I am not familiar with the original background image, showing Jesus before Pilate. Pilate sits on the steps, wearing a white toga. The figure of Jesus has been deleted in an extensive repainting of the central area of the picture. This is skilfully carried out, reconstructing the upper steps and the lower part of the entrance, and deleting two of the original figures.
Two nude figures have been inserted in the modified background. A female suspended in the entrance displays the marks of a violent whipping, and a tall, pale, slender girl rises on all fours to lift her cross from the steps. Her back is also visibly abraded by the whip, which probably accounts for the difficulty she is experiencing in shouldering the cross.
The background appears to have been enlarged from a low resolution image, and it is in soft focus as a result. I can understand the reluctance to blur the inserted figures accordingly, since they have required some effort in cutting out. But perhaps their sharp focus is appropriate since they are now the centre of attention. Nice work, Hammers!