Awesome story, Barbaria1! If they persuade you to continue the story, might be interesting to have them take her down thinking she was spared, make her march around the arena on her broken feet, and then mock her by saying that was just a joke and tack her back up again. Psyche!!!
I am honored, coming from you.You have a diabolical mind, Anklebiter ...
And I should have known that there would be no mercy along the way … that I would be mercilessly ridiculed on the streets of Rome … nakedly carrying my patibulum all the way to the arena, bent over under its weight, weaving and staggering under the lash, pummeled at every step with ribald insults and taunts, as well as with bits of garbage of every imaginable kind.
Not as much as you will...Head down and staggering. I appear to be suffering!
And I am already carrying my titulus, too! You thought of everything!
You'd hate to be just another anonymous criminal!
You'd hate to be just another anonymous criminal!
Go big, or go home.True ... what's the fun in that?
Sand clings to your sweat-streaked body, Barb, as you are led naked around the arena, the rough wood pressing on your bare shoulders, your breasts swaying eratically as you stagger under the weight, your nipples - well, we know what happens there don't we
The crowd rises, eager to see you laid out on the wood, eager to see your straining body lifeted high, all dignity stripped away, your conflicting pleasure and pain proclaimed loudly to all the world.
That little sign, 'BARBARIA DUX REBELLIUM' has been great fun, it's the theme of the story and I hope to weave it into as many of the images as possible.