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Dolcett's Fantasy

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Welcome to Dolcett

a message from the mayor

Welcome to Dolcett, Woman-Meat Capital of the World! Our community is proud to be the birthplace of the great woman-eating movement that is now bringing delight to so many men, and true fulfillment to so many ladies, all over the globe!

Visitors are of course most welcome to try the delicacies on offered by internationally renowned chefs in our many award-winning restaurants, diners and drive-thrus – whether you fancy just a crackling fried chick-breast, a big-girlburger, a hearty rolled and stuffed she-rump or roast leg of lady, or the exquisite gourmet delicacy, grilled cunt, our attentive nude waitresses will be honored to serve you!

Girls are roasted daily at shops and restaurants around the town, you can watch one being impaled on the spit, jerking and jolting, even orgasming, as she starts to cook, then, as the afternoon moves on into evening, sample the delicious, dripping, sizzling cuts when the first cuts are offered. The ‘pig’ (as we call her) will probably still be alive to be honored by the sight of you relishing her scrumptious flesh before she passes into oblivion.

And why not pay a visit to our famous Female Butchery Facility, where you can view all the processes involved in converting a tasty young woman into delicious meat. Our Livestock Market is open daily too, where you can watch hundreds of women being paraded naked and auctioned to eager buyers from the world-wide woman-food industry. If you’ve an unwanted daughter, why not bring her along, we’ll take her off your hands and give you bucks in exchange!

Then there’s our Freedom Farms, where girls are raised from birth as livestock for the meat-trade, in strictly organic, female-friendly conditions with utmost attention to woman-welfare, until they come of age to be sold as top-quality meat.

And for outdoor enthusiasts, there’s good rough hunting in the Dolcett Hills, where a sizeable population of feral woman live wild and may be chased and shot on sight with no license required. Or you may prefer to join a hunting party in Eulalia Park, where a herd of rare-breed Scottish Linkies is kept: they’re recognized world-wide as the greatest quarry for the chase, and the supreme taste experience when you’ve caught and cooked them!

Whatever your taste in girl-meat, you’ll love this town, take home some chill-packed treats to share with your friends – or even a whole live girl for a barbecue – and come again soon, tell your friends to come too!

Jim Loco

Mayor of Dolcett
some frequently asked questions

I’ve never eaten woman-meat before, is it safe and healthy?
Yes Sir! All girls and women in Dolcett are subject to regular and frequent inspections by our specialist Department of Female Food Hygiene, their suitability for consumption regularly assessed until the time comes for them to be converted to meat, when a final deep health-probe is conducted. Only females classed A* are selected.

Is woman-meat best hung, butchered alive, or live-roasted?
Women who are to be cut up and sold in joints are normally hung in our Female Butchery, or beheaded if they’re selected to be chill-packed, but breasts and steaks for quick cooking are best cut from live girls, who are kept on display in all our shops and restaurants, bound and ready for carving. But of course the original dish for which Dolcett is most famous is the live-roasted girl on the barbecue spit.

Is there a delivery service?
Yes, Sir! Whether it’s a cooked cunt fillet or a whole live girl, your order can be delivered to your door. A fleet of Dolcett Delivery vans operates a speedy service guaranteed to have your girl-meat at your door within the hour anywhere within 30 miles radius of Dolcett. The same vans also collect women who have been notified, or have volunteered, to report for butchering.

You live further away? We ship chilled, vacuum-packed girl-meat world-wide for guaranteed 24 hour delivery. We can also arrange rendition of live girls, so if you’ve caught a linkie in Eulalia Park, or bought a choice specimen from the Livestock Market or Freedom Farms, just contact our shipping office and we’ll do all the arranging for her transportation wherever in the world you plan on eating her!

Can women volunteer for butchery?
Yes, Sir, Madam or Miss! Many ladies find the idea of being turned into meat incredibly arousing, and of course volunteering to sacrifice herself for the enjoyment of her beloved husband, boyfriend or father is the greatest gift a woman or girl can give. And thirdly, for a Dolcett woman, volunteering at a time of her (or her man’s) own choosing to be butchered or cooked in the way she fancies best can be a lot better than waiting for the Selection Board Notice!

