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Jastrow's Pic of the Day

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Friday, August 17, 2018–Day 228. Here’s a new one called "Lupa’s Toy". Its kind of a beauty and the beast type of story, but not like anything the Disney company every imagined. "The execution of the pretty blond took an ominous turn when she learned that it would take place at the edge of the swamp that was the home of Lupa. Everyone in the village knew Lupa. Lupa!! Lupa the Terrible!!! Lupa was a human monster. Everyone agreed that he was severely mentally impaired --an idiot, but that did not lessen the terror his name triggered in the minds of any of the village women. Lupa served a useful function in the village by doing any vile and disgusting act that needed doing. If there was a rotting corpse that needed disposing, Lupa did it. If a stream that carried sewage needed to be unclogged, Lupa would leap into the muck and do it. If a battle was held nearby, he was there to clean up the severed limbs and guts from the battlefield. He provided a useful service and so he was tolerated by the powers that be. Still, he was utterly vile—old, fat and ugly. He was filthy and his body reeked a stench that made people gag. And he was disgusting. He seldom wore clothes and was constantly touching his large erect cock which oozed a steady stream of pre-cum. If he saw a pretty girl on the street, he would begin to masturbate furiously and laugh as she shrieked in revulsion. On more than one occasion a village girl would wake at dawn to see his hideous face looking in the window of her bed chamber, his hand moving rapidly up and down the shaft of his cock. The wife of the local governor was a jealous, vain woman who hated any woman more attractive than she was. If such a woman, particularly if she was young, innocent and pretty, was to be crucified, she persuaded her husband to make certain that Lupa could have his fun with her. The girl would find herself nailed to a cross in a location where Lupa would have free access to her naked flesh. As bad as dying on the cross was under normal circumstances , it was only made worse by being given to Lupa. Once he found her, he would press his vile smelling body to hers. His filthy hands would roam over her naked flesh. His toothless mouth would suckle her firm breasts and his stubby fingers would probe deeply into the most intimate wet recesses of her body. And, yes, his massive cock would brutally plunder her lower orifices–even while she writhed helplessly on a cross. Many, many more debaucheries would soon follow. For this pretty blond girl, her nightmare was just beginning. Today she was Lupa’s toy. Death could not come soon enough...."


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Everyone agreed that he was severely mentally impaired --an idiot, but that did not lessen the terror his name triggered in the minds of any of the village women.

I think he was just misunderstood. And anyway Society was to blame.
Friday, August 17, 2018–Day 228. Here’s a new one called "Lupa’s Toy". Its kind of a beauty and the beast type of story, but not like anything the Disney company every imagined. "The execution of the pretty blond took an ominous turn when she learned that it would take place at the edge of the swamp that was the home of Lupa. Everyone in the village knew Lupa. Lupa!! Lupa the Terrible!!! Lupa was a human monster. Everyone agreed that he was severely mentally impaired --an idiot, but that did not lessen the terror his name triggered in the minds of any of the village women. Lupa served a useful function in the village by doing any vile and disgusting act that needed doing. If there was a rotting corpse that needed disposing, Lupa did it. If a stream that carried sewage needed to be unclogged, Lupa would leap into the muck and do it. If a battle was held nearby, he was there to clean up the severed limbs and guts from the battlefield. He provided a useful service and so he was tolerated by the powers that be. Still, he was utterly vile—old, fat and ugly. He was filthy and his body reeked a stench that made people gag. And he was disgusting. He seldom wore clothes and was constantly touching his large erect cock which oozed a steady stream of pre-cum. If he saw a pretty girl on the street, he would begin to masturbate furiously and laugh as she shrieked in revulsion. On more than one occasion a village girl would wake at dawn to see his hideous face looking in the window of her bed chamber, his hand moving rapidly up and down the shaft of his cock. The wife of the local governor was a jealous, vain woman who hated any woman more attractive than she was. If such a woman, particularly if she was young, innocent and pretty, was to be crucified, she persuaded her husband to make certain that Lupa could have his fun with her. The girl would find herself nailed to a cross in a location where Lupa would have free access to her naked flesh. As bad as dying on the cross was under normal circumstances , it was only made worse by being given to Lupa. Once he found her, he would press his vile smelling body to hers. His filthy hands would roam over her naked flesh. His toothless mouth would suckle her firm breasts and his stubby fingers would probe deeply into the most intimate wet recesses of her body. And, yes, his massive cock would brutally plunder her lower orifices–even while she writhed helplessly on a cross. Many, many more debaucheries would soon follow. For this pretty blond girl, her nightmare was just beginning. Today she was Lupa’s toy. Death could not come soon enough...."
This appeals to my warped mind a lot -
it's in the same spirit as ZaZ's 'Twisted Arena' -
his ogres are female, but equally loathsome and gropy!
Arena Prologue 24.jpgArena Prologue 23.jpg
Saturday, August 18, 2018–Day 229. This 2014 rendering show yet another pretty crucified girl--on a wooden pole this time, for the sake of variety. I have to ask myself, ‘Why does this keep happening to them?’ You’d think they’d learn. And like so many of the others, this red haired girl find herself totally helpless and in the hands of someone with very impure thoughts on his mind. It looks like this guy has already cum in her pussy and just now has left a second sticky load all over her belly. Where do you suppose he’ll put the next loads? Entitled "Christina 4".


