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We have two news - one good, the other bad.
The good news is that there are more of us, more messages, photos and videos.
But on the other hand, the traffic increased (and you noticed it) to such an extent that you had to reconfigure the server.
And the server maintenance costs have increased.
Therefore, again we are announcing the start of collecting donations to pay for the server in April.
A small amount is already there, but it is still not enough to fill up 10% of our wallet.
We have another 3 weeks to raise the temperature on our thermometer to 100%.
Another donation was received today.
It is not enough to add another 10% to our thermometer.
Let me remind you that donations are best done in US dollars in order to avoid unnecessary conversions.
Another donation has been received and our thermometer rises by the next 10%.
Total now in our wallet 20% of the required amount.
Hopefully this weekend will cover the need for payment of the April bill.
Something in this link stops me from logging on to PayPal ... yet I have no problem when I hit the PayPal site and log in.

Until this is fixed I can't donate ... which is annoying.
Works fine for me. What exactly happens when you try?
PayPal rejects my username and password ... but when I've tried it (not using the CF link) it works fine.

I changed my eMail address (and ISP) recently (but also changed it at PayPal to the new one without a problem) so I don't think that's the issue.

I'll keep trying ...
PayPal rejects my username and password ... but when I've tried it (not using the CF link) it works fine.

I changed my eMail address (and ISP) recently (but also changed it at PayPal to the new one without a problem) so I don't think that's the issue.

I'll keep trying ...
Update: It finally worked.

Don't know what the glitch was, but I seem to be able to donate once again. :)
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