Any female wishing to volunteer can report to the Female Butchery Facility at any time (it is open 24/7), bringing simply her Dolcett Woman’s Health Record or comparable documentation. However, she, or her man, may wish to contact the Facility to discuss arrangements, for example the type of butchery or live cooking preferred, requests for particular cuts or joints from her to be delivered, arrangements for her head to be mounted for display, etc. And the volunteer may wish to take advantage of the free pick-up and transport service to the slaughterhouse.

I'm planning to relocate to Dolcett: are my wife and daughters likely to become meat?
Great news Sir! Dolcett welcomes new residents, it's the fastest-growing community in the State. Yes, all females living in Dolcett have to be registered with the Selection Board, so your wife and girls must report to the Selection Board Office as soon as you've moved in, to be registered and be inspected. Thereafter they will be called for regular inspections and, if they're approved as grade A meat, they'll be entered in the weekly selection lottery.

I want to hold a big barbecue: how can you help?
Dolcett Meat Packing and Barbecues can deliver a live girl of the size and weight suitable for your guest numbers in good time to start roasting. If you wish, we can provide all necessary equipment, dressings, side-dishes (chargilled girlie-nibbles – yum!), even a professional team of master chef and nude waitresses. And of course if it’s your own wife, girl-friend or daughter you’re cooking, the same services are available. Let DMPB take the strain, you can relax with a few beers and spend quality time with your guests, while the delicious aroma of cooking girl-flesh gets your appetite racing!

Can my purchase be personalized?
Yes, Sir! Our Village Blacksmith offers a quality branding service so your choice woman can be hot-iron branded with your initials, a choice of logos, or for a gift – so how about giving your momma and poppa a lovely surprise for their Golden Anniversary, their favorite grand-daughter ready on a roasting-spit, with her breasts branded ‘grandma’ and ‘grandpa’?

Do you cater for vegetarians?
Of course, Sir! Our store keeps a stock of meat from certified vegetarian or vegan women, gluten-free girls also available. So no-one need eat farmed animals - defend animal rights, eat woman-meat!

Is there a kosher butcher in Dolcett?
Yes, Sir, there is! Kitzler’s Kosher Butchers has a dedicated slaughterhouse supervised by rabbis from three different synagogues, they can’t agree about anything else, but they all agree Kitzler’s froy fleysh is the best – so how about a nice Jewish girl for your son’s Bar-Mitzvah?

How about halal?
Ali Brothers’ butchery specializes in halal slaughter, the swift slice with the knife. What’s more, certified virgins are flown weekly from the finest slave-markets in the Near East, fit to grace the feasts of the most discerning Muslim. And you won’t forget the tasty cunt-kebabs and tittie tagine in Abdul’s restaurant, The Hot Harem!
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some frequently asked questions

I’ve never eaten woman-meat before, is it safe and healthy?
Yes Sir! All girls and women in Dolcett are subject to regular and frequent inspections by our specialist Department of Female Food Hygiene, their suitability for consumption regularly assessed until the time comes for them to be converted to meat, when a final deep health-probe is conducted. Only females classed A* are selected.

Is woman-meat best hung, butchered alive, or live-roasted?
Women who are to be cut up and sold in joints are normally hung in our Female Butchery, or beheaded if they’re selected to be chill-packed, but breasts and steaks for quick cooking are best cut from live girls, who are kept on display in all our shops and restaurants, bound and ready for carving. But of course the original dish for which Dolcett is most famous is the live-roasted girl on the barbecue spit.

Is there a delivery service?
Yes, Sir! Whether it’s a cooked cunt fillet or a whole live girl, your order can be delivered to your door. A fleet of Dolcett Delivery vans operates a speedy service guaranteed to have your girl-meat at your door within the hour anywhere within 30 miles radius of Dolcett. The same vans also collect women who have been notified, or have volunteered, to report for butchering.

