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Ideas for crucifixion role play and stories

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My husband's birthday is comming up (Aug 20th) and I have offered myself to be crucified as a gift for him on that date. This will be my second crucifixion experience and I would like to have the members of this forum to have some input as to how the scene could develop.

The first time I did this for him it was pretty much a standard crux procedure. Confinement, trial, flagellation, crucifixion. The only departure from tradition was a bit of electro-torture while I was being affixes to my cross. The whole thing lasted about two hours.

Let's keep it real people and plese do not expect all ideas submitted to be used. I am going to be thinking real hard as to wether or not I even want pictures taken of the event.

Thanks for your input.
:p :p Maybe you describe us shortly, what you mean by standard crux procedure. Which type of cross, was there a footrest ... How he tied you on the cross ...
Gucky has a point, Nikka. Besides sending our ignoble imaginations into overdrive, the kind of cross you use and how you are fastened to it would quite literally shape the scene.

Full disclosure--I've never participated in a crucifixion. If I ever do, I'm going to try to build a cross along the lines in a story called "Wednesday in Soho."


I just tried to attach that story, and failed. No matter. Here's the relevant passage:

My ankles bump against the foot rests and I step over them. The two Roman guards pull me down onto the wood. They each take control of a wrist. First the wrist cuffs are attached to the crossbeam, then rope is bound over them hiding the leather from view. I slip my hands through the metal handles that are bolted onto the crossbeam. As I curl my fingers around the handle a dark square tab of iron protrudes between the third and forth fingers. This gives the illusion of a nail head driven through the palm as the fist clenches over it. We used to use theatrical blood packets squeezed between the fist and handle but they are sticky and quite a mess when you're being stroked and fondled by a hundred curious onlookers. My arms are firmly attached - I'm now the prisoner of my cross.

One of the men swings a wooden mallet striking against the bolts at the top of the right hand handle. It is done strictly for show and makes a satisfying clang. I scream on cue, jerking and twisting my torso as my feet flail helplessly. After four or five blows they turn their attention to my left hand and the process is repeated. I know the audience is squirming in their seats as they listen to the hammer blows mixing with my screams.

The men move down my body easily capturing my feet. They stretched my legs down toward the foot of the cross. I feel my body slide down the cross until my crotch is firmly pressed against the sedile. Only then do they bend my legs pushing my feet up toward the footrests. The footrests of my cross are two wooden blocks bolted to the sides of the upright. They are planed to a 45 degree slope away from the upright. The front half of an open toed sandal has been nailed to each one. My feet are slipped into these half sandals and bound to the footrests with rope more rope wraps around my ankles fixing them tightly against the upright. My legs are now fixed in an obscenely open position with my feet pointed outward. It will still allow me to push up and down with my legs but it is quite impossible to close my legs.
Dear Nikka,

First, specify the reason to be crucified : for instance, prostitution ? Second, the preparation for execution must be very exciting for all witnesses and you.

Your hands are bound on the back and you are transferred to the place of execution. You are ordered to remove all clothes and to strip completely naked : clothes, shoes and jewelry even make-up are removed. Nude before the executioners, they must talk about your death : a slow, agonizing ordeal without dignity, because the victims are crucified nude and are left hanging on the cross to suffer for hours until release from life. Then, you are put nude in a cage to prepare yourself to the tragic fate. When the executioners arrive later and open the cage, you will kneel on the floor in an attitude of submission for a last pity.

Naked but your bounds, the executioners take you by the hairs to walk to the cross. All prisoners live in terror of being summoned to that place and the executioners force you to go on. You are so impressed seeing the wood where you will die that you cannot take another step and you collapse on the floor.

The executioners force you to stand up and walk to the cross; suddently, one executioner gives you a sharp blow to the solar plexus to stun you, avoiding any resistance when you will bound on the wood. The stroke is violent and you fall again on the floor. Now, you are ready, entirely nude, reduced to a state of total submission to be bound on the cross.

