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22048528.jpeg Wired for the first torture session.
Artist B.E. N. "Sex Therapy" continuation

View attachment 1332863
Ouch!! Insulated electro-clamps like this are rather harsh: even small clamps can exert a fasting force of 11 lbf on the serrated teeth, enough to leave a long-lasting impression on the skin of the “fortunate” girl. Larger electro-clamps will break and penetrate the skin making the electrocution a memorable experience as the shock is delivered to the subcutaneous tissues of the udder...
92AB850A-5959-4EE6-9810-782B4B57D946.jpg An electro-assisted interrogation by military intelligence.
Pixie Pussy Zapped.gif Interesting what else you can use an electric fly swatter for. Seems to be working very well.
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