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Is the world getting stupider?

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The gene pool needs more chlorine!
That reminds me a laugh I had recently. Somebody wrote:
"Those who claim that the Covid vaccination alters genes... should see this as a chance..."
So... what you're saying is that baseless accusations generally don't work?

Actually in a LOT of cases they do.

Looks what happens to people convicted in social media or a HR department which is more interested in image than in the truth (which unfortunately seems to be the prevailing attitude in the world today).

A destroyed reputation never recovers and in the case of a business professional can make them unemployable.


Most stupid thing I heard yesterday: Entrepreneurs like Elon Musk should pay US taxes on "unrealized value gains" of his shares (when the value goes up on the stock exchange): So pay taxes when the shares rise (what would force him to sell part of the company, literally destroying it)
But obviously he would not get money back if the shares drop...
And that from a finance minister! :facepalm:

Politicians are only interested in staying in power and will say whatever they think will keep them there. As the population as a whole gets dumber (or stops using logic) it is easier for them to persuade a large segment of the electorate to keep them in power.

The solution to the vast amount of our political problems is term limits on EVERY elected office and a total number of years you can serve in government period (and please don't give me any lines about 'We deserve the best'. The best are out making money and paying taxes).

If politicians actually had to live under the laws they created, in the society they have molded and EARN a living we'd see less stupidity. Right now they are insulated from their own mistakes.


Politicians are only interested in staying in power and will say whatever they think will keep them there. As the population as a whole gets dumber (or stops using logic) it is easier for them to persuade a large segment of the electorate to keep them in power.

The solution to the vast amount of our political problems is term limits on EVERY elected office and a total number of years you can serve in government period (and please don't give me any lines about 'We deserve the best'. The best are out making money and paying taxes).

If politicians actually had to live under the laws they created, in the society they have molded and EARN a living we'd see less stupidity. Right now they are insulated from their own mistakes.


OMG - you are so right!
The problem with 'social media' and 'information' was (allegedly) pegged by Joseph Goebbels over 80 years ago.

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."​

Now you can debate whether or not that phrase was every uttered by Goebbels but it is the essential element of all propaganda. That and that "truth" is ENTIRELY subject. Facts are not but "truth" is.

People like to blame outside forces for human stupidity but the real reason most people do or say stupid things is their emotions. And propaganda by those with an agenda is designed to manipulate you emotional.

The hard part for most people is being able to turn off their emotions when it is necessary - like when listening to an "authority" figure.

Get fed enough "information" that is designed to manipulate you in a specific direction and sooner of later you believe it.

Before electronic mediums, religion was the easiest way to indoctrinate masses of people into a specific way of thinking. Then along came TV, couple that with an education system that worries more about indoctrination than teaching intelligent analysis or facts it becomes so much easier. Invent a method to feed people exactly what you want them to believe 24x7 AND directs them to sites that reinforces the messaging (internet) that also helps create endorphins in the brain and well you've got a world beater.

And the LAST thing leaders of any stripe want is an intelligent, thinking analytical population who sooner or later is going to say 'Now wait a minute'. Much easier to bribe\delude the mob because you'll probably be dead by the time they realize they've been had and get violent.


The problem with 'social media' and 'information' was (allegedly) pegged by Joseph Goebbels over 80 years ago.

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."​

Now you can debate whether or not that phrase was every uttered by Goebbels but it is the essential element of all propaganda. That and that "truth" is ENTIRELY subject. Facts are not but "truth" is.

People like to blame outside forces for human stupidity but the real reason most people do or say stupid things is their emotions. And propaganda by those with an agenda is designed to manipulate you emotional.

The hard part for most people is being able to turn off their emotions when it is necessary - like when listening to an "authority" figure.

Get fed enough "information" that is designed to manipulate you in a specific direction and sooner of later you believe it.

Before electronic mediums, religion was the easiest way to indoctrinate masses of people into a specific way of thinking. Then along came TV, couple that with an education system that worries more about indoctrination than teaching intelligent analysis or facts it becomes so much easier. Invent a method to feed people exactly what you want them to believe 24x7 AND directs them to sites that reinforces the messaging (internet) that also helps create endorphins in the brain and well you've got a world beater.

And the LAST thing leaders of any stripe want is an intelligent, thinking analytical population who sooner or later is going to say 'Now wait a minute'. Much easier to bribe\delude the mob because you'll probably be dead by the time they realize they've been had and get violent.


I always felt that the time we began to pay politicians a living wage was the wrong thing to do, expenses yes, but through an independent body only.
Paying a top wage to a political type just makes them a professional politician and its a job! I agree on hard term limits too!
I always felt that the time we began to pay politicians a living wage was the wrong thing to do, expenses yes, but through an independent body only.
Paying a top wage to a political type just makes them a professional politician and its a job! I agree on hard term limits too!
Not paying politicians means that only people who can afford to go jobless for years will become politicians. Is that really what you want?
Not paying politicians means that only people who can afford to go jobless for years will become politicians. Is that really what you want?
Or forces rampant corruption? I’m not convinced not paying politicians is the right solution. However they shouldn’t be in charge of neither their own renumeration nor increases.
Let me remind of our rules on this place:
Policy on political and other irrelevant posts

Arguments about politics and other irrelevant topics have no place on this site, they will just drive people away, so they will be deleted.
It seems me, we tolerate injuries of this rule, a bit to much.

We are a Forum for BDSM and similar topics, not for discussions of political issues!
The internet is full of places for discussions with the topic Corona-policy.

Let us hold the forum free from topics, which can easyly heading for arguments between members.
Let me remind of our rules on this place:
Policy on political and other irrelevant posts

Arguments about politics and other irrelevant topics have no place on this site, they will just drive people away, so they will be deleted.
It seems me, we tolerate injuries of this rule, a bit to much.

We are a Forum for BDSM and similar topics, not for discussions of political issues!
The internet is full of places for discussions with the topic Corona-policy.

Let us hold the forum free from topics, which can easyly heading for arguments between members.
I agree, if you wish, you may delete my post above. I didn't think when I posted it.
All people are smart! The one before and the others afterwards.
Or to put it in other words:
"They are not dumb, they just have bad luck with thinking!"
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