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See post #17 on this thread.


Part I

A man had a very disturbing fantasy and commissioned the drawing depicting it.
But now the art work, fuels so much his obsessive sick dream that he ends up commissioning again.
But this time he commissions the realization of the drawings.
His own hanging.

Once he decided he will do it, it took some time to find the right people.
They were very resourceful, probably ex-military.
They promised to take care of everything according to his wishes, for a certain amount of money.

He decided to be prepared by Mónica, his gorgeous Mistress so he asked for her help.
She tried to talk him out of his plan, but when she reached the conclusion that he will do it with her, or without her, she ended up agreeing. She knew she could make his ultimate experience perfect.

The date fixed for the event, he showed up early at the flat where Mónica worked, a BDSM parlor.

It was a key role she had to play.
He requested from her to prepare him and be with him until the end.
She was in charge of maintaining his level of arousal, of supporting him, helping him to behave, keep his poise, maintain his composure and die well.

-Ah, here you are – told him Charo. A mature an attractive former Mistress and owner of the place. -Are you really sure about this?

-Yes. As much as one can be.

-You will regret it, very soon. The moment they string you up! - Charo insisted.

-Probably, but I also know that if I don´t do it now, I will regret it too for the rest of my life. I think that with a mind as sick as mine, I deserve to end up like this.

-So be it! - Ended Charo.

Mónica joined them and he delivered, first of all several documents needed for collecting the money, with the condition he will be really hanged. The three of them also signed his Death Sentence.
He disrobed and she tied his hands at his back. There was no turning back now, as he had requested and had been agreed.

He was flogged, not really hard. Just to put him in the right set of mind. Also, there was a lot of rubbing, caressing and a last cunnilingus.
They discussed what and how was going to happen.
At some point Charo came back to dungeon wearing her white coat. Ready to grant him one of his last wishes.

Opening it, she revealed that beneath her coat, like Mónica, she is just wearing her high heels and seamless black pantyhose.
She offered him first her breast and he, on his knees kissed them and buried his face on her big and soft globes. Then he was allowed to look at her pussy and kiss her bush trough the thin fabric of her seamless pantyhose.

Mónica prepared his noose and put it around his neck.

-Hold this for me until it´s needed – instructed Mónica putting the rest of the coiled rope on his tied hands.

-It´s time. Let´s get you ready – Declared Mónica after a while. She and Charo took him to the door. The rest of the girls were waiting for him wishing to say goodbye.

- Die well and have a good death! – One said, while groping him.

- Give them a good show! – exclaimed another.

- Have a nice dance! – was the wish of a sensual blonde with big boobs.

Charo and Mónica donned black capes and threw another over his shoulders.
Like that, they rode the elevator down to the street.
Under the cape he was naked, noosed, with his hands tied at his back while holding his own rope. Barefoot, between the two women, he walked down the street until they reached a parked white van.

Beside it, on the side walk, Mónica removed his cape letting it drop on the pavement.
They waited, he was now standing up naked and noosed on the sidewalk, until the side door opened.
He was instructed to get inside and sit on the bench.
Mónica got in beside him, closed the door and let her cape fall too.
There were no windows in the back but on the partition, in front of his eyes, it was taped the drawing of the crane hanging that had triggered all.

-You will soon be hanging like that! -said Mónica in his ear while starting to caress his body.

And she devoted herself to comfort and support him during the trip. She wanted to maintain his level of sexual arousal until the very end. Her aim was to prevent him from regretting his decision now that there was no turning back.

-You are condemned to death and you are being taken to your execution. As you always dreamed – she said now caressing her cock with her fingertips. - It will be over soon, just follow my lead.
Think how exciting you are going to look hanging from the crane. What a show. So sexy!

Hearing this he felt his erection grow another notch. Fear and arousal kept his mind in total turmoil.

The van stopped after about 45 minutes and after a short delay, Charo opened the side doors.
They were in a remote open space; Perhaps an abandoned industrial site.
At about one hundred meters, he saw the crane truck.
From where he was going to hang.
There was also a lot of people waiting to see him die, according to his own instructions.

An atmosphere of great excitement reigned at the prospect of seeing such a weird and kinky spectacle. The public chatted animatedly ready to have a good time.

For long instants he stood there, naked with his hands tied at his back. The rope around his neck; Looking at the crane and the mob.
The audience noticed his arrival and there was a momentary silence.
All eyes were on him. Many cellular and cameras were also pointed to him and the silence was substituted by loud clapping, cheering and shouts.

