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Meg sat on the hard bunk in her bare cell huddled in the corner of the room. The room was a comfortable temperature, but she was shivering. Perhaps it was because she was naked or perhaps it was because she stayed in a constant state of terror. The cell had a toilet a sink and a small cot with a hard mattress. There was nothing to distract her thoughts from her impending brutal execution.

Other than looking to the future she looked to the past which made her feel like an idiot rather than being afraid. That was slightly better.

Meg had grown up in a trailer with her mother and younger sister. When she turned eighteen, she was obsessed with leaving the poor state she had grown in. She wanted to move to California. She had no aspirations to be an actress or singer. She just liked the idea of California. She had seen a postcard of Venice Beach when she was small and had been obsessed with California since. Warm weather, beaches, rich and famous walking among the rank and file. It was her promised land. So different than the dreary landscape she had grown up in.

She was a troubled kid growing up. It was hard not to be in her situation. No father, mother paraded a long lie of men through the house her entire life, some who slapped her mother and some who slapped her. Meg’s number one goal was to protect her little half-sister from the worst of the life she had to endure.

Over the years she had gotten piercings. They were her way of rebelling against the outside world and society. She had a nose piercing, nipples pierced with bars, her belly button and a hood piercing. They had let her keep them, a small comfort in her hellish situation.

It had happened so fast.

She had tried to save money on her own but at nineteen she was still struggling. She had the cash to get a bus ticket to Cali but living there was a different story and she would need some money saved to last while she found a job and place to live. Her job at the diner was not cutting it. She had dropped out of high school when she was a junior. She had enough. Kids could be cruel to a poor girl with a mother who was a stripper. That left her with two career options. She could be a waitress or a stripper. She refused to strip, despite her mother’s encouragement. She did not want to turn into her mother.

Then she met him. He had came into the town like a tornado. He was a drifter who worked construction at different sites as he traveled across the country. He hated to stay in place for very long, but she was drawn to him. They began fucking the second day she knew him. A week later he announced he was leaving and wanted her to come with him.

She jumped on the chance. She packed a bag and left in the middle of the night.

Two mornings later as they took turns driving, he woke and asked Meg to pull into the nearest gas station.

She had no idea he was carrying a gun. She had no idea he had hit many stores and was wanted across the U.S for armed robbery and murder.

She heard multiple shots and froze behind the wheel of the car. She though he had been attacked and didn’t want to leave him.

Instead, she found a strange old man holding a shotgun to her head and telling her to get out of the car.

The police arrived moments later.

Her new friend had entered the wrong store. The owner killed him but not before he had killed the owner’s wife.

Meg was left behind the driver’s wheel in what turned out to be a stolen car and charged with robbery and murder.

She stayed for three months in the county jail. The jail was not large, and the inmates were there for mostly minor crimes. They only wanted to do their time and get out. No one was interested in fights or raping others.

She was brought to court with a court appointed attorney her only hope. His argument that she had no ide what would happen was not bought by the jury. The trial was over in four hours and the jury deliberated for two hours, most of which was spent eating a meal paid for by the court.

She prayed for life in prison but knew it would not be. She had not gotten far from her hometown and would be sentenced to die there. She knew it in her heart. Her only question was whether she would slow hang for the citizens enjoyment or hang from a cross in crucifixion park.

The judge smiled as he sentenced her to crucifixion in a week. She was taken back to her cell and given pills. She spent the next four days on the toilet purging her bowels and only fed protein and carbohydrate gels to keep up her strength.

Today she was transported to the prison in her hometown of thirty thousand people. It wasn’t a large prison but nor was it small. When she arrived, she was instructed to take off her prison jumpsuit and underwear. She had heard stories about death row but wasn’t sure what to believe. One rumor was true. The occupants were kept nude and under constant surveillance. There were six cells on death row and she filled the sixth one. They were closed off with walls on three sides and bars on the front. She didn’t know who occupied the other cells, whether they were male or female, young or old and how they would die. She didn’t care. Before she had been brought into her last home, she had suffered a body cavity search and sprayed down by a high-pressure hose of cold water. She was physically and mentally exhausted.

“Meggan, you have a visitor. On your feet.” A guard told her.

Meg stood on shaky legs and walked to the front of her cell, wandering who would visit her. She had seen only a lawyer since she was first incarcerated.

One she stepped out of the cell he roughly turned her around and twisted her arms behind her back, putting on cuffs to tightly. She didn’t complain. She was too afraid to complain.

She was taken to a visiting room. On the other side of the glass wall was her mother.

She had already been bothered and ashamed by her nudity. It dehumanized her. Having her mother see her like this took her humiliation to a greater level.

