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Forced exercise before crucifixion

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I agree, a fitness program before crucifixion is necessary to give the proper performance. An emphasis on squats and pull ups will allow for a long dance on the cross by adding strength. Aerobic fitness will allow endurance, so the martyr will last for several days on the cross. Basic lifting exercises will add strength for the ordeal of carrying the cross. And of course, all of this physical work will add to the aesthetics and beauty of the body on the cross. Perhaps a prolonged fast will also allow the martyr to obtain an ideal body weight and muscle definition. All of this also confirms the worthiness and potential ability of the martyr to complete the sacrifice. After all, if one lacks the discipline to maintain ideal fitness and nutrition, leading to a lean and athletic body, how can one be expected to complete the ultimate test of crucifixion? And of course, the spectators will maximize their erotic and devotional viewing experience
I agree with Barabbas. The martyrs should be thoroughly trained. Long training, especially under the whip of the guards, will develop endurance, strength, pain tolerance and fitness. Most probably, at least some of the spectators will pay for the spectacle, so they should not get something of low quality.
Then don't overtrain them
Perhaps we have a miscommunication! I never said overtrain, I meant train to fitness. For example, most of the models of Makar, Arcimboldo, Jeddak, Damian, Jucundus, Marius Zebo, and more on this forum meet this criteria! Of course, in Roman times, with a more agrarian diet and an active lifestyle, these standards were achieved naturally. And certainly the Romans were not injecting anabolic steroids!
When I made this thread this is more what I had in mind

a group, for instance myself, wife aunt mom and cousins are forced to carry our crosses a few miles or so and once we arrive at the sight instead of a whipping per say we are forced to do exercises nude under the threat of whipping for non satisfactory reps. Think push ups, squats, “log pt” but with a cross, burpee’s etc
Maybe not the same thing but I did tell myself a story where condemned prisoners were kept in the dungeon until the first of the month, fed regularly and forced to do various exercises (push with arms, push with legs, pull, lift and carry, now the other way) on a "wheel of pain" type machine to strengthen them so they would last longer and put on a better show when they were publicly executed.
Maybe not the same thing but I did tell myself a story where condemned prisoners were kept in the dungeon until the first of the month, fed regularly and forced to do various exercises (push with arms, push with legs, pull, lift and carry, now the other way) on a "wheel of pain" type machine to strengthen them so they would last longer and put on a better show when they were publicly executed.
Yes, I had a similar idea in
The Tower Treadmill, where girls condemned to be crucified build up their muscles for their final performance!
This is a fragment of a very popular Jeddak's story on this forum, in which I extended the prison stay of Ellie Ruck, who was sentenced to crucifixion.

Since Ellie is on death row, which is cramped, and her execution, well... she will have to be an active participant in her sentence, the prison must provide her with some physical activity to get her in good shape for her execution.

Here is a fragment where she learns what her prison routine will be until her crucifixion:

"Ellie tried to sit but guard hold her arm didn't let her sit.

"You not allowed to sit during our organizational conversation."

Ellie didn't resist and she nodded she understood.

“Sir, or… um… since I have to stay here longer, will I get some prison clothes?

"No prison clothes or blankets. You will still be subject to the strict solitary confinement protocol and punishments previously imposed on you. You will still be completely naked and you will still be chained to the wall by your ankle."

Ellie lowered her head.

"Actually, since your execution is postponed by a week, nothing changes in your case, except that normal food rations return to you until thursday. Then you go into execution mode, as you already know."

Y-yes Sir Ellie nodded, wanting you to be as obedient as possible.

"You are now on military stimulants, but a medic will come soon and give you the antidote. In the evening you will have a normal dinner."

"You are entitled to the outdoor walk, but in your case you will not take advantage of it. You are and will be here naked and you have caused us enough trouble. Therefore, in your case, the walk will be in an insulated and roofed walk, with no view of the sky or trees , but it will be 90 minutes long. There will be fresh outdoor air but you will see the sky and the trees at the day of your execution."

Tears began to well up in Ellie's eyes again and she mumbled.

"Can you please stop... mocking me? S-Sir?" she added.

"No, young lady, I'm not mocking you. I'm only presenting you with your rough reality. That is, Ellie Ruck, sentenced to crucifixion for high treason."

He continued. "During your stay in the prison walk, the prison will make sure you are physically active so that there are no surprises during your execution. This means that you will jog around for 30 minutes without a break. Then you will have a 15-minute break where you can drink water and start exercising. Physical - squats, push-ups and sit-ups. Some kind of streathing. As a prisoner sentenced to crucifixion, you are not allowed to exercise with tools, so you will perform all exercises based on your body strength. During exercise, you will be unchained and your hands and feet will be free. We will left a waist chain on you, to suppress you if you disobey. For each disobedience you will be punished additionally. At the end, there will be stretching and you will be given a 15-minute break before being taken to your cell."

"What-what if I can't exercise?" She asked uncertainly. "I mean If I don't have enaugh strenght.

"Then you will be punished. The guard who will supervise your exercises has the tools to encourage you. For example cattle prod. I heard that you have already met one. " He added, pointing to her crotch.

"Yes Sir. I will practice as you say, I promise," Ellie confirmed, afraid that she might do something wrong.

