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Forced to play sports naked

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Olympic competitions in the girls’ educational institution >>Saint Irene of Thessaloniki<<: diving
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On the Olympics theme, some ladies getting ready for next week on the track

I believe only men competed in the ancient olympics, and women were not allowed to watch.
I believe only men competed in the ancient olympics, and women were not allowed to watch.
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The female sex was generally excluded from the Olympic Games as participants and married women were also excluded as spectators. However, rich noble Spartan women were allowed to take part in chariot races, but they had to pay a fee.
Olympic competitions in the girls’ educational institution >>Saint Irene of Thessaloniki:<< riding >>
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The female sex was generally excluded from the Olympic Games as participants and married women were also excluded as spectators. However, rich noble Spartan women were allowed to take part in chariot races, but they had to pay a fee.
Read that to with the "rich" females, but probably the attitude towards nudity was a little bit more relaxed then and there were no zoom objectives then. When considering the disputes now about "males" in female competitions, one should in my opinion go back to the greek tradition of nude sportd, and we would not see such stranger things as the "revealing" swimm truncks of Arno Kamminga

Read that to with the "rich" females, but probably the attitude towards nudity was a little bit more relaxed then and there were no zoom objectives then. When considering the disputes now about "males" in female competitions, one should in my opinion go back to the greek tradition of nude sportd, and we would not see such stranger things as the "revealing" swimm truncks of Arno Kamminga

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What surprised me about the Wikipedia article was that married women were not allowed to watch, but unmarried women were allowed to look at the naked men.
Olympic competitions in the girls’ educational institution >>Saint Irene of Thessaloniki:<< Volleyball>>
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511a41fb559cc56b4d5f9ed5370d9917.jpg db9633ef929fa26035bcadb694a6354c.jpg fdb984b3498970f8ef00aaf75bf8dd73.jpg Female spectators can sometimes distract the riders during cycling races.

girls-nude-on-bikes-18.jpg girls-nude-on-bikes-67-800x1194.jpg This sight will knock even the strongest cyclist off his saddle.
Olympic competitions in the girls’ educational institution >>Saint Irene of Thessaloniki:<< Beach Volleyball player>>
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