Hi! Thanks to your kind responses, I had the motivation to give you a new picture. Just one, with a short context, not really an illustrated story. Anyway, it would change because this is in another timeline. I know this era is often represented, but no matter, let's hope you'll like that
While the Soviets are closer to Berlin, the Third Reich still tries to resist and believe in its ultimate victory against both USSR and USA. But more and more people, among soldiers and civilians, aren't delusional and know it's just a question of time before the defeat.
Inge was a 24 years-old woman, the perfect Aryan: natural blond hair, blue eyes, she was even a member of Frauenschaft. She lost her husband at Stalingrad but continued to help the Reich and avenge him from the "Reds".
However, she understood that Germany was going to collapse when the Allies landed on Normandy, then in Provence and when Italy joined the Allies. Then, in hope to not suffer a soviet invasion, she decided to give informations the the German resistance.
Until she was discovered and arrested.
In the same time, Gertrud, a young 19 years-old maiden who worked in a restaurant, shared her fears about what would the Americans would do to them: she heared that GIs did rape women as well the Russians did. More the days were going, more she was sure that the war was lost.
The girl she thought to be her best friend, though, was completely blinded by propaganda: she reported her to the SS command post, which sent two soldiers to arrest her.
While the Allies troops were on their way, Gertrud and Inge were put in a truck. They never met before that day, and eventually, became somehow friends in their misfortune. They knew they were going to be killed, but oddly, being done together gave them somewhat courage.
The truck stopped near the gallows where, a bunch of months earlier, three resistants were hanged. It was empty now. Soldiers made the girls to get out and they tied two nooses they put over the main post.
On the order, Gertrud and Inge walked, still afraid. The first one got a plank around the neck: "treason" was written on it. The second one got a plank with "defeatist".
"It was nice to meet you, my friend" Inge said.
When the ropes were ready, the older girl went first. They tide the noose around her neck while she looked at Gertrud with sad but compassionate and friendly eyes. Then, a soldier pulled her abruptly and Inge choked noisily.
She kicked, putting her hands to her crushed throat, her face turned quickly red. For a few seconds, Gertrud watched her struggling, spinning and shaking before her eyes closed, the mouth half opened, and her arms fell along her body.
Then she was frightened to see how hanging was working, and it was her turn. As a good christian, she asked for God to help her in this ordeal and to welcome her in His realm, and for Inge as well - may He forgive their sins.
As submission was the only option, she let the soldiers close the noose and pull her from a feet. She didn't even end her shaking when the soldiers got in the truck and went. The maid died alone, in the spring wind, her tongue almost out and drooling, eyes opened and rolled back.
Just a few hours later the Allies were approaching. A French scout found Gertrud and Inge hanged dead along the road. He reported them to his commander, but the poor girls were left in place until identification.
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