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As you probably know, if I have to choose I would choose to be crucified with some other naked women and men.

But hangings or to be hanged is my second choice.
I plan to post here some hanging stories I wrote and some images and videos perhaps.
I hope you enjoy it and, as always, please leave your comments!
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There is a stariwell I am very familiar with.
At the 7th. floor, the last, there is a landing very appropiate for a hanging and it inspired a story to me. A member of the lost Dolcettish forum, Sulebob, asked me to adapt the story to his preferences and this is the result:


SuleBob met her in a bar. She was quite attractive, between 30 and 40. Her name was Cristina.
She took him to her apartment on the 5th floor of a building that looked nice, but mostly empty.
Her bedroom was to the left at the end of the hallway. She closed the door behind them.
She disrobed but for her black stockings and he did the same. Standing up she grabbed his cock and started caressing it while he did the same with her pussy. It was already wet.
They started to kiss and very soon they were on the bed. She was obviously excited and, in a few minutes, she urged him to get inside her. They made intense love and it was quite satisfying.
Then he heard the apartment’s front door opening and the noise of some people entering.
He looked at her asking.

-Who is that?

-My husband and some friends. But don´t worry. Nobody will interrupt us until I ring with this. – She said pointing to a pushbutton on her nightstand.
He looked quite puzzled and, smiling, she continued.

-I think I ow you an explanation. When I ring, they will enter, grab me, take me up to the 7th. floor and they will hang me for adulteress in the stairwell.
She laughed at my expression of total amazement.

-I understand your shock and before you ask, the answer is yes. I am going to be executed; Naked and for real. This has been our lifetime wild fantasy, and today we´ll make it true. Several friends are here to help us. -she continued explaining. Her eyes always on mine – In fact they are our neighbors too.
My husband and me own this building. Another two couples of friends are the only tenants at the moment. We like our privacy. They will all participate in my execution.

Honestly, I don´t know what they plan to do with you. Perhaps they will let you go. Perhaps they will kill you to eliminate a witness. I am volunteering, but you may become a problem anyway.
SuleBob was listening to her speechless.

-I wish you would decide to hang with me. I would really love to do have company when I hang…If so, I will ring twice signaling them that we are ready and that you are r to be snuffed with me…
Her hand had been on his sex, caressing it, during her whole speech. He couldn`t help but getting excited by her words and by imagining her hanging naked by her neck…And by imagining himself hanging besides her.

-Oh! – She exclaimed – This is getting hard again. You like the idea of doing our last dance together!

He didn`t want to die, but the idea of being executed with her, both of them naked and in front of an audience was somehow very appealing and exciting.
But after a brief consideration he said,

-No, thanks. It´s tempting and you are really gorgeous, but no!

-Such a pity! I would have rather hanged with you than alone. Anyway, get inside me one last time, please!

-All right! – He conceded and getting back on top, he entered her deep again.
She moaned her satisfaction while he whispered in her ear:

- Don’t worry Cristina, very soon now you will be hanging by your elegant neck.

-Oh! Yeesss! –She answered with a voice hoarse with arousal.

-Hanged naked as the whore you are – He continued -Trashing and kicking in your death throes!

Hearing that, she went into another wild orgasm and urged him to empty himself completely inside her.

-I want to feel your cum seeping out of my cunt while I thrash hanged!
Hearing that, he also erupted in the best orgasm of his life.
When they calmed down a little, she told him;

-Please, stay inside me as long as you can. I will ring them now…

He still couldn’t believe what she was about to do. He was convinced that she was going to regret this crazy idea the moment she felt the rope taking her weight.
At that moment Cristina, still smiling and to his total and utter surprise, pushed the button twice!
He heard the two rings and almost immediately, the door of the bedroom burst open.