-What a hard cock! He really wants to hang!

-Dance for us!

-Let´s hang the pig!

(To be continued)
Part II

He felt a chill down his spine and a wild fear tightening his stomach. His penis went down instantly limp.
How could he have been crazy enough to plan for his own humiliating public execution?

Reading his mind Mónica started to caress his cock again while pressing her gorgeous body against his.

-Wow! Look how many people have come to watch you executed!
Think of how much pleasure you're going to give everyone. To those who will see you die now and to the thousands who will get off watching the videos in the future!
Don´t you think it´s worth to hang for them?

-…Perhaps…- He whispered.

Remember – she continued. Always caressing him - This is what you have fantasized about so many times!
And there is no turning back now. So, enjoy your execution. I will help you until the end. Not long now. –She whispered in a sexy voice, her lips brushing his right ear. - Die well and give them a good show!

Somehow relieved he felt the power and eroticism of his fantasy returning; His cock went hard again in Monica´s hand.

-Let´s go. They are waiting for you. They wish to see how you hang – she said putting her left hand on his ass and pushing him forward. You are going to look fantastic strung up there!

He took a deep breath and started a hesitant walk towards the crane truck.
Charo and Mónica took him each by one arm and supported/marched him to his gallows.

The mob parted to let them through.
He listened to the comments. Ashamed but still with a very hard cock.
He felt his ass groped. His cock pinched and touched.

What face do you put in these circumstances? – he reflected. -
Being taken naked to be publicly executed in shame. With a rock-hard erection and everybody in the audience knowing that you are sick enough to have planned every detail of it and even paid for it.
For being hanged in shame and complete debasement!

A guy dressed totally in black was coming from the truck and met them midway to it. He was big and most probably his executioner.

-I will take him from here – He said getting Charo´s place.

-I will stay with him - asserted Mónica.

-No problem you may become handy – he conceded smiling at Monica´s handling of the condemned man´s cock. – And I will have to prepare this- He said taking the noose from his neck and the rest of the rope from his hands.

They reached the truck and he is was positioned beneath the crane hook, facing the crowd. Mónica always at his side.

He was soon surrounded by people trying to talk to him, touch him or both. The executioner was joined by another three of four bulky guys, also in black T-shirts and cargo pants.
They were on his pay roll, under contract to hang him, the ones organizing the event.
They were trying to keep things under control and the public at some distance.

His Executioner made a loop knot in the rope at the opposite end of the noose. Then, he cut the excess rope with a big saw knife. With the noose open, it remained about one meter of rope between the noose and the loop.

He was following mesmerized how they were preparing his death.
He was at the same time terrified, and incredibly excited.
Monica´s almost naked body and her caresses kept him at the edge of climax.

Getting on top of wooden crate the Executioner placed the loop on the big crane´s hook.
Now the noose rested in front of his face. Things were happening very fast now. At least in his perception.

In spite of the efforts of the security team, there was a lot of noise, and he was is still being touched, caressed, pitched or slapped on his ass.
It was an Iran type hanging.
In fact, TV footage of an Iranian street crane hanging, two men and a woman, had been the trigger of this incredibly powerful sick fantasy that was about to get him killed.

He tried hard to maintain his composure. Mónica, always besides him, stroked is cock from time to time, caressing lightly the rest of the time.

He felt awkward waiting for everything, his execution, to get organized. His feelings of fear, shame and arousal very strong and conflicting the whole time.

People kept coming and going to take a close look to the crazy guy who was about to be hanged. Who wanted to be executed.
Many tried to touch him in spite of the warnings of the bulky guys. Slapping his cock squeezing his ass. People talking, laughing, shouting…

Mónica, always supportive, was giving him some last-minute advice.

-When they string you up, try not to fight the noose at the beginning, let it do its work and strangle you. Also try to stick your tongue out so you don´t swallow it.
I have read that it will be best to hang that way. Less painful, perhaps you could get to cum.
At the end, you will end up kicking and thashing for sure. The public will enjoy that, but try to behave and maintain your composure.

-And you? Will you enjoy me? I want you to. – He said looking into her beautiful green eyes.

-Yes. I will- she answered.

He had decided not to have an orgasm before his hanging.
He needed his arousal to go through it, balancing the pain and the humiliation.

He was afraid of being hoisted in the middle of a regretful anticlimax, kicking and begging to be released.
Probably he won´t come, and will die desperately trying to reach a last pleasure. But that was definitely better than the other option.
On that, he was, literally, in Monica´s hands.

