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Hanging And Garrottage

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Here are some nice examples of both hanging and garrottage for all of you :)


Some girls are lucky enough to get snuffed in a nice place, with their last breath being one of fresh air...


Then again, some get some fun even being indoors... I guess these show why garrottage is such a popular class in Executioner's College

both at the same time?
IMHO, being sexually assaulted while seeing the preparations for being hanged is a huge fantasy kick. The callousness, the cold cruelty, gives me shivers both delicious and awful. And then to be pulled over to the noose, the evidence of my rape and humiliation dripping from my face, and from between my thighs, with all eyes on my nude and trembling form as my wrists and ankles are trussed....

And as the deed is done, I honestly believe that the sheer pain of the crushing noose, coupled with the inability to draw breath... I gotta think I would be flopping like a fish in desperate terror of my need to pull in air, with little awareness left of what else is happening to my body.
Does anyone know if Dingbatt produced any other hanging set in the superb quality of the "Turkish Gallows" ?- Thanks
Not sure what aspect you call superb quality here - on purely graphical terms that set is more than a bit outdated.
He has done many hanging sets, but he usually works on commission basis, so the contents of these sets vary greatly depending on what his clients want him to do. One IMO great thing about this particular set - the delinquent comes in, is forced to undress and then excecuted naked - is present in a few other sets of his from that time, but has not been done since.
His older stuff used to be on DA, but I suspect it is gone like most other things there these days.

I am not sure where Dingbatt hangs out these days - I think I saw him on TDS and/or Dolcettish - but he has his own subscribestar going and if you want to join you can ask him there :)
Not sure what aspect you call superb quality here - on purely graphical terms that set is more than a bit outdated.
He has done many hanging sets, but he usually works on commission basis, so the contents of these sets vary greatly depending on what his clients want him to do. One IMO great thing about this particular set - the delinquent comes in, is forced to undress and then excecuted naked - is present in a few other sets of his from that time, but has not been done since.
His older stuff used to be on DA, but I suspect it is gone like most other things there these days.

I am not sure where Dingbatt hangs out these days - I think I saw him on TDS and/or Dolcettish - but he has his own subscribestar going and if you want to join you can ask him there :)
Many thanks -Xenophon- for your helpful answer and comments ! All the best
Another one!
This does not appear to be trick photography. Our rules clearly state
"Likewise, we do not allow videos or images of real people engaged in forms of so-called BDSM which are stupid and dangerous, and could well lead to serious injury or death, or to criminal charges, nor do we allow posts that encourage or assist such activities."
I'm deleting the video while the staff discuss it.
Please folks do not post videos which are in clear violation of our site rules or the laws of the countries we operate in. We are struggling to stay afloat in difficult times.

You know this may be a good time to remind EVERYBODY that people who truly are involved in and understand BDSM that it is an activity that is engaged in both consensually and SAFELY!

However they is tons of porn material out there that is neither and in many cases borders on criminal activities. Please do not allow those activities to make us a target for law enforcement. If the activity looks like it wasn't professionally done or the actors look underaged, don't post it. Every time you go online your location is registered in a massive number of locations and no matter how smart you may think you are at covering your tracks you aren't.

Please I do eDiscovery for a living and I can find almost anything without the tools law enforcement has. Protect yourself and us by being an adult and a connoisseur, not a someone supporting crime.


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