It's hanging day at Little Brampton again but as you can see it's absolutely p*****g it down and you can't expect people to turn up and risk catching a cold or worse in this weather.
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The covers are still on the open air meat market and the locals have taken refuge in the several ale houses around the market square. News has also just arrived that the Witch Wagon is stuck in mud and heavy traffic around Glastonbury where several groups of young troubadours were set to appear in some farmer's field. Of course the Church has rightly condemned these so called performers for the use of their bodies while performing. The contortions, acrobatics and use of masks are considered profane and put their bodies to shame. The Church has declared that there is no salvation for them which goes a long way to explaining why the thoroughfares are jam packed with their followers!! While we wait a young urchin called Cliffe has volunteered to entertain us with one of his songs called "We're all going on a Summer Holy Day". We've sent him to the local executioner to test his axe.
And now I hand you over to Julie who has arrived at the home of Fanny Haddock to see what culinary Medieval delights she has on offer today.
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Julie:"Well here we are in the kitchen and here is Fanny herself ...with a knife in her hand....and ready exactly what are you preparing for us today Fanny?"
Fanny:"It be Witch y-farsyd."
Julie:"Stuffed roasted witch?"
Fanny:"That is what I just said."
Julie:" does one prepare this dish?"
Fanny:"Take raw Eyroun, and draw hem Iborw a straynoure Iban grate fayre brede; take Safroun and Salt, and pouder of Pepir, and Swet of a schep, and melle calle to gederys in a fayre bolle, Iben broche Ibin Witch; Iben farce her, and sewe Ibe hole and lat her roste and Iban serue forth."
Julie:" Take raw eggs, and pass them through a strainer; then grate good bread; take Saffron & Salt, & powder of Pepper, & Suet of a sheep, & mix all together in a good bowl; then put the witch on a spit; then stuff her, & sew the hole (shut), & let her roast; & then serve forth
...I see you have one already cooking
Fanny:"That I be staying to share?"
Julie"Er....I was er..thinking of having a nice salad...wait!..some breaking news!..the covers are off, it's stopped raining so it's back to Little Brampton...Pheww!!"
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Yes. Welcome back to Little Brampton where the sun has just made a rare appearance. The hangings have just begun. Word has got round and the taverns have emptied..of women folk at least. Some tasty witches on offer today!