At that moment he saw Charo standing at the edge of the audience. She smiled to him and opened her cape revealing one more time her ample breast and her transparent pantyhose. Her bush and labia in beautiful display.
He smiled back to her and felt a little less frightened.

The Executioner covered his head with a black hood, like in the drawing.
It was thin enough so he still could see shapes through the fabric.
Next, he felt the noose pass over his head and around his neck. It was immediately tightened.
He heard his Executioner reading his sentence.

-This man has confessed to be a masochist, exhibitionist and a hopeless pervert. For this, he has requested to be executed in shame. – the executioner red from a paper. – his request will be carried out right away!

The expectation grew.
He was now totally ready.
Part of the people around him tried to back up to get a better view.

Mónica masterful performance was always keeping him on the brim of the pleasure, stroking, caressing with her fingertips, teasing, even kissing his cloth-covered lips a couple of times.

-Get him up! – His executioner was instructing the crane´s driver.

-Get ready. Die well! -were the last words Monica whispered to him. She gave a last stroke to his cock and a hard slap to his ass as she stepped back too.

He heard the engine revving up and smelled exhaust diesel fumes as the big crane´s metal hook started to rise quickly taking the slack of the rope.
He felt his heart beating much faster. If from panic or wild arousal, he couldn´t tell.

A second later the rope closed around his neck and he felt his feet leave the ground, his body rising until his toes were more than two meters in the air.

He was hanging!
He could make out the crowd below him cheering and applauding.
Above them, he heard Monica's voice:

-You did it!

Yes. He had done it. He had been hanged. Just like he had fantasized so many times. Naked, in public, ashamed…

The rope was closing his throat, he felt suffocated and in enormous pain.
Remembering her words, he willed himself to hang limp, letting his noose strangle him.
He felt his cock huge and pulsating and suddenly, it erupted spurting a strong jet of cum.

The audience went wild now.

-Well done love! – Mónica shouted.

His cock kept pumping out, his mind in a whirl of pain and pleasure.
Whistles and shouts.
Cum still flowing from his cock and dripping down along his shaft.

He was no longer in fear. He was where he should be. Hanged. Offered for the public and Monica´s pleasure.
Beginning to lose his consciousness, he started his last dance; Swinging and shaking on his death and pleasure throes.

It had been probably a stupid decision, but anyhow it was too late now to change his mind. So, he prepared himself to die, swinging up there, for his audience, for Mónica, for his own sick mind…

In one of his last lucid thoughts, he remembered the drawing by ShinyRock 83 that triggered this present moment. His own execution.
The guy hanging naked from the crane. His rock-hard cock pumping…like his…
Still, he didn´t want to die…But he was about to die, like in the drawing, for the mob’s amusement…

The End.
Part II

He felt a chill down his spine and a wild fear tightening his stomach. His penis went down instantly limp.
How could he have been crazy enough to plan for his own humiliating public execution?

Reading his mind Mónica started to caress his cock again while pressing her gorgeous body against his.

-Wow! Look how many people have come to watch you executed!
Think of how much pleasure you're going to give everyone. To those who will see you die now and to the thousands who will get off watching the videos in the future!
Don´t you think it´s worth to hang for them?

-…Perhaps…- He whispered.

Remember – she continued. Always caressing him - This is what you have fantasized about so many times!
And there is no turning back now. So, enjoy your execution. I will help you until the end. Not long now. –She whispered in a sexy voice, her lips brushing his right ear. - Die well and give them a good show!

Somehow relieved he felt the power and eroticism of his fantasy returning; His cock went hard again in Monica´s hand.

-Let´s go. They are waiting for you. They wish to see how you hang – she said putting her left hand on his ass and pushing him forward. You are going to look fantastic strung up there!

He took a deep breath and started a hesitant walk towards the crane truck.
Charo and Mónica took him each by one arm and supported/marched him to his gallows.

The mob parted to let them through.
He listened to the comments. Ashamed but still with a very hard cock.
He felt his ass groped. His cock pinched and touched.

What face do you put in these circumstances? – he reflected. -
Being taken naked to be publicly executed in shame. With a rock-hard erection and everybody in the audience knowing that you are sick enough to have planned every detail of it and even paid for it.
For being hanged in shame and complete debasement!

A guy dressed totally in black was coming from the truck and met them midway to it. He was big and most probably his executioner.

-I will take him from here – He said getting Charo´s place.

