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Judas Cradle

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This subject has been neglected a bit too long.
#4 might be by Salamander, but I'm not sure of that. #5 is Noble Vultures work. The other 3 are unknown to me.
witch_must_riding_the_judas_cradle_by_morgenstern56_d7xjiy1-fullview.jpgInquisition 3.jpgF269C12.jpg1232712087.jpgtumblr_psbab9Edeh1sfruql_400.jpg
Combined Judas Cradle and Scavenger’s Daughter .. that’s what I call multi-tasking:D

(Out of interest, when would you say Quoom’s “early” period gave way to his middle or late period? It’s easier with Picasso or Titian..)
As far as I can remember, "Enemies of Rome" comes shortly after "The Fall of the Barbarian Queen". So it's rather early. It was with this series that I noticed a first improvement in his software, and therefore in the quality of his pics.
As far as I can remember, "Enemies of Rome" comes shortly after "The Fall of the Barbarian Queen". So it's rather early. It was with this series that I noticed a first improvement in his software, and therefore in the quality of his pics.
I think the shift from the square format to a more cinematic “widescreen” shape was a big change for Quoom, and probably coincided with another software and/or hardware upgrade, and access to new figures, props and sets. Perhaps just before “The Traitor”? (Which we’ve got on CF in its entirety if I recall)
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In agony atop the Judas Cradle. Such beautifully muscled legs.
It is by me, but sweet Jezuz, whoever made it circulate could have at least left the cheap ass paint blood edit out of it -.-

I know it's more realistic with injuries, but I just want to enjoy the female form.


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It is by me, but sweet Jezuz, whoever made it circulate could have at least left the cheap ass paint blood edit out of it -.-

I know it's more realistic with injuries, but I just want to enjoy the female form.
Thank you for sharing this beautifully done image. Cruel perfection imo.
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