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Masochist Warp Travel (Science Fiction Fantasy)

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Consequences (Chapter 4)

Author’s note: for this chapter, everything spoken in Tuareg shall be italicised


The more they spoke, this slave began to understand certain words that have been repeated… it is gradually learning a new language, very much the hard way!

it’s obviously a slave, not just the chains, but all those whip scars. Some of them fairly recently. I think this slave escaped it’s true Master after a punishment. We must teach it to obey and to serve!

Begin it’s lashing, it must be made to confess it’s real Master

I am shown a whip, and begin to tremble at it’s latent power.

Give the slave some water, now, so that it might bleed!

I can’t help but be grateful as a water bag is lifted to my lips. They even let me drink my fill, and hope begins to kindle in my heart…

Who is your Master, slave? Confess!!*

Clearly that is a question, but the only words I know are “slave” and “master” so I try to answer

“Yes, I am a slave

*Aha, see? it knows it is a slave…”

So who is your Master? Confess!”

The whip is drawn back, and makes a terrifying sound as it is laid into my flesh, I can but scream. This is nothing like what MASTER does to me, it is truly a punishment fit only for a true slave…


*confess, slave!!”

The cruel whip crashes into my body once more before I can even think to answer… each lash elicits a scream as I am overwhelmed by agonising pain! Soon my own blood spatters me as the harsh whip is laid into me without respite…

Behold, it bleeds so brightly, whip it harder!”


Whirrrrr Crack!!!!



WHIRR crack!!!

Confess! Who is slave’s Master???

As I scream the meaning dawns upon me….



Whir crack!!!

who, slave? Who does it belong to?


slave … b-belongs MASTER ALEX”


it belongs to Master “Arrriicks??”

Thats not a name, confess!

Whirrrrrr whirrrrr whirrrrr CRACK!!!!

The whip lands with far greater force, I cannot believe a single whiplash can bring such pain, it knocks my breath away, but I still gasp to whisper:

slave belongs MASTER ALEX”

Whirrrrrrrr CRACK!!!

stop lying, slave, there is NO Master “Arrriicks”! We know all the High Masters, confess!!!

Whirrrrrrrrrrrr CRACK!!!!



Whirrrrr crack!!!



The whip finds other parts of my poorly treated body now as they seek fresh flesh to induce more pain. My legs feel the bite, my inner thighs, even my calves. They wrap the whip around my body to lash my chest and stomach. Everywhere the whip touches me, it reveals bloody welts… I keep saying that I belong to MASTER ALEX but all I receive is mocking laughter and greater agony…

They kept on whipping me, I was unsure of the count, but it was dozens and dozens of lashes, and my entire body was aflame with blinding agony…

“it is obviously lying, and we know it is an escaped slave. Clearly it deserves whatever torture we can inflict, until it properly submits and admits it shall never dishonour a Master to even dream of escape… apply the salt!”

The whip is at last put down, and I tremble in pathetic gratitude for the merciful pause… and then I scream in deeper agony as they rub white powder into my bleeding wounds! Salt!!!

“Suffer, miserable slave! This is the wages of your horrible sin! And it is but the beginning, tomorrow the real torture begins!”

Even under the lash, I was learning. All I could make out was “suffer, slave… torture…”

I sob “oh mercy, please mercy for slave, m-m-master. Please master?

Good, the pathetic wretch begins to understand it has a new owner! No mercy, slave! ha ha ha ha!

water it and leave it chained to the post, in the morning we start fresh!


The tinkling of metallic rattling announces the arrival of the mining slaves, I see they are now more fully shackled, and their collars joined by rusty chains. All are black, and share the same brilliant green eyes as our Maaters.

“So, 148 has failed her quota again? Bring her here!”
A tall, thin, gorgeous, shackled ebony woman is brought from the coffle, urged only by the cat o nine tails… apparently she will be punished as well?

“Chain her to the post next to this one, in the morning the High Master will decide what to do with them… Ha ha ha ha haaaa!”
As she is chained to the other side of my whipping post, I behold her exquisite green eyes. I’d never seen such eyes contrasting with her ebony skin. So captivating, it had been years since I’d found a woman so beautiful and the chains and whip scars only increased her incredible beauty… a couple of the scars seeped blood, such a dark colour I’d also not seen before, it was almost blue!

