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Erotic helplessness : a study of the history of the Damsel in Distress theme in art

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Four drawings from Jugend, a 1920s German magazine...


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She doesn't look like she's complaining - a lesson to some here :p

The question of 'abduction' in medieval times has been a hot topic lately, with debate about Chaucer settling a civil action for 'raptus' of a woman - this has generally been taken to mean 'rape', but evidence has come to light that indicates he'd just hired a housemaid without her previous employer's permission. More generally, raptus, and the concept of 'rape', meant running off with a girl without her father's consent - the woman's point of view didn't matter either way! :rolleyes:
She doesn't look like she's complaining - a lesson to some here :p

The question of 'abduction' in medieval times has been a hot topic lately, with debate about Chaucer settling a civil action for 'raptus' of a woman - this has generally been taken to mean 'rape', but evidence has come to light that indicates he'd just hired a housemaid without her previous employer's permission. More generally, raptus, and the concept of 'rape', meant running off with a girl without her father's consent - the woman's point of view didn't matter either way! :rolleyes:
Indeed, rape was seen until fairly recently in human history as a property crime, commited against the father, the husband or the owner / employer... Giving a woman the full rights of a person, including the right to say no, is not something the Ancients contemplated... That said, I believe that our generation is grappling with the question of what constitutes consent, as sexual overtures and their reception often pass through non-verbal communication, and it is not always easy after the fact to prove whether or not the act was indeed both-sided...
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