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Hair On The Cross

How should a crucified woman's hair be?

  • Wild, bedraggled and filthy?

    Votes: 87 34.8%
  • Wild but washed?

    Votes: 58 23.2%
  • Cared-for (washed, trimmed and brushed before execution)?

    Votes: 28 11.2%
  • Styled (e.g. permed, dyed, fancy styled)?

    Votes: 8 3.2%
  • Natural length, never cut (so hip-length or even longer)?

    Votes: 40 16.0%
  • Long (waist-length)?

    Votes: 50 20.0%
  • Shoulder-length?

    Votes: 47 18.8%
  • Below her ears?

    Votes: 13 5.2%
  • Cropped short?

    Votes: 23 9.2%
  • Completely shaved?

    Votes: 43 17.2%

  • Total voters
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Poet Laureate
Staff member
We women think a lot about our hair, it's important to the way we look,
though men are notoriously unable to perceive
their wives'/ girlfriends'/ mistresses' nice new hairstyles! :rolleyes:

But how about when we're on the cross?
We shake our heads, tossing our hair about,
it's the only part of our crucified bodies we're free to move -
that must be part of the pleasurable sight for men to enjoy.

So, if you're crucifying me, or any of us Cruxgirls,
or your 'ideal victim'
how do you want our hair to look?
Here's a 'multiple answer' poll
so you can show all your preferences for length, style etc.
and comments and further suggestions will be very welcome.
This was always one of my favorite pics.

It says so much and also has a beauty all it's own.

It is probably a combination of at least three choices but it seems the most real.

Desert Dawn.jpg
I would prefer her hair should be at LEAST shoulder length. She should look as though she spent some time incarcerated in some form of dungeon and was subject to much abuse so her hair should be wild, bedraggled and filthy. The rest of her body will be marked, bruised and dirty from living in the squallar of the filthy, rat infested dungeon.
Good poll question Eulalia.
I voted for shoulder length, that way the hair shakes around when she shakes her head while on the cross. My favorite Makar videos have the women shaking her head, and it looks great, very erotic having her hair shaking around her head.
Like this:

img_4702.jpg img_5411.jpg img_5425.jpg diehard040.jpg
Dear Eulalia, I prefer unshaved
Oh, you mean on the HEAD! :)
On the head, shoulder length or longer is nice, style depends on the setting really, hair bound in a little bob at the back of the head can be quite sexy on the cross
All the pics above are nice examples
The biggest question is....



In general

Maybe a Beehive

With red hair just for Admi ?????
It shouldn`t make any difference , the victim is being punished alebit crucified. She will have to make the most of whats there. If she has been the plaything of the guards before her punishment she will have her hair and body dirty and bedraggled.
Just my personal opinion
While Tree fully agrees with MM above that there should be no concern what the condemned wench desires (and shame on you who do care), the question is what pleases us watching her. As Phlebas said it does depend on the setting. I can picture a woman of great social status taken to the cross with her head shaved to heighten her shame. But I tend to prefer longer hair even if may obscure her face since I the solace that it is sticking to sweat and blood and is in her eyes and mouth and there is not a damn thing she can do about it...
Dark P treed.jpg

Nice pic, Mr Tree :)

Yeah I think hair should be long, so I voted for the waist-length / never cut variety (I also voted for "washed and cared for etc", as all women like to look our best for those big occasions in our lives...

Here's a couple of pics of the all-time definitive long-hair goddess, Chanta Rose - One on the cross, and another with that wondrous hair down as she dominates yet another really lucky submissive...

58219_RT8_123_935lo.jpg 46176_060F6345_RT8_123_336lo.jpg
Lots of great answers there, thanks everybody!
I think I share the view that the 'ideal' crucificanda
should have luscious, long curls that are filthy and bedraggled
by the time she's brought to Golgotha.

I didn't include any suggestions about tying or clipping,
I thought I might but didn't want to make it too long,
but I like Phlebas' mention that a bob or ponytail
can look pretty and 'girly',
waving desperately as she shakes her head,
leaving her face and neck exposed.

As for me, while I think long hair can look lovely,
and envy women who can wear theirs long,
it doesn't really suit my face.
Mine's quite nice - dark brown (matching my eyes)
wavy rather than curly,
I keep it cut just below my ears.
On a cross, or a whipping-scaffold,
it tosses about quite excitingly!


PS can anyone remind me of the name of the (Czech?)
actress/model/Eulalia lookalike?
It's information that got lost in the crash,
I'm ashamed I've forgotten it.
(got her -Sabina Casarova!)​
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This was always one of my favorite pics.

It says so much and also has a beauty all it's own.

It is probably a combination of at least three choices but it seems the most real.

yep and one of the masterpieces the both made
One of my fav's from the first crux of Eul I did...
View attachment 83810

I believe I maniped (more colorized and enhanced a hammerlich)

another one you publiced in that time and story
eul  request fulflled jpeg.jpg
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When I first saw the title to this thread I thought RR was shedding again...

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