He didn’t see much, but several persons rushed inside the room and on the bed.
He felt his arms grabbed, pushed to his back and his wrists quickly tied together.
They were pushed on their side and Cristina´s hands were also tied at her back. He was still inside her because she was holding him tight to her body with her legs wrapped around his waist.
He saw a noose being passed around her head and immediately, he also had a rope around his own neck. They were jerked up, his dripping cock coming at last out of her, and forced to stand beside the bed. Somebody, a woman, put a coil of rope in his hands, the rope he was noosed with and instructed him:
-Hold this until I need it again.

He saw a man telling Cristina:

-You are an adulteress, and you are going to die for that!

-Oh, yes! Hang me like the slut I am. I deserve it my Love!

-Oh! I will, don’t worry babe!

-Thank you-she said- I can’t believe we are doing this is for real at last! - The man took her in his arms and while groping her bum kissed her with great passion.
Her husband and her Executioner, SuleBob deducted.

Once they broke their embrace, she was led out of the bedroom. The same woman that gave me him his coiled rope to hold, told him to follow her and they end up standing in line on the hallway, facing the apartment’s entrance door. Cristina in front of him.

Two other couples, besides Cristina´s husband, crowded the corridor around them.
Cristina turned back looking to him and said:

-I´m sorry I tricked you Bob, I would really hate to hang alone!
And anyway, I don´t think they would have allowed you to walk away.
He was obviously excited and looking pointily at his erection she continued:

-And I also think we will enjoy our dancing together. Or the preparations at least! – she finished merrily.

With his destiny taken out of his hands his only alternative now was to face it! He reflected and didn´t resist.
One of the women went back to the bedroom and brought Cristina´s shoes with her. Kneeling in front of the noosed woman she said.

-Let me help you with this. You will look better with you shoes on.

-Good idea. Thanks a lot Monica. – agreed Cristina.

It was a pair of black, high heels with straps.
Cristina slipped her feet into the shoes and the other woman fastened the straps around her ankles.

-Good. With these straps the shoes will stay in place no matter how much you kick.
You look incredibly sexy. I can´t believe you are doing this!
She said, and before standing, she kissed Cristina´s pussy with passion for a long instant getting a low moan from her.

He also admired Cristina. She looked sexy indeed. Naked, only her stockings and shoes on. Her perfect pear-shaped buttocks partially hidden by her tied hands and the coil of rope she will soon be hanged with. The noose already around her neck gave her a feral look.

He couldn’t believe that we were really about to be executed and that she actually was asking to be snuffed.
He told her that she, they, were going to regret this crazy idea the moment they felt the ropes taking their weight.
She laughed again and told him over her shoulder:

-So what? We will be already strung up, hands and ankles tied, and nobody will take us down my darling! It will be too late for us. Even now, it´s too late to bail out!
He reminded her that he had not volunteered and she, once again, looked at his rock-hard cock just smiling. Then, she said with a much more serious expression on her face:

-Being with you will also help me to maintain my composure and die well…

Helping her to behave like a lady during her execution looked, at that moment, as an important task to him.

-I am going to be your Executioner if you find me acceptable as your Hangwoman.

He had been distracted observing his noose mate and hadn’t noticed that the other woman had changed in a very tight-fitting black lace stocking body suit. She was standing at his side, waiting for his answer with some anxiety on her eyes.
She was about forty with a nice body and a very pleasant face.

-But…of course...I am yours! -He burbled out answering at last.

-Oh! Good! I will take good care of you. Don’t worry. By the way, my name is Clara. - She said with obvious relief in her voice. He wondered how she will take “good care” of a man she was about to hang.

-I was the one that tied and noosed you in the bedroom - She explained pleasantly.

A couple of video cameras were recording everything and he was pleased to learn that their death will give pleasure to many when they were gone.

Now the man he thought was Cristina’s husband and Executioner addressed them.

