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Horny girls in torture museums

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The sect members sat in front of Annette as if they were the court of Inquisition clerics attending the witch's interrogation. Some were very involved in their role.

- Confess, my daughter, your sexual relations with Satan and we will be merciful to you.
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Contradicting the "paternal words" of the clergyman, the executioner tied a rough rope to her crotch that would be stuck between her labia, causing brutal suffering, scraping her clitoris and labia, leaving them skinned and raw.
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- The witch does not accept her god, executioner, up with her.
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The rope pulled her arms back violently and Annette felt a sharp pain in her shoulders. The executioner then turned the wheel and an enormous force pulled it upwards.

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Annette had described that torture countless times in her novels. The procedure was simple and at the same time brutal. The rope pulled her arms up and the victim desperately tried to maintain contact with the ground with the tips of her toes....but it was inevitable to hang and visit the hell of pain.


- Do not ask for help from God but from your lord Satan, sinful witch!

to be continued
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