Any comment welcome before continuingÂ…
gucky007 said:
...Maybe you describe us shortly, what you mean by standard crux procedure. Which type of cross, was there a footrest ... How he tied you on the cross ...

By standard crux procedure I meant exactly what I wrote in my original post: an evening of confinement in a dark, cold basement; a humiliating trial before the three doms that performed the crucifixion; a lenghty flogging to weaken my body prior the main event and finally, affixion to a cross not unlike the one seen at any catholic church, only sturdier and roughly finished. No, there was no foot rest or sedile.
I was held by padded wood-metal cufs, custom made which were electrically wired. As the executioners nailed this cuffs (not my limbs) to the cross, their hammers, which were also wired, closed the electrical circuits on the cuffs delivering momentary shocks to the inside of the cuffs. This shocks, though low amperaged, felt painfully enough on my wrists and ankles that the illusion of actually being nailed was very real.
St-Pierre said:
...First, specify the reason to be crucified : for instance, prostitution ?

Obviously, St-Pierre, you did not read the original post in its entirety. This is to be a birthday gift!

St-Pierre said:
Second, the preparation for execution must be very exciting for all witnesses and you. ...You are ordered to remove all clothes and to strip completely naked : clothes, shoes and jewelry even make-up are removed. Nude before the executioners, they must talk about your death : a slow, agonizing ordeal without dignity, because the victims are crucified nude and are left hanging on the cross to suffer for hours until release from life. ...You are so impressed seeing the wood where you will die that you cannot take another step and you collapse on the floor...

Hey, you just made me think about something: how about being crucified wearing an incongruous article of clothing, like bobbysocks or a shiny belt or even a cute hat? The traditional nudity is fine but I want a crux scene with character, panache, originality. Hey that is why I am asking for ideas!

Talk about my death... release from life... Get Real! I want this, and he knows it. Sure there is roleplay but complete suspension of disbelief? I don't know...

As for not being able to even stand in the pressence of my cross... Well, the first time I did this I had to spend an entire evening tied to a ringbolt on the wall away from the cross because I was so excited my master was sure I would start to masturbate on it if I got a chance. I guess I am too much of a masochist to even be afraid.
Dear Nikka,

Sorry but your idea of birthdayÂ’s gift is quite strange, but itÂ’s your choice (and those of your husband) ! Then, I prefer a nude woman on a cross than a prisoner with clothes, but itÂ’s also your choice (and thoseÂ… etc).

Finally, do you want really a description of your agony on the wood ? ItÂ’s your choice (and thoseÂ… etc), but I donÂ’t want to have any problem if you have a “problem with your “roleplayÂâ€.
My ex loved to be crucified
For her birthday we got some of her friends (as she worked in a brothel parttime)
and we tied her to her cross, nude and we all rubbed oil all over her body and two of her G/f licked her out. I then fucked her
she watched me fuck her friend whilst another girl licked her out.
She masturbated for hours whilst on her cross
friends lined up and we all masturbated whilst watching her twist erotically

It was an erotic night
Well it has been done. My husband has been taking care of me for the last two days and now I am strong enough to sit here and type a bit about last Saturday. He will not let me post a picture though.

To say that my birthday gift to him was an intense experience is an understatement of epic proportions. Everything about it was, well, I guess the first word that comes to my mind is painful. I am just happy he enjoyed it because, so did I.

From early Friday evening until the time of my execution I was kept in a basement cellar at the home of A. and G., a couple that sometimes bdsm scene with us. This place was cramped and kept artificially cold. I had nowhere to lie down except a rough deck of unfinished wood. Having had no food since early Friday afternoon the pain of hunger joined my fear, the cold and my excitement in keeping me awake most of the night.

The “trial†happened around ten the next morning. This was the only part of the whole adventure that I really did not enjoy. I am not really into the humiliation thing. And humiliating it was. Five people sitting before me while I, completely nude, stood before them, confessing to made-up sins, which was easy. I just wanted to get it over with as soon as possible.