-Well, you are now fully prepared for your hanging. There is no turning back. You are about to be taken to your execution and you are going to die. Do you understand?
They both answered affirmatively and he wondered one more time. how he could be so pervert and so crazy.
He didn’t want to die, he reflected, but still the idea of being about to be hanged naked with a beautiful woman in front of a bunch of strangers, turned him so much that, probably, he wouldn’t want to walk away even if given the chance to do so.
It was his ultimate and obsessive fantasy and he was about to experience it.
The people around them were now talking as if they couldn’t hear them. Their comments covered the quality of their bodies, their anticipation for the good show they were about to provide or how sexy they expected them to look hanged. They also talked about his erection or the pointed nipples of Cristina.
He was an exhibitionist and a masochist. So being without a choice left, humiliated and treated as a source of deviant pleasure by those around them, gave him a real and sick thrill and the feeling of being there, tied naked in public, was incredibly exciting.
He was also quite proud of how his erect penis proclaimed how, in the end, he was ready for his hanging and how much he wanted to be executed for their sexual pleasure.

But his fear was also growing and he was afraid too of losing his composure during his last moments. So, he tried to concentrate in the best part of the experience and he took advantage of the close proximity of Cristina and pushed his cock against her bum. Felling it, she put aside the coiled rope and pushed back wiggling her buttocks against his body while moaning suggestively. Her body felt incredible and he was in Heaven.

-Well, very soon I will be in Hell! - He thought feeling nevertheless totally submissive and ready.

-You dirty pigs stop doing that! -said her husband when he noticed their bum-cock rubbing - You will have more chances of doing that very soon. You will be strung up very close together! -he continued while pushing him a little away of her.

Nothing else happened for some time. He guessed everybody was having an awesome experience and there was no hurry.
After several minutes another woman arrived and after lively greetings, she approached to take a look at them.

-Cristina, you are really going to go all the way! I can’t believe it. Well you look incredible! -Said the woman to the condemned lady.
She just smiled back a little embarrassed and the woman shifted now her attention to SuleBob.

-And this is a good specimen also. He is going to look so sexy hanged! And he is rock hard! - She said taken his penis in her right hand and starting to caress it with her fingertips.
He couldn’t hold back a deep pleasure moan,

-Do you think this will still grow harder and longer? - she asked to his Executioner.

-Well yes, I have read that a hanged man penis grows always to an incredible size! -Clara answered.

-I hope you are right Clara. I am really looking forward to see how they slowly strangle!
Everybody started to undress, the men mostly naked and the women in sexy black lingerie.
When they were ready somebody opened the apartment’s front door. At last they were about to be taken to the 7th floor, their gallows, and executed.

-Lets ‘go! – Cristina’s husband ordered.

His Executioner touched again his penis and asked him- This is still hard and hot. Are you ready?

-Yes Madam. I am - He answered in a hoarse voice.

-Ask me them-She said looking into his eyes.
After a long instant of hesitation, he croaked- Take me to my execution Madam. Hang me please!

-Oh! I think I will! –She laughed and slapping merrily but painfully his ass she ordered:

-Let’s climb to the 7th floor!

To be continued


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It is! And the hanging experience was very intense!
Particular elements are a) her desire to get executed for her adultry; b) the fact that she is drawing her lover into it, and c) that they will be executed together, naked. I suppose, the hanging will be slow, they will be standing touching each other, and that their legs may be entangled into each other during their agony.

Cristina was already walking and he followed her to the stairs well.

They climbed two flights of steps reaching the 6th floor.

The experience was of a huge intensity for them. They were being taken to their execution!

They were climbing the scaffold steps!

Everybody was silent feeling the anticipation and the arousal. The atmosphere was charged with a high level of eroticism.

With Cristina leading the way her beautiful bum was swinging in front of Bob´s face.

She was holding her rope coil at her side, offering the view of her buttocks to everyone. Delighted, he kissed it.

Again, he considered that they were being led to their execution.

He was naked, tied, he with an evident erection. Proud in his shame. Everybody observing the condemned and enjoying their predicament.

It was so sweetly humiliating!