You live further away? We ship chilled, vacuum-packed girl-meat world-wide for guaranteed 24 hour delivery. We can also arrange rendition of live girls, so if you’ve caught a linkie in Eulalia Park, or bought a choice specimen from the Livestock Market or Freedom Farms, just contact our shipping office and we’ll do all the arranging for her transportation wherever in the world you plan on eating her!

Can women volunteer for butchery?
Yes, Sir, Madam or Miss! Many ladies find the idea of being turned into meat incredibly arousing, and of course volunteering to sacrifice herself for the enjoyment of her beloved husband, boyfriend or father is the greatest gift a woman or girl can give. And thirdly, for a Dolcett woman, volunteering at a time of her (or her man’s) own choosing to be butchered or cooked in the way she fancies best can be a lot better than waiting for the Selection Board Notice!

Any female wishing to volunteer can report to the Female Butchery Facility at any time (it is open 24/7), bringing simply her Dolcett Woman’s Health Record or comparable documentation. However, she, or her man, may wish to contact the Facility to discuss arrangements, for example the type of butchery or live cooking preferred, requests for particular cuts or joints from her to be delivered, arrangements for her head to be mounted for display, etc. And the volunteer may wish to take advantage of the free pick-up and transport service to the slaughterhouse.

I want to hold a big barbecue: how can you help?
Dolcett Meat Packing and Barbecues can deliver a live girl of the size and weight suitable for your guest numbers in good time to start roasting. If you wish, we can provide all necessary equipment, dressings, side-dishes (chargilled girlie-nibbles – yum!), even a professional team of master chef and nude waitresses. And of course if it’s your own wife, girl-friend or daughter you’re cooking, the same services are available. Let DMPB take the strain, you can relax with a few beers and spend quality time with your guests, while the delicious aroma of cooking girl-flesh gets your appetite racing!

Can my purchase be personalized?
Yes, Sir! Our Village Blacksmith offers a quality branding service so your choice woman can be hot-iron branded with your initials, a choice of logos, or for a gift – so how about giving your momma and poppa a lovely surprise for their Golden Anniversary, their favorite grand-daughter ready on a roasting-spit, with her breasts branded ‘grandma’ and ‘grandpa’?

Do you cater for vegetarians?
Of course, Sir! Our store keeps a stock of meat from certified vegetarian or vegan women, gluten-free girls also available. So no-one need eat farmed animals - defend animal rights, eat woman-meat!

Is there a kosher butcher in Dolcett?
Yes, Sir, there is! Kitzler’s Kosher Butchers has a dedicated slaughterhouse supervised by rabbis from three different synagogues, they can’t agree about anything else, but they all agree Kitzler’s froy fleysh is the best – so how about a nice Jewish girl for your son’s Bar-Mitzvah?

How about halal?
Ali Brothers’ butchery specializes in halal slaughter, the swift slice with the knife. What’s more, certified virgins are flown weekly from the finest slave-markets in the Near East, fit to grace the feasts of the most discerning Muslim. And you won’t forget the tasty cunt-kebabs and tittie tagine in Abdul’s restaurant, The Hot Harem!
book21s5- spit barb.jpg
Here is a long pig prepared on-site for live roasting. She looks like she is having a grand time and loves being the center of attention!!!
some frequently asked questions

I’ve never eaten woman-meat before, is it safe and healthy?
Yes Sir! All girls and women in Dolcett are subject to regular and frequent inspections by our specialist Department of Female Food Hygiene, their suitability for consumption regularly assessed until the time comes for them to be converted to meat, when a final deep health-probe is conducted. Only females classed A* are selected.

Is woman-meat best hung, butchered alive, or live-roasted?
Women who are to be cut up and sold in joints are normally hung in our Female Butchery, or beheaded if they’re selected to be chill-packed, but breasts and steaks for quick cooking are best cut from live girls, who are kept on display in all our shops and restaurants, bound and ready for carving. But of course the original dish for which Dolcett is most famous is the live-roasted girl on the barbecue spit.