The flogging that made me wish otherwise. I was very tightly tied to a column and given a piece of wood to bite on. I was glad for it. Two of the men went at me slowly and methodically, using leather floggers, which allowed them to swing full force without fear of cutting my skin too fast, as it would have happened from the first strokes, had they used singletail whips. I love getting whipped but I went through a whole range of emotions during the next hour and a half. From “Oh my God, this really hurts†through “Yes, please, harder!†to “Please, let me faint for just a little bitÂâ€. Each one of them must have beat me at least two hundred times. There was a mirror on the wall in front of me and I guess one of the things that helped me go through it was looking at my own body slowly being covered with bright bruises and welts. I felt so sexy! By the time I lost the bit/gag, I was so exhausted I could not even scream and it crossed my mind that the purpose of the whipping was precisely that, to get me as tired as possible.

As tired as I was, I still found the strength to screech in agony as my body was placed upon the cross, the surface of which was rough and splintered. There was a tiny foot rest on each side of the stipes, and I wondered why they were being so nice about it. Then came the surprise. As the cross was raised, heavy iron chains were wrapped about my neck, arms, shoulders, and even my breasts and waist. So the dance, if I managed to do it would be a painfully slow one. Just the pain on my toes at rest was incredible with over a hundred pounds of iron hanging from my body. My shoulders were pretty useless after only a few minutes, hence the footrests. By the end of it, they were using a purple wand to “encourage me†to rise up and breathe. And all that time, I got to look at myself in the mirror and see myself suffer for him. By the time they took me down after about an hour and I finally got my reward, my body was too weak to manage more that a symbolic orgasm.

Still I canÂ’t wait to do it again.
Jones said:
My shoulders were pretty useless after only a few minutes, hence the footrests. By the end of it, they were using a purple wand to “encourage me†to rise up and breathe. And all that time, I got to look at myself in the mirror and see myself suffer for him. By the time they took me down after about an hour and I finally got my reward, my body was too weak to manage more that a symbolic orgasm.

Still I canÂ’t wait to do it again.

Ms. Jones, may I make a recommendation.

You may not wish to photograph your scenes. But perhaps you can hire an artist to draw or paint them. And embellish them into scenes far beyond or before an early 21s century bondage session.

Or maybe an artist might wish to do so gratis. If I could draw or paint, I would.

Try to find out. ;-)
Lobo25 said:
wow, I can only hope to find a wife like you sooon
exellent description

Yes I think an 'Introductions for Crux Singles' thread would be good!
Maybe we could get people with similar ideas together for love & extatic eroticism
But would like what others wish to read?
My head is ALL screwed up though, I'm a TS, but straight? I mean I prefer men....
Sex =Crucifixion, Crucifixion, = sex to some degree. agreed all?
Suck/nibble a painted toe of mine, Tree? Drive your nails! :)
While ON the cross, or after nailed down tight?
Put me naled, EVERYthing is erect!
Wish to be included in my story?
I AM a pre-op transex! So you know.....
first we had to put you on your cross because we will punished you for your deviant behaviour.
We have you whipped in a dreadfull way. You were forced to bear your beam up the hill only wearing a grime loincloth pulled up between your tanned legs and knotted in front of you. You staggered up the hill panting, sweating
If we reached the crest of the hill one of us grab your arms and I ripped your loincloth of but you you squeezed your legs together to hold onto the last vestige of your modesty.
Not that it gained you a heartbeath of time before y're completely naked
you trembled with exhaustion and panic and a pleading in your eyes i cuaght you and stood you up my comrad took your other arm and held you up betweenus I heard you asking for water but that I refused you.
I take your warrant for your crucifiction because your recalcitrant behaviour and read it for the onlookers.
because the execution site is on the top of the hill of the local garbage dump brought a breeze the stench of rotting and garbage. you will joining the refuse of the town. I order to put you on the cross and a moment later the things began to move quickly. With the moment of your execution on hand you look again to me beseeeching just before I psh you to the ground.
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