-I will stay with him - asserted Mónica.

-No problem you may become handy – he conceded smiling at Monica´s handling of the condemned man´s cock. – And I will have to prepare this- He said taking the noose from his neck and the rest of the rope from his hands.

They reached the truck and he is was positioned beneath the crane hook, facing the crowd. Mónica always at his side.

He was soon surrounded by people trying to talk to him, touch him or both. The executioner was joined by another three of four bulky guys, also in black T-shirts and cargo pants.
They were on his pay roll, under contract to hang him, the ones organizing the event.
They were trying to keep things under control and the public at some distance.

His Executioner made a loop knot in the rope at the opposite end of the noose. Then, he cut the excess rope with a big saw knife. With the noose open, it remained about one meter of rope between the noose and the loop.

He was following mesmerized how they were preparing his death.
He was at the same time terrified, and incredibly excited.
Monica´s almost naked body and her caresses kept him at the edge of climax.

Getting on top of wooden crate the Executioner placed the loop on the big crane´s hook.
Now the noose rested in front of his face. Things were happening very fast now. At least in his perception.

In spite of the efforts of the security team, there was a lot of noise, and he was is still being touched, caressed, pitched or slapped on his ass.
It was an Iran type hanging.
In fact, TV footage of an Iranian street crane hanging, two men and a woman, had been the trigger of this incredibly powerful sick fantasy that was about to get him killed.

He tried hard to maintain his composure. Mónica, always besides him, stroked is cock from time to time, caressing lightly the rest of the time.

He felt awkward waiting for everything, his execution, to get organized. His feelings of fear, shame and arousal very strong and conflicting the whole time.

People kept coming and going to take a close look to the crazy guy who was about to be hanged. Who wanted to be executed.
Many tried to touch him in spite of the warnings of the bulky guys. Slapping his cock squeezing his ass. People talking, laughing, shouting…

Mónica, always supportive, was giving him some last-minute advice.

-When they string you up, try not to fight the noose at the beginning, let it do its work and strangle you. Also try to stick your tongue out so you don´t swallow it.
I have read that it will be best to hang that way. Less painful, perhaps you could get to cum.
At the end, you will end up kicking and thashing for sure. The public will enjoy that, but try to behave and maintain your composure.

-And you? Will you enjoy me? I want you to. – He said looking into her beautiful green eyes.

-Yes. I will- she answered.

He had decided not to have an orgasm before his hanging.
He needed his arousal to go through it, balancing the pain and the humiliation.

He was afraid of being hoisted in the middle of a regretful anticlimax, kicking and begging to be released.
Probably he won´t come, and will die desperately trying to reach a last pleasure. But that was definitely better than the other option.
On that, he was, literally, in Monica´s hands.

At that moment he saw Charo standing at the edge of the audience. She smiled to him and opened her cape revealing one more time her ample breast and her transparent pantyhose. Her bush and labia in beautiful display.
He smiled back to her and felt a little less frightened.

The Executioner covered his head with a black hood, like in the drawing.
It was thin enough so he still could see shapes through the fabric.
Next, he felt the noose pass over his head and around his neck. It was immediately tightened.
He heard his Executioner reading his sentence.

-This man has confessed to be a masochist, exhibitionist and a hopeless pervert. For this, he has requested to be executed in shame. – the executioner red from a paper. – his request will be carried out right away!

The expectation grew.
He was now totally ready.
Part of the people around him tried to back up to get a better view.

Mónica masterful performance was always keeping him on the brim of the pleasure, stroking, caressing with her fingertips, teasing, even kissing his cloth-covered lips a couple of times.

-Get him up! – His executioner was instructing the crane´s driver.

-Get ready. Die well! -were the last words Monica whispered to him. She gave a last stroke to his cock and a hard slap to his ass as she stepped back too.

He heard the engine revving up and smelled exhaust diesel fumes as the big crane´s metal hook started to rise quickly taking the slack of the rope.
He felt his heart beating much faster. If from panic or wild arousal, he couldn´t tell.

A second later the rope closed around his neck and he felt his feet leave the ground, his body rising until his toes were more than two meters in the air.

He was hanging!
He could make out the crowd below him cheering and applauding.
Above them, he heard Monica's voice:

-You did it!

Yes. He had done it. He had been hanged. Just like he had fantasized so many times. Naked, in public, ashamed…

The rope was closing his throat, he felt suffocated and in enormous pain.
Remembering her words, he willed himself to hang limp, letting his noose strangle him.
He felt his cock huge and pulsating and suddenly, it erupted spurting a strong jet of cum.