Is there a delivery service?
Yes, Sir! Whether it’s a cooked cunt fillet or a whole live girl, your order can be delivered to your door. A fleet of Dolcett Delivery vans operates a speedy service guaranteed to have your girl-meat at your door within the hour anywhere within 30 miles radius of Dolcett. The same vans also collect women who have been notified, or have volunteered, to report for butchering.

You live further away? We ship chilled, vacuum-packed girl-meat world-wide for guaranteed 24 hour delivery. We can also arrange rendition of live girls, so if you’ve caught a linkie in Eulalia Park, or bought a choice specimen from the Livestock Market or Freedom Farms, just contact our shipping office and we’ll do all the arranging for her transportation wherever in the world you plan on eating her!

Can women volunteer for butchery?
Yes, Sir, Madam or Miss! Many ladies find the idea of being turned into meat incredibly arousing, and of course volunteering to sacrifice herself for the enjoyment of her beloved husband, boyfriend or father is the greatest gift a woman or girl can give. And thirdly, for a Dolcett woman, volunteering at a time of her (or her man’s) own choosing to be butchered or cooked in the way she fancies best can be a lot better than waiting for the Selection Board Notice!

Any female wishing to volunteer can report to the Female Butchery Facility at any time (it is open 24/7), bringing simply her Dolcett Woman’s Health Record or comparable documentation. However, she, or her man, may wish to contact the Facility to discuss arrangements, for example the type of butchery or live cooking preferred, requests for particular cuts or joints from her to be delivered, arrangements for her head to be mounted for display, etc. And the volunteer may wish to take advantage of the free pick-up and transport service to the slaughterhouse.

I want to hold a big barbecue: how can you help?
Dolcett Meat Packing and Barbecues can deliver a live girl of the size and weight suitable for your guest numbers in good time to start roasting. If you wish, we can provide all necessary equipment, dressings, side-dishes (chargilled girlie-nibbles – yum!), even a professional team of master chef and nude waitresses. And of course if it’s your own wife, girl-friend or daughter you’re cooking, the same services are available. Let DMPB take the strain, you can relax with a few beers and spend quality time with your guests, while the delicious aroma of cooking girl-flesh gets your appetite racing!

Can my purchase be personalized?
Yes, Sir! Our Village Blacksmith offers a quality branding service so your choice woman can be hot-iron branded with your initials, a choice of logos, or for a gift – so how about giving your momma and poppa a lovely surprise for their Golden Anniversary, their favorite grand-daughter ready on a roasting-spit, with her breasts branded ‘grandma’ and ‘grandpa’?

Do you cater for vegetarians?
Of course, Sir! Our store keeps a stock of meat from certified vegetarian or vegan women, gluten-free girls also available. So no-one need eat farmed animals - defend animal rights, eat woman-meat!

Is there a kosher butcher in Dolcett?
Yes, Sir, there is! Kitzler’s Kosher Butchers has a dedicated slaughterhouse supervised by rabbis from three different synagogues, they can’t agree about anything else, but they all agree Kitzler’s froy fleysh is the best – so how about a nice Jewish girl for your son’s Bar-Mitzvah?

How about halal?
Ali Brothers’ butchery specializes in halal slaughter, the swift slice with the knife. What’s more, certified virgins are flown weekly from the finest slave-markets in the Near East, fit to grace the feasts of the most discerning Muslim. And you won’t forget the tasty cunt-kebabs and tittie tagine in Abdul’s restaurant, The Hot Harem!

Ok, that made me laugh AND made me wet. So where is this Female Butchery Facility? I want to be live roasted with my breasts properly basted and browned and my cunt fillet prepared to a perfect medium rare. :p:D
some frequently asked questions

I’ve never eaten woman-meat before, is it safe and healthy?
Yes Sir! All girls and women in Dolcett are subject to regular and frequent inspections by our specialist Department of Female Food Hygiene, their suitability for consumption regularly assessed until the time comes for them to be converted to meat, when a final deep health-probe is conducted. Only females classed A* are selected.