They continued another two flights of stairs and reached the 7Th floor. End of the line.

Another two flights lead to the top landing with the doors to the roof and the elevator’s machine room.

-Wait here! - ordered Alberto. They stood there facing the stairs side by side, almost at attention, with the audience at their backs.

The executioners took the coils from their hands and went up the stairs. They threaded the rope´s ends through the vertical strut that, over their heads, supported the top´s landing railing.

-Climb three steps and turn around- The Leader instructed.

They complied and stood now facing their audience.

All eyes were full of arousal and riveted on them.

Somebody tied their ankles together while their executioners tightened their nooses, took the slack off and secured the ropes on the lateral railing.

They were now fully ready to hang.

He looked up. Right above them was the top landing´s edge. Both their ropes passed over the same point. They were to be strung up together!

They looked at each other. Very soon now…And they kissed passionately.

-Goodbye Bob…and thanks for dying with me- Cristina whispered. She looked absolutely gorgeous tied, noosed and naked but for the black heels and stockings.

-Don’t mention it- He smiled- I had no choice…But I guess it will be my pleasure…and death!

She smiled back and looked forward.

-You will be on your toes and at the edge of the step. - It was Clara, standing behind him and giving the last instructions -When Alberto gives the signal, we’ll push you both at the same time- So Alberto was the Leader/Husband/Executioner’s name.

Clara had now her right hand open and pressing slightly his right ass cheek. Her left was caressing his member and pressing it against his belly in a totally maddening way.

- You will both end up hanging over the first step. You may reach with your feet the second step, but you won’t be able to stand on it or remove your weight from the rope. If you try it, it will only lengthen your strangling process.

And try to stick out your tongue forward. You don´t want to swallow it! – Clara explained.

So, I advise you to hang still and let the noose do strangle you.

She was still caressing his penis with her fingertips.

-Mmmm! How hot and hard! And still, it will grow a lot! - Clara kept whispering, half moaning.

She was close and Bob found her pussy with his bound hands.

He started to caress her warm folds.

-Wow! That means you forgive me? -She exclaimed in amused surprise, but pushing her sex into his hands.

He could fell her wetness increasing.

-Any last questions Bob?

-Would you enjoy my hanging? – He asked her.

-Immensely! Does it bother you dear?

-On the contrary, it enhances my arousal. I hope you enjoy my execution and remember me sometime.

-Oh! I will never forget you.

-I will try to behave property, maintain my composure and please you, my Executioner.

-Oh! You will my darling! Don’t worry and enjoy your final experience! - She said while tensing the rope and putting him on his toes. He was literally on the edge.

Looking with the corner of his eyes he saw Cristina as ready as him.

Everybody was silent now. He looked at the audience and they were obviously extremely aroused.

Clara was still pushing a little her soft and warm body against his. He could feel her breast against his back, her belly against his buttocks.
Her right hand always caressing his sex…his, brushing hers…

Her left hand still between them, ready to push and hang him.

Her wetness increasing.

He was very frightened but he had the biggest erection of his life, a gorgeous naked woman was at his side and they were about to be hanged together.

-Now! - Alberto exclaimed and he felt Clara pushing him just so slightly, even tenderly. His feet lost contact with the step.

He tilted forward and he was hanging!

His first impression was of a terrible pain in his neck. He panicked and immediately regretted his stupidity for not resisting more to being put to death!

Their bodies clashed together. Hers was so soft, that it was a very pleasant sensation in spite of the pain.

He tried to free his hands and to find some support, but although he was able to touch the second step with his feet, his rope still cracked with his full weight on the noose; as Clara had predicted.

Cristina and him bumped into each other. Twisting and wriggling like worms in a fish hook!

Now face to face, then back-to-back as their thrashing positioned them.

At some point, he found her front pressing against his back. Her breast deliciously pressing his back. His fingers searched now for Cristina´s pussy.

