Let me start with these two. I tried to make them according to preferences expressed by @mp5stab: Hair, nails & a touch of latina.
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View attachment 861616
Two variants of another crux image. I cannot decide which one I like better. Both look a bit fake, like photomanipulations; I tried hard, but for some reason I was not able to convincingly integrate the background. Artistic limitations...
View attachment 864015
View attachment 864016
The first time I found an unshaven armpit attractive I was 17 (eons ago). We were in Paris (the only time I have been) taking a tour of Notre Dame, the tour guide was a beautiful red head, I did not notice the hair on her armpits until she raised her arm to point at something (she had a sleeveless dress on). At first I was taken aback, but after a while I said hmmmm, maybe this is not so bad after all. Then I went back to my hairless armpit thing until recently. The same thing with bush, I do not really go for the totally hairless pubic area. It reminds me too much of little girls and my crucified females should all be grownup women.
One way to cheat the crowd problem is to use images from Madosi’s stash. There are plenty of images for photo manipulation that will blends right in. No need to render them in 3d if they are going to be blurry in the background. Set them up in the scene as a plane, and keep the dof where you have it.
She looks patheticJudging by the number of likes, you are feeding this crowd very well indeed. These are excellent! The body positions, muscle tension, and facial expressions seem totally real. Would you consider a a multiple crux image? Two or three cruxed? Maybe add a crucified guy too. I love the drama of men and women crucified together.
(You don't show nails driven all the way in. Is this more of a fetish detail? Showing them as you do emphasizes the horrifying size and shape. You wouldn't get that from just seeing the nail head. Driving them all the way in might better secure the condemned to her cross. Just curious.)
Would you consider a a multiple crux image?
Thanks so much for you comments! Often I am not so good with prompt responses, I apologize. I make pictures instead.
Some of your observations are really helpful. @crumera, I had a look at some of your images, and I think the difference is that you actually construct scenes with interacting people, while I just put a crucified girl in the center and surround it with background. And all of you who have observed that the spectators look unconvincing: This is because I was lazy, these figures are not even 3d, just images of rendered people stuck onto a plane (a ready-made product to create crowds). Obviously not quite convincing.
@Apostate, I actually share your fetish on facial expressions, clenched teeth and eyes squeezed shut, fighting against something to big to fight. So we two should get along esthetically in this respect. As for armpits: I love them, both with and without hair (armpit hair is a pain in 3d, always grows out of the triceps brachii instead of the armpit...)
I might eventually, but I am lazy. Actually, I always admire the forum banner on the top of the page. Does anybody (probably everybody but me) know the picture it is based upon?
And finally yet another version of the scene above, modified according to a request by a cruxforum member (sorry again for the fake crowd)
View attachment 864840
I always admire the forum banner on the top of the page. Does anybody (probably everybody but me) know the picture it is based upon?
Great series of images!
View attachment 864854 The image on the forum banner is from an artist named Arcimboldo. See more here.
His images are in the forum. Search his name.