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Mathilda crucifixion

Go to CruxDreams.com
Hi sousou1,
It's me again. See what I mean about this being a friendly site! Just 2 mins after posting Connie has already posted a message to encourage you. Connie is brilliant!!!
Here is the URL for inge_tarant's work. viewtopic.php?f=4&t=892

I'm sure she will follow your work with great interest.
Keep posting.
The art itself shows a great deal of promise.

However as Melissa pointed out we as a group skate on the edge of acceptability. Many a group has been shut down by pressure exerted on the ISP by law enforcement agencies all over the world.

While standards of what is acceptable for adults varies from society to society the one thing they all have in common is leave children out of it. Stay 18+ (as I have to do in my stories) and the moderators will usually leave you to do your stuff. Go below and they have to step in to prevent the whole group from being in danger.


sousou1 said:
Dear Melissa
Thank you for your encouragements. At the moment, I shall avoid making same mistakes. I am happy that somebody expresses his opinion clearly on this subject.
On this forum, at least they didnt deleted all my post like crux foundation forum Who did not even make the effort to explain me clearly the reason and deleted the 66 images !
I thank you once again.

Dear Sousou1, the reason you didn't get an immediate explanation from the Foundation is that you had personal messages turned off in your options. You have a message now. Please don't take this action personally, but we have all seen groups disappear for lesser reasons than this.

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