Another cold night awaits! At least my thirst has been slaked, and even though my whipped flesh feels on fire, I know it will be freezing tonight, especially in this damp glen!

If only I could find a phone!

Well done!!!!!!
A Modicum of Comfort (Chapter 5)

(Author’s note: all dialogue spoken in Tuareg shall be italicised. )

The only mercy I received was to have my leash released off the pillar, which had been holding me up tightly by the neck. My shackles remained attached so that I had to kneel, with my wrists still attached almost head height. The barbed wire behind my knees, now red with blood from my flesh torn by the barbs, remains… And beside me, 1148 remains chained, with her wrists in manacles tightly held above her head, collar a little loosely leashed to the pole, ankles chained separated by 18”.

As the encampment settles, the other slaves drink from a muddy trough, which also served as a toilet for the overseer’s and Masters. Several were unchained from the group, preparing and then serving a slave gruel that looked very basic but stodgy and smelled delicious. Soon after they were herded by the crack of various lashes. So they settled in, chained to each other and to several hard points along the bottom of a stone cliff. Of course there was no food for the two slaves held for additional punishment.

Darkness fell quickly as the other slaves settled to sleep… still no moon!

Was it a deliberate torture for the Masters to have their dinner afterwards? The whole encampment was surrounded by the scent of cooking meat. I’m certain I was not the only one salivating, and was sure that it also teased the other slaves- a hint of a delicious succulent meal denied to the likes of us…

I couldn’t help but sob, tears rolling down my cheeks as I began to really worry I might never see MASTER again. As much as my kinky mind could fit in with this place of lowly enslavement, I dearly loved my old sadistic friend. Perhaps tomorrow the High Master might know some French? It’s surely Lingua Franca for this part of Africa, and obviously He’d be selling slaves to market, we’re free to breed after all? Surely He’d know French, and be interested in ransoming off an infidel western slave? I’m so scared, and start to cry hard….

”Don’t cry, slave, it is useless to cry now.”

Her voice was like music, not harsh tones at all, but gentle and soft. All I understood was “slave” but she was obviously trying to console me…

I knew enough to hesitantly say:

thank … you, … girl”

I wished I knew the word for “beautiful”…

”it’s alright to talk, now, they won’t be back unless there’s trouble, there won’t be.”

I stumble through another basic sentence:

this… slave… needs… MASTER ALEX”

”You talk funny, slave. Where are you from?”

”, I lie, hoping, surely even here, that word would be known…

Ha ha haaa, there is no such place. Why do you talk so funny?

I actually understand “no” and also “place” and despair! How can this place be so entirely cut off from the modern world? Tears roll down my cheeks.

”oooh, don’t cry again, here, come to me, feel the warmth of my legs…“

I shuffle across, as much as my bondage allows, and get my face against her right leg. Her skin is soft and warm. I can’t help but kiss it! If I stretch up I can touch her soft, dirty loincloth with my face. I kiss her leg…

yes, slave. Good slave!”

Taking that for encouragement, I kiss her leg again, then the other. Even as I feel the barbed wire bite into my legs, I ignored the minor pain in exchange for the ecstasy of feeling another’s flesh, and an overwhelming feeling of empathy from her…

Is the slave thirsty?”

oh yes, very thirsty!”

She hesitates…

”she is sorry, but if slave is really thirsty?

”yes please, slave very thirsty!”

I completely understood, and positioned myself so I could poke my head under the skirt of her filth-encrusted loincloth.

And so she peed, a strong flow which I drank greedily from her. It was an extremely intensive flavour with a strong metallic taste I remembered from my first taste of the air here, something I’d grown used to. Clearly the soils and strata here contain the metals they mine, and so it is carried through the air and coats everything. And can be tasted in the urine of a beautiful ebony slave…

I make sure to lick every drop and didn’t stop. My hands are chained too close to the pillar, I can only move my head, with the leash tinkling with every movement. I begin to rub her thighs with my cheeks, licking them as I go…

yes, slave, that’s right!”

I continue, and hear her breathing getting heavier, and so I at first start teasing her dark pussy, hidden by the loincloth skirt. I lick the skirt as well, tasting the dirtiness which has come from her!

