The Fallen Angel
On page 1 of this thread Wragg wrote
"You know what, Cruxforumers?
Faithful members such as @Gibbs505 and @kádár lászló post all these wonderful images of gorgeous girls, some of whom are just crying out to be crucified.
It seems almost churlish not to oblige them sometimes! After all, is this site, or is it not called 'Crux Forums?'
I really didn't want to call this thread 'Wragg's manips' or anything like that, because I'd be delighted to welcome any manips, but the only 'rule' is that the victim must have appeared on a thread on this site.
Now it's all about buying and selling videos. We have a thread for that surely?
"You know what, Cruxforumers?
Faithful members such as @Gibbs505 and @kádár lászló post all these wonderful images of gorgeous girls, some of whom are just crying out to be crucified.
It seems almost churlish not to oblige them sometimes! After all, is this site, or is it not called 'Crux Forums?'
I really didn't want to call this thread 'Wragg's manips' or anything like that, because I'd be delighted to welcome any manips, but the only 'rule' is that the victim must have appeared on a thread on this site.
Now it's all about buying and selling videos. We have a thread for that surely?