Her mother looked at her body and shook her head. Meg had always known her mother’s opinion of her body. Meg was beautiful. She was not overly muscular. She was five feet four inches tall and thin everywhere but her breasts were larger than her frame would suggest. Not that anyone could tell. She had always worn long baggy shorts and shirts wanting to avoid the attention of her mother’s boyfriends as much as possible. She had green eyes and long dark blonde hair that she colored to a lighter blonde. The roots were showing now. Her mother was similarly built and had the same features if only a bit taller. She had tried to convince Meg to become what she called a dancer at her club. Meg had refused to lower herself that far. The kids she had went to school with before she dropped out had bullied her for being a whore simply because her mother was one. Meg wouldn’t justify those claims.

“Look at you, kid. Too good for your Mom’s profession but now you are here, naked and handcuffed, about to show the world that body of yours spread out and nailed to a cross. What do you think those kids you hated so much are gonna say when they see you?”

Meg said nothing, focusing on controlling her trembling. She knew her mother was right. Crucifixion Park was a popular hangout on weekends. The names of the condemned were advertised in the paper and on the court website. Everyone would know she would be an attraction there. She had never gone herself. She found the idea of watching someone die gruesome. The stories she had heard were terrifying her now. Supposedly the spectators could do what they wanted to the condemned to an extent. The guards kept loose watch and would not allow them to be harmed or anything to happen that could hasten their death but touching and humiliation were even silently encouraged. Every one of those stuck-up bitches and their rich boyfriends who had driven her away would be there to see her at the lowest moment of her life.

“Why are you here, Mom?”

The woman’s face fell. “You are my baby. You think I wanted this to happen? I needed to see you.”

Meg snorted. “Where have you been all these months while I sat in jail? You weren’t at my trial!”

The woman shook her head sadly. “I couldn’t take it. I had hoped that you would get off but when I heard you were here, I knew it was now or never. Why did you have to be so stubborn!? You could have made a fortune and gone to California on your own, found work there and made more money! Why wasn’t I ever good enough for you?!”

Meg shook her head and smirked. “I’m about to die in pain and humiliation and you are making this about you.”

The woman seemed chastised by that. “I’m sorry. I just…I can’t claim your body. I wanted to but they said you are property of the state.”

Meg hadn’t thought about what would happen after she was gone. “What is going to happen to me…my body?”

“Incinerated and your ashes dumped in a landfill where all the death row inmates go. I’m sorry. I tried.”

Meg shrugged. “Doesn’t really matter.”

Her mother checked her watch. “My time is almost up. I’ll be there. I’ll be with you. I was told I could be there but I couldn’t approach you or say anything to the ones who do. If I attack them I go down too and someone has to take care of your little sister.”

Meg didn’t want this. “I don’t want you there! Why would you want to watch me die? You know what will happen to me! You want to see that?”

“I want to be there for you.”

“It’s too late for that, Mom. Stay away. Leave and don’t come back. Don’t let Billie come to the park. Forget about me.”

The woman took a moment then nodded. “Okay. “Listen, I talked to this regular of mine. He is a doctor and sometimes does autopsies on the crucified. He told me some things. He thinks you might not last more than a day. I know you never wanted to know much but there is going to be this…horn thing up your ass. When the guards come for you tonight don’t fight them. Let them fuck your ass. It will make it easier.”

Meg nearly vomited. She was no stranger to sex but had never been fucked in the ass. She also hoped the rapes were a horrible rumor.

Her mother gave her one last longing look then walked out for the last time.

Meg was taken to her cell, uncuffed, told to get some rest because it would be a long night and not to fight.

It wouldn’t be a problem. The fight had left her.

Excellent start!

I hope her mother will come see her die anyway.
To Meg’s relief the sex wasn’t horrible. When the first man came to her cell that night, he told her she could be raped or enjoy it if she behaved.

Meg assured she would behave. She wasn’t feeling horny by any means, but this was her only chance to take her mind off her pending execution. Her date with the cross had taken over her mind and the walls were all she had going for her. She tried to discreetly rub her legs together in preparation, something that never failed to get her excited thanks to her hood ring, but nothing worked.

The man had a great body and didn’t seem cruel or particularly sadistic more than anyone else who would take advantage of a condemned girl.

He kissed her and she kissed him back. He told her to get on her knees on the hard floor and she did so. She sucked his cock to her best ability, even though she didn’t have that much experience, but he hardened so she must have done something right.

He pulled her thin mattress from the cot she usually sat on, and she lay down. He kissed her as she spread her legs and welcomed him in. The more she focused on sex, the better it began to feel.

When he flipped her over, he began playing with her piercings. That was when the second guard came in and got to his knees, his crotch level with her face. Meg did what was expected and opened her mouth. He gripped her hair and for the first time in her short life she was having sex with two men at once.