The audience went wild now.

-Well done love! – Mónica shouted.

His cock kept pumping out, his mind in a whirl of pain and pleasure.
Whistles and shouts.
Cum still flowing from his cock and dripping down along his shaft.

He was no longer in fear. He was where he should be. Hanged. Offered for the public and Monica´s pleasure.
Beginning to lose his consciousness, he started his last dance; Swinging and shaking on his death and pleasure throes.

It had been probably a stupid decision, but anyhow it was too late now to change his mind. So, he prepared himself to die, swinging up there, for his audience, for Mónica, for his own sick mind…

In one of his last lucid thoughts, he remembered the drawing by ShinyRock 83 that triggered this present moment. His own execution.
The guy hanging naked from the crane. His rock-hard cock pumping…like his…
Still, he didn´t want to die…But he was about to die, like in the drawing, for the mob’s amusement…

The End.
Fantastic piece. My dick was as erect as the victim while reading it.
In this story, I would like the guy to be beautifully deceived. The girl persuaded her friends to make the loops non-tightening so that the couple suffered longer. As soon as they lose consciousness, take them out of the loops. For attempting suicide, a guy and a girl will be sentenced to crucifixion. The crucifixion is non-traumatic, temporary with ropes. The duration of the crucifixion in hours is equal to the number of minutes they hung in the loops. But this is just the beginning! The couple must undergo a special course of therapy for lovers of snuff, erotic auto-asphyxia, suicide and other perversions. The therapy consists of 100 hours of non-traumatic crucifixion, divided into sessions of increasing duration and intensity, but no more than a light day. The purpose of therapy is twofold. On the one hand, patients should receive in aggregate more intense torment than in the case of a successful suicide. On the other hand, patients should be given back a taste for the joys of life. Therefore, the day of torture alternates with the day of receiving all kinds of pleasures and with another day where the victims act as executioners, helping others undergo therapy and learning safe pain management practices. The new day of torture turns out to be a cleansing from the desire to torture others. Some couples only imitate the desire to commit suicide, trying to get into a course of BDSM therapy. They also get what they want. However, for such couples, the program lasts twice as long, and punishments are chosen more painful and humiliating. Healthy couples of malingerers are also important for the therapeutic process, as they experience genuine pleasure from the most shameful and painful punishments. The clinic staff, especially the pretty nurses, participate in therapy with patients, which creates an atmosphere of trust and love. If you feel that suicide is the only entertainment available to you, simply draw a cross in the pentagram and the loving staff of our clinic will come to your aid
According to the insurance rules, the energy of the immortal souls of patients is given to the temporary use of the clinic for the duration of therapy.
In this story, I would like the guy to be beautifully deceived. The girl persuaded her friends to make the loops non-tightening so that the couple suffered longer. As soon as they lose consciousness, take them out of the loops. For attempting suicide, a guy and a girl will be sentenced to crucifixion. The crucifixion is non-traumatic, temporary with ropes. The duration of the crucifixion in hours is equal to the number of minutes they hung in the loops. But this is just the beginning! The couple must undergo a special course of therapy for lovers of snuff, erotic auto-asphyxia, suicide and other perversions. The therapy consists of 100 hours of non-traumatic crucifixion, divided into sessions of increasing duration and intensity, but no more than a light day. The purpose of therapy is twofold. On the one hand, patients should receive in aggregate more intense torment than in the case of a successful suicide. On the other hand, patients should be given back a taste for the joys of life. Therefore, the day of torture alternates with the day of receiving all kinds of pleasures and with another day where the victims act as executioners, helping others undergo therapy and learning safe pain management practices. The new day of torture turns out to be a cleansing from the desire to torture others. Some couples only imitate the desire to commit suicide, trying to get into a course of BDSM therapy. They also get what they want. However, for such couples, the program lasts twice as long, and punishments are chosen more painful and humiliating. Healthy couples of malingerers are also important for the therapeutic process, as they experience genuine pleasure from the most shameful and painful punishments. The clinic staff, especially the pretty nurses, participate in therapy with patients, which creates an atmosphere of trust and love. If you feel that suicide is the only entertainment available to you, simply draw a cross in the pentagram and the loving staff of our clinic will come to your aid
According to the insurance rules, the energy of the immortal souls of patients is given to the temporary use of the clinic for the duration of therapy.
Very interesting idea!
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