Anytime, my Dear favourite Tribune, anytime ...
Anytime, my Dear favourite Tribune, anytime ...
Always ... , even (or especially) in such a critical situation ...
Take the nail a little bit lower, than it´s more realistic. Otherwise, i agree with you: beauty long legs, streched out and nailed with only one spike through the feets one on top of each other is a strongly erotic sight.itisbetter ifituseda single nailisthe sexiest...
Yes, that was my idea above, thanks!Maybe, thismakesa better idea...
Kissing the spot where nails will be driven in.Always ... , even (or especially) in such a critical situation ...
I like when the toes curl a bit. I don't have a direct thing for feet, but if they don't look right the whole picture is rubbish for me. Any suggestions on how to draw the feet extra sexy?[/quo
Are sexy?