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Saturday, August 18, 2018–Day 229. This 2014 rendering show yet another pretty crucified girl--on a wooden pole this time, for the sake of variety. I have to ask myself, ‘Why does this keep happening to them?’ You’d think they’d learn. And like so many of the others, this red haired girl find herself totally helpless and in the hands of someone with very impure thoughts on his mind. It looks like this guy has already cum in her pussy and just now has left a second sticky load all over her belly. Where do you suppose he’ll put the next loads? Entitled "Christina 4".

I like the face on this guy. :)
Saturday, August 18, 2018–Day 229. This 2014 rendering show yet another pretty crucified girl--on a wooden pole this time, for the sake of variety. I have to ask myself, ‘Why does this keep happening to them?’ You’d think they’d learn. And like so many of the others, this red haired girl find herself totally helpless and in the hands of someone with very impure thoughts on his mind. It looks like this guy has already cum in her pussy and just now has left a second sticky load all over her belly. Where do you suppose he’ll put the next loads? Entitled "Christina 4".
her mouth too (did he use a step-ladder?*)
"If you really want my other hole,
there's no way I can twist that far round -
you'll have to get these effing nails out!"

*Apostate beat me by seconds :D
her mouth too (did he use a step-ladder?*)
"If you really want my other hole,
there's no way I can twist that far round -
you'll have to get these effing nails out!"

*Apostate beat me by seconds :D

"Great minds think alike."
Sunday, August 19, 2018–Day 230. I has been a busy weekend so I think I’ll grace you with one from 2011 imaginatively called "Study 1". I’ll post 3 more in this series over the next couple of days. No backstory–(unless you want to provide one!)–just a study of a naked dark-haired girl on a cross. Ho-hum....


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Sunday, August 19, 2018–Day 230. I has been a busy weekend so I think I’ll grace you with one from 2011 imaginatively called "Study 1". I’ll post 3 more in this series over the next couple of days. No backstory–(unless you want to provide one!)–just a study of a naked dark-haired girl on a cross. Ho-hum....
Keep the camera angle clean and even Barb will enjoy it!
Sunday, August 19, 2018–Day 230. I has been a busy weekend so I think I’ll grace you with one from 2011 imaginatively called "Study 1". I’ll post 3 more in this series over the next couple of days. No backstory–(unless you want to provide one!)–just a study of a naked dark-haired girl on a cross. Ho-hum....

I remember those "Studies" with fond nostalgia and unholy lust, Jas. Am looking forward to seeing her sisters again. :very_hot:
Thursday, February 08, 2018–Day 39: Here’s on from 2015 called "Roped Ordeal r". Being crucified with ropes as opposed to nails was no bargain. The victim might well last longer without the loss of blood (although it was probably less than I show in my renderings) and there might be somewhat less of a chance of infection. The victims would be spared the immediate agony that came from the actual nailing. But it still hurt. Ropes supporting a body’s weight would cut deep into the flesh and the resulting loss of circulation to the wrists and hands would be extremely painful. The fact that they could be taken down from the cross more easily with ropes than nails would add an interesting dimension--it would spare the victim of the finality of their death that nails bring and might offer a small glimmer of hope. Still, what was next for them? How crippled would they be from their ordeal? Would they be crucified again or subject to other tortures? The position in this rendering looks very painful and it looks like there are a couple of birdies waiting for their meal...
This method would afford the condemned the ability to raise oneself all-bet painfully against the ropes holding the feet and ankles in place to the stipes. Eventually the victim would succumb as the strength of the leg muscles gave way. If a sedile was properly positioned and inserted into the rectum, it would provide extra support to the individual being crucified but they would still need to raise and lower themselves to avoid cramping of the muscles. Orgasm would inevitably occur which would further drain the strength of the man or woman. To forstall orgasm in males, the testicles were probably noosed and hung with stones. Most likely, the males penis was pierced just prior to ejaculation. I imagine the females nipples being pierced as she too approached climax.
Friday, February 16, 2018–Day 47: Valentine’s Day plus two (the candy and chocolates are now 75% off in my store...and the Easter Candy is now on the shelves!) We end the Valentine’s Week with 3 pics of lovers on the cross. What must it be like to be crucified with someone you love? Imagine the final conversations. Does one blame the other for what happened or does their love remain strong? What is like to be so close to one another in the final moments be to be denied a final touch? What is it like to know that one of them will watch the other die...?
I always imagined those being crucified as facing one another. In that way, each witnesses the suffering of the other. Men were always crucified first so as to witness the entire process of the woman first being mounted to the instrument below, then being raised in position and crucified. Most likely, the male genitalia were set upon and tortured as the woman subsequently underwent crucifixion. It's easy to see the male becoming involuntarily sexually excited with the woman below him being affixed and finally raised into position.
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