LOL ... I remember the times I was active in a Gorean role play chat.
Following this statekment there would have been an outrage by two thirds of the community, telling you that 2 silver coins are way too much for the use of some girl, you could buy half a dozen of them for this, this again followed by an argument by others, that half a dozen is too much, maybe two or three at maximum, both sides quoting passages from the books, in which you can find eversthing, because of their inonsistency, then topping these 'original quotes' by quotes from thos crazy 'scrolls', brining in the third of the community that had been quiete up to now, shouting that the 'scrolls' are perfectly insignificant, because just some bloke from the community wrote them, by now there would be at least three essays of several pages, detailing an elaborate Gorean economical system and all their authors in a huff, because everybody ignores them ... and then the community would split up into several comfortable bubbles, in which everypne would confirm everybody else that only here *REAL* Gor is done, without anybody ever playing.
I loved it