He found it and tried his best to touch her clit while pushing a couple of fingers inside her.

She must have been close, because almost immediately shook and trembled climaxing hard.

That was good, but the torture of hanging by the neck was huge!

He tried to pull myself together and he was able to hang almost still, letting the noose efficiently strangle him.

Probably his body had adjusted partially and the pain was less terrible now.

He looked at the people watching their last dance and they were openly touching and masturbating. Their lust increased his own, and his cock grew up another notch. It was very long now and hard as a rock.

Suddenly, he felt his engorged cock squashed against Cristina´s buttocks!

Just a few second of rubbing against her, resulted in a good amount of his cream on her bum and the most blissful relief for him!

Feeling their trembling and dying bodies squashed together in the aftermath of their pleasure was heaven in hell.

He could still hear loud clapping and cheering from the audience.

Their pleasure throes started to mix with their final dancing. They were almost spent but still not totally strangled.

His vision was quite blurred now and his tongue protruding long from his mouth

The nooses were now totally closed around their necks and they lost consciousness.

Three minutes later, they were hanging dead from their ropes.
They had been executed as they really deserved!

The end.

Cristina was already walking and he followed her to the stairs well.

They climbed two flights of steps reaching the 6th floor.

The experience was of a huge intensity for them. They were being taken to their execution!

They were climbing the scaffold steps!

Everybody was silent feeling the anticipation and the arousal. The atmosphere was charged with a high level of eroticism.

With Cristina leading the way her beautiful bum was swinging in front of Bob´s face.

She was holding her rope coil at her side, offering the view of her buttocks to everyone. Delighted, he kissed it.

Again, he considered that they were being led to their execution.

He was naked, tied, he with an evident erection. Proud in his shame. Everybody observing the condemned and enjoying their predicament.

It was so sweetly humiliating!

They continued another two flights of stairs and reached the 7Th floor. End of the line.

Another two flights lead to the top landing with the doors to the roof and the elevator’s machine room.

-Wait here! - ordered Alberto. They stood there facing the stairs side by side, almost at attention, with the audience at their backs.

The executioners took the coils from their hands and went up the stairs. They threaded the rope´s ends through the vertical strut that, over their heads, supported the top´s landing railing.

-Climb three steps and turn around- The Leader instructed.

They complied and stood now facing their audience.

All eyes were full of arousal and riveted on them.

Somebody tied their ankles together while their executioners tightened their nooses, took the slack off and secured the ropes on the lateral railing.

They were now fully ready to hang.

He looked up. Right above them was the top landing´s edge. Both their ropes passed over the same point. They were to be strung up together!

They looked at each other. Very soon now…And they kissed passionately.

-Goodbye Bob…and thanks for dying with me- Cristina whispered. She looked absolutely gorgeous tied, noosed and naked but for the black heels and stockings.

-Don’t mention it- He smiled- I had no choice…But I guess it will be my pleasure…and death!

She smiled back and looked forward.

-You will be on your toes and at the edge of the step. - It was Clara, standing behind him and giving the last instructions -When Alberto gives the signal, we’ll push you both at the same time- So Alberto was the Leader/Husband/Executioner’s name.

Clara had now her right hand open and pressing slightly his right ass cheek. Her left was caressing his member and pressing it against his belly in a totally maddening way.

- You will both end up hanging over the first step. You may reach with your feet the second step, but you won’t be able to stand on it or remove your weight from the rope. If you try it, it will only lengthen your strangling process.

And try to stick out your tongue forward. You don´t want to swallow it! – Clara explained.

So, I advise you to hang still and let the noose do strangle you.

She was still caressing his penis with her fingertips.

-Mmmm! How hot and hard! And still, it will grow a lot! - Clara kept whispering, half moaning.

She was close and Bob found her pussy with his bound hands.

He started to caress her warm folds.

-Wow! That means you forgive me? -She exclaimed in amused surprise, but pushing her sex into his hands.

