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Jedakk's Masterpiece

Go to CruxDreams.com
I need someone who can direct me how to connect with all this, I've been on site for at least a year and I am baffled re navigating all of this sh stuff.
I don't know whether you are talking about navigating the Crux Forums site in general, or just this "Jedakk's Masterpiece" thread, or where to get the downloads we have mentioned. Can you clarify a little more what it is you need help with?
Yeah, I can't find the Wiki either :)
What Wiki? Are you talking about the conversation with the links to the downloads or something else?
I don't know whether you are talking about navigating the Crux Forums site in general, or just this "Jedakk's Masterpiece" thread, or where to get the downloads we have mentioned. Can you clarify a little more what it is you need help with?

What Wiki? Are you talking about the conversation with the links to the downloads or something else?
Sorry. I was joking. By and large I can navigate ok.
I don't know whether you are talking about navigating the Crux Forums site in general, or just this "Jedakk's Masterpiece" thread, or where to get the downloads we have mentioned. Can you clarify a little more what it is you need help with?

What Wiki? Are you talking about the conversation with the links to the downloads or something else?
Pls add me too,,, to your conversation threads !!
Antius delivers the last blow and they have finished nailing Sabina to the cross. In addition to the agony of those nails through her body, she is being violated by the cornu, which is now three inches deep in her vagina. She can't see it and doesn't know how much of it is left. If she cannot find the combined strength in her arms and legs to pull herself up and off of it, she will learn how deeply into her it can go.

As she struggles, the two Nubians remove the ropes holding her feet, which are now pierced by nails. Antius surveys his work, making sure Sabina can't somehow come loose, but the nails that transfix her are driven deep into the timbers.

Most of the onlookers are laughing at Sabina, struggling as she is being raped by the cornu. Some of the women look shocked or horrified by the sight. Verina, who knows Sabina, looks down. She has seen many crucifixions, but this is her first time to see someone she liked suffering on a cross.

The top ten pictures from this set are attached and the full set of 38 will be uploaded to the Mega download site shortly. If you like these pictures, please remember to click on "like" and let me know. Comments would also be appreciated! Remember, I've done all this for free and your comments and likes are all the compensation I will receive.
to see her raped by the cornu si absolutely fabulous, thank you Jeddak. A masterpiece. I would have also aprecciated to see her raped by the crucifiers while tied to the patibolum, on the ground, befere nail her wrists, or, better, during the wrists nailing. Thank you for your AMAZING work, Jeddak.
One aspect of the Sabina story that is not yet explored (unless it has been and I just missed the post about it) is about her relationship with the man crucified beside her. I am not suggesting one bit that they had any prior dealings before ending up on the cross next to each other. (Although it is possible that they did.) But the interactions, dynamic and relationship between them as victims has to my knowledge never been explored. What if anything did they ever say to each other?

I am going to assume that the man was aroused to see Sabina despite his own agony on his cross, and was grateful for someone to share his suffering. He may have suffered a little less thanks to sexy nude Sabina on her cross next to him to look at, no matter how compassionate he may be towards her suffering.

And she...we know Sabina's sexuality was profoundly entwined with extreme BDSM especially with crucifixion, I mean the girl wrangled her way to be crucified!! I believe she also enjoyed playing with Julia Lepida with some sexual crux play at one stage, so she was part Lesbian at least. But I don't know if she liked men sexually at all. Nevertheless I believe she would have enjoyed when lucid enough to take in the man's crucifixion beside her, it may have given her a secondary source of fascination from her own crucifixion at times whether she liked men or not.

If anything is known about their interactions, words exchanged if any, and how their emotional connection could be described I would simply love to hear about it!!
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Wszystkie są dostępne do pobrania, przechodząc do linku do strony pobierania Mega. Aby uzyskać link, musisz mnie poprosić o dodanie Cię do rozmowy w Oko Węża. Tam możesz pobrać wszystkie grafiki, których nigdy nie opublikowałem, niektóre animacje i historie, w tym niedokończoną wersję Oko Węża 2. Wystarczy, że poinformujesz mnie, że chcesz dołączyć.
Jestem z Polski. Zapiszę twoją pracę od kilku lat i bardzo mi się na podoba. Bardzo proszę o dołączenie mnie, abym mógł otrzymać link. Przepraszam za język, ale używam tłumacza.


I am from Poland. I have been saving your work for several years, and I like it very much. Please invite me so that I can get the link. Sorry for the language, but I use a translator.


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They are all available for you to download by going to the link to the Mega download site. To get the link, you need to ask me to add you to the conversation for The Serpent's Eye. There you can download all of the artwork I never posted, some animations and stories, including the unfinished Serpent's Eye version 2. All you have to do is let me know you want to join.
Could you please add me to the serpent's eye conversation, I love your work
They are all available for you to download by going to the link to the Mega download site. To get the link, you need to ask me to add you to the conversation for The Serpent's Eye. There you can download all of the artwork I never posted, some animations and stories, including the unfinished Serpent's Eye version 2. All you have to do is let me know you want to join.
Please add me too! Many thanks! XXX
They are all available for you to download by going to the link to the Mega download site. To get the link, you need to ask me to add you to the conversation for The Serpent's Eye. There you can download all of the artwork I never posted, some animations and stories, including the unfinished Serpent's Eye version 2. All you have to do is let me know you want to join.
Hello Jedakk,
I am a big fan of your work. Your stories and comics are just fantastic. I would love to see more of them too. Please invite me so that I can get the link.
Many greetings Chainmaster
They are all available for you to download by going to the link to the Mega download site. To get the link, you need to ask me to add you to the conversation for The Serpent's Eye. There you can download all of the artwork I never posted, some animations and stories, including the unfinished Serpent's Eye version 2. All you have to do is let me know you want to join.
I'd like to be added, please!
They are all available for you to download by going to the link to the Mega download site. To get the link, you need to ask me to add you to the conversation for The Serpent's Eye. There you can download all of the artwork I never posted, some animations and stories, including the unfinished Serpent's Eye version 2. All you have to do is let me know you want to join.

They are all available for you to download by going to the link to the Mega download site. To get the link, you need to ask me to add you to the conversation for The Serpent's Eye. There you can download all of the artwork I never posted, some animations and stories, including the unfinished Serpent's Eye version 2. All you have to do is let me know you want to join.
I've become one of the fans of your masterpiece and its elaborate illustrations just recently. The pictures are great but they are not complete without the words. Yet I've spent hours looking at them. And now you tell me there are still others I haven't seen. That is tantalizing. Is it too late to ask you to let me join the conversation for the Serpent's Eye?
I've become one of the fans of your masterpiece and its elaborate illustrations just recently. The pictures are great but they are not complete without the words. Yet I've spent hours looking at them. And now you tell me there are still others I haven't seen. That is tantalizing. Is it too late to ask you to let me join the conversation for the Serpent's Eye?
You are right, the pictures don't make complete sense without the story. I'll add you to the conversation.

FYI, I have more pictures I need to add now, some that I created to go on the "Victim's Eye" and "Obscene Views" threads. And I have just about completely updated the "Nailing" section of the story - words at least - to include text to go with all the expanded detail of the new scenes. That will also be coming on the Mega site. I may have to break the story up into sections as it has gotten so huge with all the new pictures, about 600 Mb I think.
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