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Great Pics Found By Phlebas And Other

Go to CruxDreams.com
Did you take a number before you began miss? No? Sorry, you need a number. Can't reach? Bad luck miss. You need a number.

Rules are made to be broken...Get your sorry ass over here and nail my other wrist!!! If you don't Wragg will.
Maybe? Have you earned your union card yet? Or are you still a novice? After botching this myself already, I have no time for amateurs.

I won't tell Tree if you don't, Barb!

Here, hold still


There, all done! :cool:

They flogged her and she had thought the pain so terrible that her heart would burst, yet still she found the strength to kick and scream as they dragged to the great wooden crucifix and set her on her back. They crosses her feet and pinned her thrashing form down and the pain seemed to tear through her very soul. In a wailing voice she had dedicated herself anew to good, defying the unbelievers. They had taken her left arm and the hammer blows had driven the cruel iron through her left wrist and though she wept and though now she must die she had lived and tried to muster a hymn even as she screamed.

Then of a sudden the great wooden mockery of her Saviour's cross had lurched upwards. At first she though her executioners were doing it in some cruel jest but they stood dumbfounded. She had grabbed the short handled sledgehammer off of one of them and held it desperately against her chest as she ascended into the sky. The air grew cold and chill and she had shivered through her pain in a new fear.

Then had appeared a great silver beast, an open maw waiting to swallow her into its belly. Now she looked around but she could not see the interior for the clouds of shrouding mist and the sickly heat made her wonder if she was in hell. Something approached, a shadow of terrible height and who knew what foul depraved intent.

"Stay back foul denizen of the underworld or I shall smite thee with this hammer!" She cried out.

"Now really, I know now is not the best time to stand on points of etiquette but is it really proper to so greet your saviour in such a manner?"

Something of different vein from the bemused mind of RR squitypeemot.gif
View attachment 230752

They flogged her and she had thought the pain so terrible that her heart would burst, yet still she found the strength to kick and scream as they dragged to the great wooden crucifix and set her on her back. They crosses her feet and pinned her thrashing form down and the pain seemed to tear through her very soul. In a wailing voice she had dedicated herself anew to good, defying the unbelievers. They had taken her left arm and the hammer blows had driven the cruel iron through her left wrist and though she wept and though now she must die she had lived and tried to muster a hymn even as she screamed.

Then of a sudden the great wooden mockery of her Saviour's cross had lurched upwards. At first she though her executioners were doing it in some cruel jest but they stood dumbfounded. She had grabbed the short handled sledgehammer off of one of them and held it desperately against her chest as she ascended into the sky. The air grew cold and chill and she had shivered through her pain in a new fear.

Then had appeared a great silver beast, an open maw waiting to swallow her into its belly. Now she looked around but she could not see the interior for the clouds of shrouding mist and the sickly heat made her wonder if she was in hell. Something approached, a shadow of terrible height and who knew what foul depraved intent.

"Stay back foul denizen of the underworld or I shall smite thee with this hammer!" She cried out.

"Now really, I know now is not the best time to stand on points of etiquette but is it really proper to so greet your saviour in such a manner?"

Something of different vein from the bemused mind of RR View attachment 230753

Au contraire, RR, it's always a delight to find out what heights of imagination a squirrel's mind can reach! :)
She's right old mate. Hold the spike steady. When you nod your head Pp'll hit it.
Oh, Ok Pp?

Like this?

Nods head.


He hitted me, Barb! Hit, hit, hittee, he went.

Thinks, next time we must use a cardboard hammer.
Lovely pics Yupar, can I use one or two for a night pic I am thinking of doing?
ofcuz u can, i hv done smt just now too. but still cant ul due line :(

btw, anyone pls, what is now uploading maximum size for forum now?
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