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Great Pics Found By Phlebas And Other

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'Innocent'.... 'Justice'.... I'm struggling with foreign words this evening :confused:

'innocent' wearing nothing, not even scent
'justice' like the Antarctic

:p (eul's a fan of the Uxbridge English Dictionary ;))
'innocent' wearing nothing, not even scent
'justice' like the Antarctic

:p (eul's a fan of the Uxbridge English Dictionary ;))

I've learned more new definitions of 'Justice' in one day on Cruxforums than in ten years at skool!
And we still have no good definition of innocent, but we know Thessela personifies it.
Not responsible for, or directly involved in an event, yet suffering its consequences.:devil:
And around here, this is how we make them suffer the consequences-
IMG_1351.JPG :cool:
Class dismissed:devil:
And we still have no good definition of innocent, but we know Thessela personifies it.

Innocent. It's a nice word, a word that enriches many a story and picture here. Many are innocent - in their own minds at least.

ok I think I'll post some (mostly) oldies I've got lying around, just feel like it today.
#4 is by Cypher

tumblr_m6tr0tAReQ1qmn6yko1_1280.jpg 1840.jpg tumblr_o124t8Q1gv1soo64io1_500.jpg FORGIVEN-finally-ds.jpg mw5tlw4Kf91rxxq6to1.jpg Whipping 181.jpg bad_streets_by_jgumpc-d3cdhbp.jpgtumblr_llrgqdpodI1qfmr0wo1_500.jpg
Thanks, Phlebas.

Now this is too much of a co-incidence - Hasturan, Ehliasys and now Southblade all using identical crosses with reinforced rebates in the ground (even the ironwork uses the same number of rivets!) and the last two employing identical nailing! Picture dating is 4 January 2016 on DeviantArt for Hasturan (Russia), 2016 for Ehliasys (Germany) and 29 October 2016 on DeviantArt for Southblade (UK). All have produced truly stunning images, but what is going on here? Did they all employ the same carpenter or am I missing out on a recent major archaeological discovery?

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davo_pichard1_popup04-(1).jpg I think they are all using this cross made by Davo.
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