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Great Pics Found By Phlebas And Other

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View attachment 450936

For the good soul who loves the beloved,
sufferings are treasures and pains are delicious.

One day crucified is worth a hundred years
of any other spiritual experience.

It's better to spend a moment on the cross of love
than to taste the sweetness of paradise in this life.
View attachment 450936

For the good soul who loves the beloved,
sufferings are treasures and pains are delicious.

One day crucified is worth a hundred years
of any other spiritual experience.

It's better to spend a moment on the cross of love
than to taste the sweetness of paradise in this life.

words that could almost go on the CF masthead ... not really ... but I do like the sentiment.
View attachment 450936

For the good soul who loves the beloved,
sufferings are treasures and pains are delicious.

One day crucified is worth a hundred years
of any other spiritual experience.

It's better to spend a moment on the cross of love
than to taste the sweetness of paradise in this life.

:amen: :goodjob: :clapping:
Early pics for the weekend

1_F5144.JPG 3514859_11_o.jpg __sacrifice___to_annubis_by_phoenixbird.jpg willow_spring_cross_comb_by_jerry001-dauoubg.jpg final_flame_luka_meet_her_deadend_in_the_sacrifice_by_softsai-daupo5o (1).jpg desi_vol_1_34_by_helios_alchemy-dar1nq1.jpg desi_vol_1_35_by_helios_alchemy-dar1o4m.jpg desi_vol_1_29_by_helios_alchemy-dar0pwq.jpg desi_vol_1_30_by_helios_alchemy-dar0q3u.jpg femen-brazil-cross-720x399.png
These guys told me they were working on earning their scout's badge, and asked me to help. I thought they looked a little old to be scouts. I should have known better.
Every boy-scout has his own way to demonstrate his knot-tying skills.:devil:

Where 30 year olds have trouble passing the 3rd grade in school
And over 30 when they earn their scouts badges.:doh:

So what's the problem?:D
Every boy-scout has his own way to demonstrate his knot-tying skills.:devil:

And over 30 when they earn their scouts badges.:doh:

So what's the problem?:D

By then they've lost their teeth and can't undo the knots.... :rolleyes:
View attachment 452586These guys told me they were working on earning their scout's badge, and asked me to help. I thought they looked a little old to be scouts. I should have known better.
in UK they'd be doing the Duke of Edinburgh's Award ;) :devil:
One from me , it was a rejected render from Twisted Arena. But it would certainly be accepted here. Modified it a little
View attachment 458079

Thats the sheen of Oil on the Right , Iray surprises me sometimes :confused:

Why was it rejected ZaZ?

OK, it's the weekend, and not before time!

kaya_vol_5_06_by_helios_alchemy-dav4qxs.jpg kaya_vol_5_06_by_helios_alchemy-dav598l.jpg kaya_vol_5_07_by_helios_alchemy-dav6q7a.jpg people_try_t_pose_by_uwaxaa-davfl21.jpg _63638744_63638743.jpg tumblr_ojryru2CEX1si5rd4o1_1280.jpg friesen.jpg crucif3.jpg 7662703270_81c3ebd9fb_b.jpg a97ec03398e0f7f27aaca540c4bc0335.jpg
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