It has been so long since I was with a women (even though MASTER is gay, I’m not) and her pheromones were irresistible. She gave off all the positive signals and so I concentrated more and more upon her pussy. My tongue found the folds of her labia, teasing them open and following with broad tongue strikes along her slit. I teased her so much, pacing my strokes, gauging her reaction before plunging the tip of my tongue hard into her clitoris, teasing it lightly then heavily, as she began to moan. I rubbed my soft cheeks against her inner lips, and stroked her with my tongue.

Finding her jeweled cave dripping wet, I stabbed my stiffened tongue as deeply as I could, rubbing my face precisely against her protruding clit as I licked her widening slit.. She grunted, grinded, and groaned against me, her thighs squeezing me as I licked that clit like melting ice cream, hard and soft, over and over, until at last she shrieked in ecstasy….

With a look of fear she broke away, and beckoned I move back to the post. We both looked towards where we knew the Guards were suppering, and relaxed, they were laughing at some wit around their blazing campfire.

With that I noticed the growing chill, already noticeable, we would freeze this night! But at least I had another slave to share our discomfort and body heat together.

She giggled and thanked me, and we talked. She teaching me new words, unable to fathom what I told her of the world outside of this place. She argued that no such place exists, she had been a slave all her life, all places she was taken were the same- Masters ruling overseers who worked the chained slaves to exhaustion under the cruel lash. This is the way it is supposed to be, a slave deserves to toil and suffer for the sake of the Most Holy High Master and His Divine Instrument- the most sacred whip.

Eventually sleep would overcome us, from sheer exhaustion. But I was fascinated to learn that the culture of slavery was so incredibly ingrained amongst 1148’s (she has no other name) people, that it was like a religion to them. No wonder slavery still exists here, it is completely their way of life. How would a simple slavegirl understand our complex modern world? And I completely understood the desire to surrender to complete servility.

Despite my discomfort being chained to a pillar, I slept deeply, at least I wasn’t thirsty, and had made love to a gorgeous slave. Despite the pain, I was in a kind of slave heaven, and was constantly aroused. But I still wanted a phone!

Marked For Life (Chapter 6)

I want to acknowledge @Fossy for his quite brilliant editing and, in fact, re-write of many elements of this pivotal chapter, Quite brilliantly, I might add. So if you notice a dramatic improvement in the writing, please understand that’s his excellent influence.

(Author’s note: all dialogue spoken in Tuareg shall be italicised.)

I awoke chilled to the bone, bathed in a magnificent moonrise, it must have been a Hunter moon as it was immense and completely full.

1148 was still sleeping, her leg against my side, clearly as anxious for body heat as I was. I didn’t want to wake her, but couldn’t resist placing my lips against the bare, exposed skin of her leg once more.

A thin layer of frost adorned our chains, testimony to the chill, and the pillar was freezing to the touch! The fullness of my bladder infiltrated my mind, clung on to my thoughts and wouldn’t let go. I needed to pee, desperately!

There was nothing for it, no choice, no dignity for a chained slave, and so I released a stream of golden urine into my loincloth.

“Ahhhhhhhh yes,” I groaned both with relief but also at the temporary warmth a coating of piss over my chapped thighs gave to me. My need was great and the flow of yellowy-green liquid copius, and soon I was kneeling in a cooling puddle of my own urine, the stench of which quickly infiltrated my nostrils as the breeze cooled the clammy cloth about my loins and legs, turning the warmth into more of the tortuous icy cold.

I felt so helpless and was on the verge of losing all hope.

The full moon bathed us in its greyish light but brought no heat. In fact, the northerly breeze became colder and stronger, as both of our loincloths were glistening with a frosty covering, mine freezing more quickly because of the urine I had been forced to expel into it.

I’d never been so cold, shivering, teeth clacking. My joints ached, and my metal cuffs and chains began to bite hard into my frost covered skin.

Once more this slave must endure, and it did so For Master, for a phone, above all for it’s true MASTER, MASTER ALEX. And so, it shivered and suffered as the frost grew thicker and the wind howled bringing its own tormenting chill.

At last, after what seemed like a hellish eternity, the first colouring of dawn appeared in the eastern sky. Before long it became orange, and the morning overseer arose to unlock and wake the slaves with instructions regarding early morning duties. The sounds of releasing chains and shivering slaves awakened the camp despite the early predawn hour, and before long an overseer approached 1148 and I.

