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Happy Easter

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Happy Easter.


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The prospect of people coming back from the dead has come a step closer?


I'm not squeamish, but I do find this report quite troubling -
very interesting, but the possible implications are scary ...
The prospect of people coming back from the dead has come a step closer?


I'm not squeamish, but I do find this report quite troubling -
very interesting, but the possible implications are scary ...

Well, it does raise questions about "the soul", doesn't it? Just as Alzheimer's does. Just as prion diseases do.
Human cells have been added to mouse brains. What does that mean?
In fact, some people have themselves frozen (Ted Williams of the 1940-50's Boston Red Sox, for example) in the hope of being "revived" when medical science can "cure" what killed them.
OK, but isn't a brain all about connections and their history and their supporting environment? Reviving a few cells won't restore that.
I read a novel in German--I forget the title and the author--in college about two guys who switched heads. The result wasn't the sum of the parts. The athletic guy got fat and somewhat lazy. The more intelligent guy changed too. In fact, people change over time without "human" intervention. Gut bacteria, exercise, disease, life experiences (DNA can be "methylated based on stress and affect what happens in the body and which genes are expressed, there is PTSD, there are concussions) all influence the brain and its "personality".
Connections are so complex that it is unlikely we'll ever be able to sort it all out and engineer it. The best we can do is "Brave New World" stuff, where we change people's circumstances and mess with their lives. That's bad, of course, but it's not total control.
This Easter, one can ask whether people WANT to come back from the dead. For all we know, Christ's reaction was "Woo, hoo, I'm finally out of there!")
Sorry, you shouldn't give me an opening like that. You get an essay. It's worse sometimes than firing up Richard Dawkins. "Deep" philosophy tends to annoy me. I like data--the soul of an engineer.
Yes, I'm not sure I'd want to come back from the dead, still less meet anyone else who has.
My favourite poem about resurrection is Hugh Macdiarmid's 'Crowdieknowe'
(I've done an English version below)

Oh to be at Crowdieknowe
When the last trumpet blaws,
An see the deid come loupin owre
The auld grey wa’s

Muckle men wi tousled beards,
I grat at as a bairn
‘ll scramble frae the croodit clay
Wi feck o swearin.

An glower at God an aa his gang
O angels I the lift
- Thae trashy bleezin French-like folk
Wha gar’d them shift.

Fain the weemun-folk’ll seek
To mak them haud their row
- Fegs, God’s no blate gin he stirs up
The men o Crowdieknowe!

Oh to be at the cemetery
when the last trumpet blows
and see the dead come leaping over
the old grey walls.

Mighty men with tousled beards
I blubbed at as a kid,
will scramble out of the crowded clay
with a heck of swearing.

And glower at God and all his gang
of angels in the sky,
those trashy, bloody French-like folk
who've made them shift.

In vain the women-folk will try
to make them hold their racket -
Cor, God's no coward if he stirs up
the men of Crowdieknowe!
Here's a little Easter contribution from me



I'm not squeamish, but I do find this report quite troubling -
very interesting, but the possible implications are scary ...
Keep in mind, it's a lot easier to find brain function in a pig than in most blokes staggering back from the pub on Friday night!
In vain the women-folk will try
to make them hold their racket -
Cor, God's no coward if he stirs up
the men of Crowdieknowe!
Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
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