When they switched places, the second man named Adam was the first to take her mind off sex. She felt the tip of his cock pushing against her tight virgin rosebud that had never been penetrated.

The first man named Scott stopped him.

“She has been a good girl. Nice kisser. Take it easy it first.”

She wasn’t sure what Adam’s reaction looked like, but he must have agreed because she felt a wet finger penetrating her. She tensed but did her best to calm down as he coached her. The second finger caused her to cry out in pain and the tears to start falling. Scott didn’t make her suck his dick but instead reached to her hood ring and used it to massage her clit.

“Calm down. It hurts like hell at first, but you will be thankful for it later. That horn is no joke.”

Meg did relax and a third finger was added. She heard a set of footprints enter her cell and then his cock head was pressed against her only this time it felt oily. She felt a lubricant dripping onto her asshole and knew he was trying to make this easier. Scott put his hands against her shoulders.

Then Adam struck, shoving his cock all the way into her ass till his balls slapped her buttocks.

She screamed and cried but didn’t move, held in place by two strong hands.

Then the cock in her ass started moving slowly, never exiting but still moving in short strokes. The stroked went longer and she began sucking Scott’s cock once more even as her tears fell. Eventually she relaxed enough to not be torn apart by the pain and Adam began rubbing her ring against her clit.

To her great surprise she had an orgasm. It must have surprised him as well because he came and for the first time she felt hot semen inside her ass. It was the strangest feeling and when he exited her body, she felt wide open. She could feel it leaking onto her but cheeks.

Scott took his place and turned her over onto her back. He spread her legs and lifted her hips slightly from the ground then entered her ass again. This position felt stranger than on her knees, but her ass didn’t feel empty anymore. It burned and was sore, but she was becoming accustomed to it.

He filled her as well.

Both kissed her on the mouth, tongues swirling, and she eagerly responded. The human contact after being alone for so many days was addictive.

“Haven’t had a girl as good as you in a long time.” Adam told her. “We will see you tomorrow night. The last guy in tonight will give you some gifts. Good job girl.”

“Meg.” She said, needing to hear her name spoken by one of the men who had fucked her ass and made her cum.

“Meg. Stay on the mat. More guys are coming.”

More guys did come. They didn’t just fuck her ass. Most fucked her pussy. None were particularly brutal, but neither were they concerned and caring lovers. They treated her as a fuck toy, a living sex doll and she was good with that. Being treated a thing wasn’t bad. It reminded her of her station while also giving her pleasure.

She had lost count of the men who fucked her. Unless she was sucking cock, she kept her eyes closed.

She knew when the last man was done. He was the first to cum on her face. The rest came in her ass, pussy or on her tits and belly.

He gave her the gift Adam or Scott had spoken of, a pack of cigarettes, a box of matches and a single sedative pill. He also put a large anal plug in her that didn’t hurt as bad as it would have before the night began.

Meg had never been a heavy smoker or a regular smoker at all, but it gave her something to do. She put her mat back on her cot and curled up in the corner, holding an arm around her knees that she drew up. She wasn’t as concerned about covering herself. Being naked had made her feel small and helpless but after a night of being a sex doll that feeling had passed. Now she kept her legs close to her body to keep herself warm.

She thought of using the sink to clean herself. The dried cum on her body was beginning to itch and cum was still leaking out of her two holes. She could still taste the loads of cum she had swallowed. She didn’t clean herself though. Like the cigarettes and the anal plug, the feeling gave her something to focus on besides her impending destruction and humiliation.

When the thoughts began sinking back in, she took the sedative and slept deeply for the first time since she arrived in this purgatory on her way to hell.

The nest night was more of the same, only Meg was much less a passive partner and more aggressive. When she woke, she felt refreshed for a minute and thought everything had been a horrible nightmare. Then she took stock of her surroundings and realized it would be the last night she would feel anything but horrible pain.

She took advantage of the guards. As a result, she thinks she had more coming in for a taste, but she didn’t care. She cried as she fucked them but only because she fought for each orgasm and the men appreciated it and did their best to give her pleasure before the night was done.

When the last one had gone, she was covered in more semen and imagined she could feel it rolling around in her empty stomach.

She had only smoked four cigarettes before a female guard opened her door.

“I’m not going to chain you. I hear you have been very compliant. If you try anything with me, I’m going to taze you and keep tazing you until you forget what its like to not be electrocuted. Do we have an understanding?”

Meg nodded. “Yes.”

“On your feet.”

Meg tossed her half-smoked cigarette into the toilet and flushed it then joined the guard.