“Time to warm these degenerate slaves up!”

Aa he spoke he drew his bullwhip out, and the hapless, sleeping 1148 received a horrific full-blooded blow of the lash!

She awakened screaming as the overseer continued his assault, now incorporating both of us. The vicious lash struck at random, sometimes striping just one of us, then at other times striking us both simultaneously. We could do nothing but whimper, cry, and scream as the whip found its dreadful mark, over and over…

Smiling his knowing, malevolent smile at us he spoke, every sentence punctuated by another slash of his venomous whip.

“Good morning,”

”slaves are awake now? “

“slaves are to await the High Master”

“He will have”

the answers for how to handle such”

worthless wretched slaves!”

Dialogue over, this bastard man, finished with more lashes simply because he could, and a piercing female scream ripped through my ears … 1148.

Cold comfort of being lashed hard in such cold weather was that we were also inherently warmed up more than a little, but such respite was fleeting, and now we had cuts and welts to heighten the pain when the chill set back in.

And then a blessing as, at last, the sun peered over the jagged peaks, bringing the promise of warmth and then heat, but for now I was still shivering cold, and the chains and pillar offered no relief…

Before long it was the mining slaves turn to leave en masse, secured once more in their coffle, their connection chains unclipped from the cold cliff allowing them to be led to the stinking water trough where they were expected to break through the ice that had no doubt formed on the surface to drink the putrid liquid. Then, with lips dripping of the green slime they were handed flimsy bowls of cold gruel, which, it appeared, they had to consume en route to the harsh mine.

The only sounds breaking the unnerving silence, were their clanking chains, and the whip as it sliced through the air …

A pleasant aroma of wood smoke filled my senses and replaced the bilious stench of urine, and when the cacophonous march of the departing slaves ended, I could hear the crackle of a distant fire. If only I could feel it’s heat …


Long hours later, with the sun still high in the sky, having burnt away the morning frost, we were left chilled and damp. A noise and suddenly there a commotion amongst the overseers. Clearly something was happening, and we shrunk as far into the shadows as we could when they turned and headed our way.

”Yes, my Lord Master, here is the pale skinned slave we found loitering near Your mine, Sir.”

”And who does it belong to?”
A deep voice replied.

No-one, Master, it is unmarked, Sir “

”Impossible! You said it was in chains?”

Yes, Master, its whip marks and chains mark it out clearly as a slave. Unbreakable chains, Sir, it still wears the same …”

Did you not torture it and make it confess it’s owner? I see it has been freshly whipped…”

”Yes, Master, we did, and it confessed, but told us nonsense, Sir”

”What did it say?”

”That it belongs to a Master called… scribe! What did the slave say?”

The scribe glanced at his recording of the interrogation, and answered, “it said, ‘Master’…. er, ‘Master ‘Arricks’’, Sire.”

The High Master cuffs the scribe with His buggy whip!

Don’t lie, slave, you know there’s no such name!”

Please, Dear Master, this lowly scribe slave only writes what is said, and that slave said that multiple times, Oh Most High Sir!”

The High Master looks at the head overseer quizzically, raising His whip…

Yes Sir, that is what this one heard too!”

”Hmmmm, very well. And no mark of ownership, you say?”

”No, nothing, oh Glorious High Master. Just the whip marks, and chains, Sir.”

”Very well, then we shall deal with it accordingly. But it MUST be tortured more fully, to serve as an example…”

”Do you mean to crucify it, Sir?”

”First I will see it suffer. Then I shall decide it’s destiny, as it looks like it could offer a few good years in the torture mine.”

”Now, why is that other slave here? I see it bears my mark?”
He references 1148.

”it missed it’s quota, Sir, again! That is the 3rd time this month, Sir. You ordered that any slave missing a third quota must be held awaiting Your next arrival for assessment, torture, and judgement, Sir”

Very well, leave them chained to the pillar, and fetch my slave-whip. I think 200 lashes each will be a good beginning…”

Sir, yes Sir!”

“… and, bring the others back, they are to witness the torture so that they know the futility of escape and the importance of reaching their assigned quotas!”

“Yes, Lord Master!”