He could fell her wetness increasing.

-Any last questions Bob?

-Would you enjoy my hanging? – He asked her.

-Immensely! Does it bother you dear?

-On the contrary, it enhances my arousal. I hope you enjoy my execution and remember me sometime.

-Oh! I will never forget you.

-I will try to behave property, maintain my composure and please you, my Executioner.

-Oh! You will my darling! Don’t worry and enjoy your final experience! - She said while tensing the rope and putting him on his toes. He was literally on the edge.

Looking with the corner of his eyes he saw Cristina as ready as him.

Everybody was silent now. He looked at the audience and they were obviously extremely aroused.

Clara was still pushing a little her soft and warm body against his. He could feel her breast against his back, her belly against his buttocks.
Her right hand always caressing his sex…his, brushing hers…

Her left hand still between them, ready to push and hang him.

Her wetness increasing.

He was very frightened but he had the biggest erection of his life, a gorgeous naked woman was at his side and they were about to be hanged together.

-Now! - Alberto exclaimed and he felt Clara pushing him just so slightly, even tenderly. His feet lost contact with the step.

He tilted forward and he was hanging!

His first impression was of a terrible pain in his neck. He panicked and immediately regretted his stupidity for not resisting more to being put to death!

Their bodies clashed together. Hers was so soft, that it was a very pleasant sensation in spite of the pain.

He tried to free his hands and to find some support, but although he was able to touch the second step with his feet, his rope still cracked with his full weight on the noose; as Clara had predicted.

Cristina and him bumped into each other. Twisting and wriggling like worms in a fish hook!

Now face to face, then back-to-back as their thrashing positioned them.

At some point, he found her front pressing against his back. Her breast deliciously pressing his back. His fingers searched now for Cristina´s pussy.

He found it and tried his best to touch her clit while pushing a couple of fingers inside her.

She must have been close, because almost immediately shook and trembled climaxing hard.

That was good, but the torture of hanging by the neck was huge!

He tried to pull myself together and he was able to hang almost still, letting the noose efficiently strangle him.

Probably his body had adjusted partially and the pain was less terrible now.

He looked at the people watching their last dance and they were openly touching and masturbating. Their lust increased his own, and his cock grew up another notch. It was very long now and hard as a rock.

Suddenly, he felt his engorged cock squashed against Cristina´s buttocks!

Just a few second of rubbing against her, resulted in a good amount of his cream on her bum and the most blissful relief for him!

Feeling their trembling and dying bodies squashed together in the aftermath of their pleasure was heaven in hell.

He could still hear loud clapping and cheering from the audience.

Their pleasure throes started to mix with their final dancing. They were almost spent but still not totally strangled.

His vision was quite blurred now and his tongue protruding long from his mouth

The nooses were now totally closed around their necks and they lost consciousness.

Three minutes later, they were hanging dead from their ropes.
They had been executed as they really deserved!

The end.
Such a fabulously erotic piece of writing. Such a hot fantasy to image being hanged naked next to the exposed body of the one you love. No wonder they both creamed as they expired.
Some time ago, also in the late "Dolcettish", I saw some art work by ShinyRock 83.

I found surprising and arousing the fact that a guy had commissioned those drawings.

I found especially arousing this one:


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The nude version with a hood.

And a story came to my mind.

I asked permission to use the picture and post the story and ShinyRock 83 was kind enough to grant it.

So I will post it soon.
They were being taken to their execution!

They were climbing the scaffold steps!

Everybody was silent feeling the anticipation and the arousal. The atmosphere was charged with a high level of eroticism.

With Cristina leading the way her beautiful bum was swinging in front of Bob´s face.

She was holding her rope coil at her side, offering the view of her buttocks to everyone. Delighted, he kissed it.
First an exciting anticipation : the walk up to the execution! :rolleyes:

Then the climax! :very_hot:

Well done, Carlos! :thumbsup::clapping:
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