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I would argue no, you might get a quick result but actually to my mind most stories of imaginary human impalation ignore the resilience and toughness of human flesh. Historical accounts indicate a great deal of variation but suggest with skilled executioners who controlled the amount of trauma to the body a victim could endure for days.
I think the main risk would be perforation of the intestine,
which could happen even with vaginal impalement,
and very likely with rectal - that would trigger very rapid and fatal toxic shock.​
Yes if the stick too thin death will came quickly. But if executor use thick stick agony will be veeery looong

You know this is one of those times when they say it is not the thickness of your stake but what you do with it that counts and they are actually right :p

As discussed above the causes of death in an impalement are fairly standard traumas such as bleeding and septicaemia, a thin stake that avoided penetrating too many blood vessels and organs would result in an individual being fixed but not in danger of death for a considerable period. A large fairly blunt stake might also achieve a similar result by plugging its own entry wounds thus slowing bleeding out.

Too great a rupture of the bowels, rupture of the stomach, penetration of the heart or lungs on the other hand would be fatal in short order. Other more minor (relatively speaking) wounds might also hasten death if not adequately constricted or plugged.
This is the most convincing one for pose and expression imho.
Is it your own work Mandy?
Well I wouldn't call it 'Work'. I'm a

graphic artist an send most of my time

in front of photo shop touching up tits

and hiding spots and wrinkles. I found

this picture quite a while ago and at

the time thought it needed something

extra. I then found this site and

thought others might enjoy my

imaginings and so I just put the

impaling spike there to show what went

through my mind. Just being gently lowered onto the spike and sliding down it till the small spike found its place.
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