Have one of the crew misheard the order? 'Anchors aweigh!' means the anchors are lifted, not dropped, as that one seems to beSome pictures of horror in the sea
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Henri-Pierre Picou's versionAndromeda again
View attachment 1433585
The monster looks less than petrified! I think he's going to have Perseus for the first course, Andromeda for dessert.Andromed myth in an vintage photo
View attachment 1435090
Powerless against the mighty sea monster'Come on boy, I'm stripped for you, skin against scales -
We both know you'll win, but I'll put up a fight ...'
They can't be reasoned with, they can't be argued with, they just keep coming.
Is the monster supposed to look like a golden retriever?another version of Andromeda myth
View attachment 1442245
When he jumps into your newly-valeted car and shakes himself dry, 'monster' is one of the milder terms you might useIs the monster supposed to look like a golden retriever?
View attachment 1442539