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Great Pics Found By Phlebas And Other

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I love that, thanks for posting it Naraku.

The signature looks to me to have the date 1900,
it may well be based on the kinds of woodcuts found in 17th - 18th ct books of saints' lives,
but it's surely later than that.

But I'm happy to identify with it :) :) :)
I love that, thanks for posting it Naraku.

The signature looks to me to have the date 1900,
it may well be based on the kinds of woodcuts found in 17th - 18th ct books of saints' lives,
but it's surely later than that.

But I'm happy to identify with it :) :) :)
we too...................... I think:devil:
I love that, thanks for posting it Naraku.

The signature looks to me to have the date 1900,
it may well be based on the kinds of woodcuts found in 17th - 18th ct books of saints' lives,
but it's surely later than that.

But I'm happy to identify with it :) :) :)
Your eyes are better - meaning younger - than mine, Eulalia. I couldn't make out anything in the signature. But, 1900 does seem right for the style.
No matter when it was done, I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Thank you Google! (I hope it is not too many re-posts)

Not at all. Two are known to me, and two more are variations of other pics I have seen. That's a high hit rate of new work, Xso :)
Very nice set indeed :)
You mostly used to post the pics I hvnt seen b4 ;)
First one makes me to wish another last supper pic. But Yupar is working hard in RL in this time. Hope to do in future ;)
Very nice set indeed :)
You mostly used to post the pics I hvnt seen b4 ;)
First one makes me to wish another last supper pic. But Yupar is working hard in RL in this time. Hope to do in future ;)
is that possible in a real live a hard working Yupar?
Very nice set indeed :)
You mostly used to post the pics I hvnt seen b4 ;)
First one makes me to wish another last supper pic. But Yupar is working hard in RL in this time. Hope to do in future ;)
Thanks Y! Hope you can work less hard in RL, so that we perverts can enjoy your future crux work!
Second pic is so interesting. There may b story behind it ;)

The artist posted a number of excellent pics a few years ago, can't remember his name but I'll look for tsome of the pics when I have a moment.

meanwhile, some random unrelated


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The artist posted a number of excellent pics a few years ago, can't remember his name but I'll look for tsome of the pics when I have a moment.

meanwhile, some random unrelated
the first 3 from the Japanese movie Hanna2Hebi #4 new for me 5 en 6 jap flower and snakes
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