Is woman-meat best hung, butchered alive, or live-roasted?
Women who are to be cut up and sold in joints are normally hung in our Female Butchery, or beheaded if they’re selected to be chill-packed, but breasts and steaks for quick cooking are best cut from live girls, who are kept on display in all our shops and restaurants, bound and ready for carving. But of course the original dish for which Dolcett is most famous is the live-roasted girl on the barbecue spit.

Is there a delivery service?
Yes, Sir! Whether it’s a cooked cunt fillet or a whole live girl, your order can be delivered to your door. A fleet of Dolcett Delivery vans operates a speedy service guaranteed to have your girl-meat at your door within the hour anywhere within 30 miles radius of Dolcett. The same vans also collect women who have been notified, or have volunteered, to report for butchering.

You live further away? We ship chilled, vacuum-packed girl-meat world-wide for guaranteed 24 hour delivery. We can also arrange rendition of live girls, so if you’ve caught a linkie in Eulalia Park, or bought a choice specimen from the Livestock Market or Freedom Farms, just contact our shipping office and we’ll do all the arranging for her transportation wherever in the world you plan on eating her!

Can women volunteer for butchery?
Yes, Sir, Madam or Miss! Many ladies find the idea of being turned into meat incredibly arousing, and of course volunteering to sacrifice herself for the enjoyment of her beloved husband, boyfriend or father is the greatest gift a woman or girl can give. And thirdly, for a Dolcett woman, volunteering at a time of her (or her man’s) own choosing to be butchered or cooked in the way she fancies best can be a lot better than waiting for the Selection Board Notice!

Any female wishing to volunteer can report to the Female Butchery Facility at any time (it is open 24/7), bringing simply her Dolcett Woman’s Health Record or comparable documentation. However, she, or her man, may wish to contact the Facility to discuss arrangements, for example the type of butchery or live cooking preferred, requests for particular cuts or joints from her to be delivered, arrangements for her head to be mounted for display, etc. And the volunteer may wish to take advantage of the free pick-up and transport service to the slaughterhouse.

I want to hold a big barbecue: how can you help?
Dolcett Meat Packing and Barbecues can deliver a live girl of the size and weight suitable for your guest numbers in good time to start roasting. If you wish, we can provide all necessary equipment, dressings, side-dishes (chargilled girlie-nibbles – yum!), even a professional team of master chef and nude waitresses. And of course if it’s your own wife, girl-friend or daughter you’re cooking, the same services are available. Let DMPB take the strain, you can relax with a few beers and spend quality time with your guests, while the delicious aroma of cooking girl-flesh gets your appetite racing!

Can my purchase be personalized?
Yes, Sir! Our Village Blacksmith offers a quality branding service so your choice woman can be hot-iron branded with your initials, a choice of logos, or for a gift – so how about giving your momma and poppa a lovely surprise for their Golden Anniversary, their favorite grand-daughter ready on a roasting-spit, with her breasts branded ‘grandma’ and ‘grandpa’?

Do you cater for vegetarians?
Of course, Sir! Our store keeps a stock of meat from certified vegetarian or vegan women, gluten-free girls also available. So no-one need eat farmed animals - defend animal rights, eat woman-meat!

Is there a kosher butcher in Dolcett?
Yes, Sir, there is! Kitzler’s Kosher Butchers has a dedicated slaughterhouse supervised by rabbis from three different synagogues, they can’t agree about anything else, but they all agree Kitzler’s froy fleysh is the best – so how about a nice Jewish girl for your son’s Bar-Mitzvah?

How about halal?
Ali Brothers’ butchery specializes in halal slaughter, the swift slice with the knife. What’s more, certified virgins are flown weekly from the finest slave-markets in the Near East, fit to grace the feasts of the most discerning Muslim. And you won’t forget the tasty cunt-kebabs and tittie tagine in Abdul’s restaurant, The Hot Harem!
Some oddment captioned ones


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#3 View attachment 448449

I'm impressed that the controller says 'please' -
even meat is treated with courtesy! :p

#10 View attachment 448456

You may think so, sweetie, but these days health-conscious men prefer leaner meat - like you! :devil:
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