All I really understood was that they were going to punish us harshly, and also that Master Alex couldn’t be found, or possibly they hadn’t even looked for HIM?

Despite the obvious danger, I had to try, and dared speak up in loud tones for the High Master to hear. In French, English, Spanish, and German I begged to be heard and if given a telephone I could arrange a healthy ransom. All I received was a round of blank stares, as if I was speaking gibberish, prompting one of the overseers to approach me and slash my face several times with a quirt…

I stared wide eyed, the pain unimaginable, as tears rolled down my cheeks. I wanted to beg, to seek solace, to have someone treat me just a little better, but I knew not to utter another word.

Silence, pathetic slave. Silence in the presence of your Superior High Master and God!

He slashed me again as I whimpered and slumped against the pillar. Blood dripped from each of my cheeks, but even the extreme pain he caused was nothing compared to my total despair.

Eventually the sound of clanking chains and whips signalled the return of the moaning, whimpering slaves, who were all made to kneel in a large circle surrounding the unforgiving pillar. No watering nor feeding was allowed, as the slaves demonstrated their unwavering obedience to the slave-whip. Such a whip was a triple tail, ball bearings embellishing the lash near to the tip of each thong, and barbed metal along each length, yet the finishing touch was the most horrific, as the actual tips were each finished off with an iron nail on each thong …

No wonder they called it a “slave whip” it was terrifying.

After such a hard week of slog and torture, lesser creatures would have perished under the onslaught but 1148 and I were far more resilient than most.

The return of the slaves from the mine created a brutal scene, filled with screaming agony, desperate voices begging for mercy, and the pitiful sound of crying shame. By the time the bloody wretches were resecured in their chains, the pillar was covered in crimson, and their denuded bodies torn to shreds, loincloths stained with all manner of body fluids, and tears rolling down their cheeks …

And then our flogging began as 1148 and I were beaten without mercy until our lash count was complete and we lay in a writhing heap of worthless flesh. And then the High Master spoke … he had noticed something.

lift the white slave’s loincloth”

To my shame it was lifted, revealing my hard on, dripping with pre-cum!

”What in the world? Have any of you seen a slave so tumescent after such a cruel lashing?”

There is a pause while his smirking face is the picture of thought. Then he continues. “I want to try something… unhook 1148, make it kneel. Shackle it’s wrists behind it’s ebony back, then connect the chain to its ankle manacles. Bolt it’s leash to the ground.”

“Bring the pale one, remove the barbed wire, have it kneel upright, chain it’s collar to the crossbeam, and connect it’s wrists to a new chain, also held to the cross beam.”

All was prepared. My hands were raised as high as possible for one who remains shackled, in this kneeling post it that meant my hands were at forehead level. With all connecting chains now taut, and the new chain attaching my wrist cuffs to a crossbeam above me, it made movement of my upper body virtually impossible.

Looking down 1148 was almost prostrated in grovelling, submissive position, facing me, and I was kneeling upright before her. My loincloth touched her face.

”Now, 1148, I order you to suck the pale one’s cock while we torture both of you. Try to make him cum!”

Two overseers with bull whips, tips adorned with steel stirrups, were assigned to whip us, and again we suffered the terrible pain of the High Master’s unflinching cruelty.

After many lashes, I could smell the burning wood…

”Now to mark this one indelibly with the symbol of slavery!”

As 1148 ravaged my engorged cock with her greedy lips, I felt something hot behind me. And as the swelling heat came closer, still the whips lashed us … until at last, all I knew was extreme pain!

“Aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!” I cried out as the white-hot brand was pressed deep into the tortured flesh of my left shoulder blade! My agony was at a peak as the brand quickly charred my flesh, burning me so horribly and never had I felt to helpless, so enslaved.

And then, with the acute pain from my shoulder subsiding I felt the more sensitive sensation of 1148’s oral ministrations, as she rolled her tongue over my throbbing cock, taking me deep, and then I came! On and on I poured my semen down her willing enslaved throat as cloudy, vague motes appeared before my eyes…

The photons!

I was still mind-melded to the device on the other side of the planet! Even as I still convulsed and ejaculated my seed, even as the brand burned, I could see the warp tunnel appear before me.

