John Delves Richardson
I saw the original in Rome's Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna (National Gallery of Modern Art).
Interesting. Do you remember the title and author of this artwork?
I saw the original in Rome's Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna (National Gallery of Modern Art).
Eulalia, what is missing here is in my opinion a comma (but English isn't my native language). The text below widely justifies it.
"As a woman, you should dress plainly and modestly. You should not braid your hair. You should not wear jewellery, and certainly not costly gold and pearls. You should remain silent, and learn submissively. You are not allowed to teach, neither must you question nor rise above the authority of a man. And do not forget: you must keep silent. Why must you do these things? Because it was Adam who was created first, and because it was Eve who was deceived by the serpent and transgressed."
An interesting thought, and indeed that picture could be taken as a Pauline warning to women
(indeed, Hawkwood on the site I gave the link to quotes the same text from I Timothy).
But 'ecce', though traditionally translated 'behold!' is an interjection, colloquially more like 'hey!'
not a transitive verb, and 'hic' is masculine nominative singular.
'Behold (i.e. look at, take notice of) this, woman' would be something like 'Adspice hoc, mulier'.
I think the artist had in mind Pilate's phrase when he showed Jesus to the crowd
after he'd been beaten and crowned with thorns, 'Ecce homo' (John 19:5) 'Behold the man!',
maybe also Jesus' words from the cross to his mother and John,
'Mater, ecce filius tuus...Ecce mater tua' (John 19:27)
View attachment 502363 I had just wandered away from the tour group and was enjoying the bazaar, when someone started yelling "stop thief" ... but I didn't know it at the time because they were yelling it in Arabic ... I only learned when the police arrested me and told me. I hope they honor my request and contact the U.S. Consulate soon.
I suspect that they are going to "honor" you in a slightly different way.
The Consulate is closed due to budget cuts...View attachment 502363 I had just wandered away from the tour group and was enjoying the bazaar, when someone started yelling "stop thief" ... but I didn't know it at the time because they were yelling it in Arabic ... I only learned when the police arrested me and told me. I hope they honor my request and contact the U.S. Consulate soon.
What? Are you sure? In what different way?
The Consulate is closed due to budget cuts...
The Consulate is closed due to budget cuts...
Unfortunately, composing and rendering an image takes me about 6-8 hours, so this time I have to use words.
They will start with leaving you under the sun for a few hours, so that your pale Caucasian skin has the opportunity to be kissed by sunlight.
Then all the police station crew will take turns raping you making sure to rub your sunburn skin.
Only after that you will be sent to the Judge that will sentence you to a severe public flogging.
Oh, I forgot: there is no U.S. Consulate in that town.
For a strange coincidence, I was about to post a new picture in my thread..Oh Shit!!! We'll you have a few hours then to come up with an image!
You should remain silent, and learn submissively. You are not allowed to teach, neither must you question nor rise above the authority of a man.
From the Bible, Timothy 2:9
Well, that would certainly make things dull around here. Where would the demerits come from?I see it refers to church attendance. Too restrictive, it should apply at all times.
Don't see anyone laughing, so all is well.View attachment 502377 "Just a little photo shoot," he said, waving a roll of greenbacks in front of my face.
"What kind?" I asked.
"Oh, just some skin trade shots ... you don't mind taking some clothes off, do you?"
"Ummm, ok. Long as there's no funny stuff, right?"