"Okay. Your shower. Since the exercises will take place every day until Thursday inclusive, you are entitled or rather duty to it every day after the exercises. In order not to provoke other prisoners again, we will rather pour water on you from a hose in the prison yard. The water will be cold, but we don't worry about it because you don't have no rights. Consider it a refreshment after a hard training. You are not entitled to soap. You'll just be rinsed of your sweat.
The last shower before your execution will be like yesterday here in prison and you will be given warm water."

Ellie looked at him in disbelief. "O-ok"

"Yes SIR" The guard supervisor corrected her.

"Yes SIR" she repeated bitterly.

He speaks about rest of my life as if I were an circus animal. Isn't just crucifying me enough for them and do they have to punish me in this way as well? I don't know how I can bear it. At least I have some more days in this madness. She thought terriefied."

I really love Ellie's case, and after years of knowing this story almost by heart, I thought it would be a sin not to use her harsh sentence to spend a few more days in that prison and her miserable status as a prisoner that was given- sentenced. by Judge Schaefer. And sorry for my write style. English isn't my native and I always wasn't good in writing "essey".

p.s. Jedakk was a really great artist. It's a waste that he quit. I miss him and his art.

This is a fragment of a very popular Jeddak's story on this forum, in which I extended the prison stay of Ellie Ruck, who was sentenced to crucifixion.

Since Ellie is on death row, which is cramped, and her execution, well... she will have to be an active participant in her sentence, the prison must provide her with some physical activity to get her in good shape for her execution.

Here is a fragment where she learns what her prison routine will be until her crucifixion:

"Ellie tried to sit but guard hold her arm didn't let her sit.

"You not allowed to sit during our organizational conversation."

Ellie didn't resist and she nodded she understood.

“Sir, or… um… since I have to stay here longer, will I get some prison clothes?

"No prison clothes or blankets. You will still be subject to the strict solitary confinement protocol and punishments previously imposed on you. You will still be completely naked and you will still be chained to the wall by your ankle."

Ellie lowered her head.

"Actually, since your execution is postponed by a week, nothing changes in your case, except that normal food rations return to you until thursday. Then you go into execution mode, as you already know."

Y-yes Sir Ellie nodded, wanting you to be as obedient as possible.

"You are now on military stimulants, but a medic will come soon and give you the antidote. In the evening you will have a normal dinner."

"You are entitled to the outdoor walk, but in your case you will not take advantage of it. You are and will be here naked and you have caused us enough trouble. Therefore, in your case, the walk will be in an insulated and roofed walk, with no view of the sky or trees , but it will be 90 minutes long. There will be fresh outdoor air but you will see the sky and the trees at the day of your execution."

Tears began to well up in Ellie's eyes again and she mumbled.

"Can you please stop... mocking me? S-Sir?" she added.

"No, young lady, I'm not mocking you. I'm only presenting you with your rough reality. That is, Ellie Ruck, sentenced to crucifixion for high treason."

He continued. "During your stay in the prison walk, the prison will make sure you are physically active so that there are no surprises during your execution. This means that you will jog around for 30 minutes without a break. Then you will have a 15-minute break where you can drink water and start exercising. Physical - squats, push-ups and sit-ups. Some kind of streathing. As a prisoner sentenced to crucifixion, you are not allowed to exercise with tools, so you will perform all exercises based on your body strength. During exercise, you will be unchained and your hands and feet will be free. We will left a waist chain on you, to suppress you if you disobey. For each disobedience you will be punished additionally. At the end, there will be stretching and you will be given a 15-minute break before being taken to your cell."

"What-what if I can't exercise?" She asked uncertainly. "I mean If I don't have enaugh strenght.

"Then you will be punished. The guard who will supervise your exercises has the tools to encourage you. For example cattle prod. I heard that you have already met one. " He added, pointing to her crotch.

"Yes Sir. I will practice as you say, I promise," Ellie confirmed, afraid that she might do something wrong.

"Okay. Your shower. Since the exercises will take place every day until Thursday inclusive, you are entitled or rather duty to it every day after the exercises. In order not to provoke other prisoners again, we will rather pour water on you from a hose in the prison yard. The water will be cold, but we don't worry about it because you don't have no rights. Consider it a refreshment after a hard training. You are not entitled to soap. You'll just be rinsed of your sweat.
The last shower before your execution will be like yesterday here in prison and you will be given warm water."

Ellie looked at him in disbelief. "O-ok"

"Yes SIR" The guard supervisor corrected her.

"Yes SIR" she repeated bitterly.

He speaks about rest of my life as if I were an circus animal. Isn't just crucifying me enough for them and do they have to punish me in this way as well? I don't know how I can bear it. At least I have some more days in this madness. She thought terriefied."

I really love Ellie's case, and after years of knowing this story almost by heart, I thought it would be a sin not to use her harsh sentence to spend a few more days in that prison and her miserable status as a prisoner that was given- sentenced. by Judge Schaefer. And sorry for my write style. English isn't my native and I always wasn't good in writing "essey".

p.s. Jedakk was a really great artist. It's a waste that he quit. I miss him and his art.

Nice passage but... what is the original Jeddak's story from which it is taken?
Where can i find it?
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