Well, I appreciate the intention but there's quite a few misunderstandings there.
1. Heat killing viruses would make sense only if the viruses would reside on the skin, not inside our organs. No matter how hot your sauna is, the internal body core temperature doesn't exceed 40oC before you feel dizzy. It's called homeostasy and it's a function of the hot blood animals. There's some reseach that shows that hot baths and sauna produce a boosting of the immunity system, but it's a different mechanisms involved.
2. For the fat layer to be destroyed (denaturated in proper biology lingo) the temperature need to get higher than 70...80oC ... that's why we have those temp requirements in judging safe cooked foods.
3. Soap actually doesn't kill anything. Soap, by it's peculiar structure (one end fatty, other water soluble) attaches around each dirt particle that's scrubbed and gets it removed. Same with viruses. They are perfectly fine but carried away by the soap components. That's why we rinse hands after using soap.
4. All this written above are proof that I have zero motivation to go work on anything and prefer to talk offtopic, lol