At war, the Regent Queen of Belquemer had done away with most luxuries of the palace.
In fact Tsilsne had by necessity done away with the entire Palace, during the reconquest from the usurpers.
The great mortars turned inwards and leveling it into rubble atop their heads.
But there was one luxury – no, one
necessity she would under no circumstance do without, and that was the baths.
In her Northern homeland, it had been the hot springs.
The hillside fortress, its wooden spires high above the bay of Lokshada where the tall-ships jostled in the harbor, had been raised at the face of a cliff from which gushed steaming water, slightly sulphurous but of healing quality, some of it filling great terraced pools, overflowing from one to the next, some gurgling and rushing through channels and pipes to wherever it could be useful.
Down to the lowliest scullion there was not one in that House who could not wash daily.
In fact some places in the North might well have been deserted by all human souls if it had not been for these blessings of the fire-gods, such as Auvestiva where the sun did not rise for six weeks in winter, or the stronghold of Inakohtuo that guarded the mountain passes, to where her eldest sister had been given in marriage.
Beneath Inakohtuo also they had gone when two years later the time had come for another wedding, in a land far further off.
The Middlelands, seen in spring, had welcomed with fragrance and freshness but there had been an unseen poison.
There were uncountable reasons not to think of those times but you never forget the smell of a place.
The smell of Verdesgord especially in the dog days of high summer, which in the Middlelands were more sweltering and oppressive than on the Southern coast, not even to mention the mild caressing warmth of the Northern summer – it was a very ripe aroma.
Sweaty bodies in piss-drenched alleyways, a dirty river, muddy ponds, fouled wells and a people often suffering fever that would rot their guts and make them throw up their innards. She’d always wondered if perhaps just a few good healing baths might have saved Adohinsne from whatever it was that had been eating her up from the inside. It was a poisonous place in so many ways. Though undeniably, deadly poison could lurk in clean places too.
The torrents of fate had then thrown her up at the shores of Belquemer.
Or to be honest, a slow boat had brought her right to the royal capital, leisurely drifting down the River Antamhurd as it snaked its way to the sea.
Soon she’d found herself pointed out and chosen to be a Princess.
Led into the cool fresh halls of their palaces with their ancient tapestries she guessed what they saw in her – there depicted was a princess of legends who had just her colors. The men of Belquemer in general desired their women fair-skinned and dark-haired but there was hardly one about with emerald-green eyes such as she had, … but that made her like the girl from the legend.
So, she saw herself prized as an ornament, a trophy. A stand-in for a fairy-tale girl who quite likely hadn’t even existed.
In the Middlelands she’d heard endless variations of the songs of courtly love but without exception the girl would always be ‘golden-haired’. It was an improvement! Father certainly had been relieved to finally find a match for the most difficult of his daughters...
Both the unknown land that should become her new home and the stranger of a man who should become the father of her children – she had quickly learned to love them, and had they not loved her back?
It was too painful to allow any thought of either him or the twins, but when she thought of his land, her land, she’d also remember the water.
Bathing in the sea … which in the North for two weeks in high summer had been an exercise of will-power accompanied by high-pitched screaming and flailing … along the coasts of Belquemer it was second nature.
And so in Belquemer were the sea-baths and the steam-baths, and there was water from the aqueducts.
Where it lacked for that, they would send maids to go up to the cloud-fed laurel forest and carry down the pure liquid, always with a fresh laurel’s leaf afloat in it to prove they’d been up, and had not cheated to avoid the hard walk up the mountainside, and instead brought tainted water from the valley.
If a maid ever did that, she would be flogged, as she could be for many other reasons.
It was in Belquemer that young Tsilsne had first seen a girl flogged – actually whipped to the blood, barenaked...
The disciplines she’d herself endured had been milder, though the rod to the soles of her feet had never failed to melt her into a sobbing pile of woe, misery and contrition.
She’d ordered the poor thing brought to her chamber, out of curiosity to see up close what the lash had done, and to feel, and take care of her; from salves and soothing it had gone to baths and bedsheets.
* * * * * *
“So I guess I shall be talking to dead people again most of the day”,
sighed the Regent Queen, reclining in the tub, a distinct note of exasperation in her voice.
The hands massaging her scalp paused, and she heard a breath drawn in.
The new girl, from Sbirute. Swept off the witch-hunter’s pyre and now sworn to serve her savior.
Innocently accused of being a sorceress, did she now fear to be in the presence of a necromancer…?
“Poor thing, I should not speak this way” thought the Queen.
“Don’t be silly and keep up what you were doing, it’s wonders for my aching head.“
”Don't fear, I’m not going to summon any spirits from the netherworld into this tent. “
”Or anywhere else for that matter, I don’t, and I can’t …”
”Otherwise I wouldn’t be here camping with an army. I’d just dispatch demon-hordes into Count Irion’s castle and be done with it!”
“What it is, I’ll be going through the sentences. The ones marked for death in the name of Crown and Throne.”
“I’m sure you’ll sort the pure from the wicked Milady”, said the maid.
Her memory going back to her own terror on the stacked wood of the pyre, and the miraculous arrival of the rescuing force.
It had been a dizzying experience, drawn from the lowest, the very pit of doom, to now serve the highest.
The Queen fell into a brooding silence.
Meanwhile the maid found there were the most unexpected things to comb out of the untamable curls of the Regent’s hair.
Little bits of twigs and moss.
As if she had crept over forest floor and broken through underbrush.
It must be the training with the war-master … it seemed quite wild; when the Queen had come to call for her morning bath, she’d appeared with her forearm bandaged, she was now resting on the rim of the tub, so the bindings wouldn't soak. There was the faintest trace of red seeping through at her wrist.
“Clumsy with that sword again”, she’d said that morning,
“I’ll surely never be a great fighter, like I’ll never be much of a dancer.”
It was supposed to give the Queen at least a slim fighting chance if assassins snuck in, or luck reversed on the battlefield and the ring of guards around her was breached.
She however dismissed it as a hopeless effort but nevertheless kept at it.
“Sometimes … it is
precisely the innocent who are punished”, Tsilsne said, breaking the silence.
* * * * *
Down in the camp, the peasant girl buried her face between her upraised arms as the whips worked on her.
Coughing half choking on her own bloody spit, as air she'd desperately gulped in was forced out of her lungs.
Spattering the post.
When they'd started, she had managed to find a rhythm.
Cry out pain. Suck in air. Brace yourself, and you'll be ready as best you can for the next blow.
But the two guardsmen had grown bored taking turns counting out regular strikes and let the leather go wild.
Cracking and snapping anywhere, anytime on her sweat-slick skin.
Spattering the post.
A cutting blow snaking round the upper thigh made her pull up her leg with a shriek, only to have the sole of her foot singed by the next strike.
Uproarious laughter erupted at her attempt to protect herself which had her almost wrapping her leg around the post.
Look at the eager slut she is, she thirsts to ride the stake!
Of course next came a back-handed swing upwards striking at her intimate parts.
Teeth gritted, her jaw locked tight, she felt something crumble inside her mouth.
The whip went everywhere, except to her breasts; they had pulled up her shift over her back and head, leaving it to bunch in front of her.
For this she was thankful, but not for any sake of modesty as she made no attempt to cover any other part of herself.
If they see my chest they'll know I've been punished before.
Would it really make a difference though?
Her tongue probed at the broken molar.
She realized that several heartbeats had passed ... without another piercing lance of pain.
Instead there was a hollow banging din and some shouting.
She dared to crane her neck and peer out underneath her arms.