I love the idea of her being put to death for such a small crime. it is much more interesting when the victim really is a victim, rather than someone that is guilty of something that truly evil. I feel really badly for her, but at the same time I still want to see it happen or even have it happening to me.
The desperate flailing attempt at freeing herself, crying, begging and pleading when being moved into position on the cross, as the nails are going in, during the raising, and right after it is dropped into place are all important aspects of it for me.
The denial and hours of pain and maybe even arousal during that time it may take to die as the mind still fearing death is at war for itself to not give up but has no choice in the matter as the body shuts down. I really love lines like "please don't kill me" "not like this" "why are you hurting/killing me" "I don't want to die"
I love exclamations where the victim begs her killers to understand why she did something like stealing food for survival or fleeing from her abusive owner.
I love it when the victim pisses herself when being nailed and does so once again when she takes her last breath on the cross. During the crucifixion, she should also be raped by either/or by the men and women in charge of her sentence, her orgasm adding to her shame, pain and humiliation.
Sorry, this post ended up longer than it should be, I really get caught up in the emotion in stories as good as this is.