Remembering the issues from last time, I attempted to create a bubble, enveloping not only my chains and myself, but a bubble of air, and, with1148, still attached to me, could I bring her with me whole or would I cruelly divide her. Just to be sure, I included the pillar and crossbeam to which we were attached.

The incredible pain of the Warp enveloped us, and 1148 was screaming like she’d never screamed before. I peered into the tunnel, seeking a way to bend it back to the other side of the planet. Yet search as I might I couldn’t find home, or the prepared sites … I began to despair once more.

But I wouldn’t give up. Never. And so I start trying to seek out a phone, anywhere! Fruitlessly searching I once more thought of MASTER ALEX. I search via my heart instead of through my sight, and I feel HIM. I feel HIS sorrowful loneliness tinged with fear of never seeing HIS beloved whip-slave again.

It is a beacon, and so we fly through the blinding agony of the warp towards HIM! HE who gives meaning to my slavery. HE who understands my perversions. HE who unwaveringly supports my hare-brained research. HE who gifts me with the kindness of HIS most cruel sadism. HE who will enslave me forever.

Through excruciating pain, as I scream and cry, I shout out “MASTER, this slave returns…”

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There was nothing for it, no choice, no dignity for a chained slave. So I peed, directly onto my loincloth, and received a brief respite of warmth as it flowed into the cloth and down my thighs. Soon I was kneeling in a cooling puddle of my own urine, and the smell reached my nostrils even as the liquid cooled about my loins and legs. The cloth became clammy, sticking to me, and, now the slight breeze was cooling it, also becoming. ice cold. I felt so helpless and was on the verge of losing all hope.

The full moon bathed us in its grayish light but brought no warmth. In fact a chilly northerly breeze became stronger, even 1148’s loincloth was glittering with frost.

But, far worse, my piss wet loincloth was beginning to freeze as well, no wonder I was freezing, shivering, teeth clacking. I’d never been so cold. My joints ache, and my metal cuffs and chains began to bite my chilly skin with frost.
You see, why one better does not wear a loincloth in such situations! :devil2:

The photons of a warp tunnel! I was still mind-melded to the device on the other side of the planet! Even as I still pumped copious cum, even as the brand burned, I could see the warp tunnel! So it was the combined endorphins rush of extreme pain and simultaneous sexual ecstasy that was the missing piece of my warp drive!
Nobel Prize for physics guaranteed for this discovery!:roto2cafe:
Update: please note the text of Chapter 6 has been adjusted as I had asked @Fossy to review my text but impatiently posted my own re-draft.

I’d only been hoping for some minor, potentially devastating, feedback. One sequence in particular was pretty horrible but I rewrote it and it remains in full!

@Fossy blew me away by putting his Editor cap on and reworking the entire thing! He kept my structure intact, but caressed my work into next level. I think it’s far better and is now more a collaboration than simply my own work.

Well worth a re-read! It flows a lot better, and you’ll notice Fossy retained the plot dynamics.

I just wished I’d waited the extra few hours for his detailed reply before posting!

Thanks a million my friend, I wanted this chapter to be special and you have been pivotal in accomplishing that!
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Update: please note the text of Chapter 6 has been adjusted as I had asked @Fossy to review my text but impatiently posted my own re-draft.

I’d only been hoping for some minor, potentially devastating, feedback. One sequence in particular was pretty horrible but I rewrote it and it remains in full!

@Fossy blew me away by putting his Editor cap on and reworking the entire thing! He kept my structure intact, but caressed my work into next level. I think it’s far better and is now more a collaboration than simply my own work.

Well worth a re-read! It flows a lot better, and you’ll notice Fossy retained the plot dynamics.

I just wished I’d waited the extra few hours for his detailed reply before posting!

Thanks a million my friend, I wanted this chapter to be special and you have been pivotal in accomplishing that!
Always my pleasure Loin' my friend :thumbsup:
Dorian Clevenger has come up with the solution on how to hook up the torture slave to the required spaceship to transport goods and passengers across the warp, that is my sister Miss Loinclothslave hooked up for warp travel on our second ship, but the first device designed for me is quite similar.

Various torture devices and stimulators are embedded into the machine, ready to inflict the unique combination of pain and erotic stimulation to activate the warp drive. Yet it requires a special kind of masochistic slave to operate successfully…

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