She walked in front of the woman, looking straight ahead and not bothering to look into the other cells. Following her directions she entered a room that had a shower in the back but a gyno chair in front.

“In the chair, legs spread.”

Meg felt a hole in the pit of her stomach wondering what could happen next. She could have asked but was too afraid it would be considered resisting. Going along had given her two nights of pleasure amidst the horror her life had become. She didn’t want to change tactics now and become a problem.

She meekly sat in the chair and spread her legs on the stirrups.

The woman came over with a white wet rag, cream, and a razor. She jerked the anal plug out of her.

“Time to clean up your pussy. Then we are going to shave your legs and arm pits.”

Meg tried to relax but it was difficult. Not only having a razor around her pussy used by another but also a reminder of how she had no agency even over her body hair.

Once her pussy was smoother than it ever had been she stood and spread her legs. The woman used the wet, warm towel to shave her legs and then had her raise her arms above her heads.

Out of everything, having her armpits shaved seemed like the most intimate act though it should not have been.

When it was over Meg was told to sit back down. She kept her legs out of the stirrups this time and the head rest was taken off. The woman grabbed a pair of scissors and began cutting her long hair. There was no style to it. She just cut six inches off. Her hair now hung just above her shoulders, still thick but not covering her face or back.

“There. Public likes to see the victims face. Girls tend to hide their faces in their hair to hide the pain. That’s no good. Humiliation goes with pain. I understand you are a local girl. A lot of people was going to show up to see you suffer and die. You will know many of them. Let’s get you under the shower. I’m going to let you clean yourself. Get the cum off your body and when you are on the cross and locals are examining you from a few feet away, don’t say a damn thing about the sex. You might think it couldn’t get worse up there but trust me, it can.”

Meg nodded and did as she said. This intimate act of being groomed was like being fucked by the guards only without the pleasure. It was similar in that she had once again been shown in stark fashion that she had no agency. As the water flowed over her and she scrubbed her body, used the shower head to clean her pussy and ass as much as possible and washed her hair strands away, her body felt lighter and even more exposed. It was smooth and more sensitive than ever before. It was as if shaving her had taken away any trace of armor she might have had.

Meg was not taken to her cell. She was taken into a separate room with other naked people. Two men and three women.

They were made to stand in line. A collar was placed around her neck, cuffs went around her ankles. Her hands were cuffed in front of her, and a chain led to her chained feet. Another chain was placed on her collar to the collar of the man in front of her. She was the last in line. She would either go first or last.

Two guards approached.

“They are ready. Take them to the van. Time to get them hung.”

Pretty good start! Can’t wait what will be next!

I also enjoy idea when Meg had prison visitation her mother and Meg was naked and in chains! Very humiliated and embarassed thing to Meg but very hot for us as readers.
To Meg’s relief the sex wasn’t horrible. When the first man came to her cell that night, he told her she could be raped or enjoy it if she behaved.

Meg assured she would behave. She wasn’t feeling horny by any means, but this was her only chance to take her mind off her pending execution. Her date with the cross had taken over her mind and the walls were all she had going for her. She tried to discreetly rub her legs together in preparation, something that never failed to get her excited thanks to her hood ring, but nothing worked.

The man had a great body and didn’t seem cruel or particularly sadistic more than anyone else who would take advantage of a condemned girl.

He kissed her and she kissed him back. He told her to get on her knees on the hard floor and she did so. She sucked his cock to her best ability, even though she didn’t have that much experience, but he hardened so she must have done something right.

He pulled her thin mattress from the cot she usually sat on, and she lay down. He kissed her as she spread her legs and welcomed him in. The more she focused on sex, the better it began to feel.

When he flipped her over, he began playing with her piercings. That was when the second guard came in and got to his knees, his crotch level with her face. Meg did what was expected and opened her mouth. He gripped her hair and for the first time in her short life she was having sex with two men at once.

When they switched places, the second man named Adam was the first to take her mind off sex. She felt the tip of his cock pushing against her tight virgin rosebud that had never been penetrated.

The first man named Scott stopped him.

“She has been a good girl. Nice kisser. Take it easy it first.”

She wasn’t sure what Adam’s reaction looked like, but he must have agreed because she felt a wet finger penetrating her. She tensed but did her best to calm down as he coached her. The second finger caused her to cry out in pain and the tears to start falling. Scott didn’t make her suck his dick but instead reached to her hood ring and used it to massage her clit.

“Calm down. It hurts like hell at first, but you will be thankful for it later. That horn is no joke.”

Meg did relax and a third finger was added. She heard a set of footprints enter her cell and then his cock head was pressed against her only this time it felt oily. She felt a lubricant dripping onto her asshole and knew he was trying to make this easier. Scott put his hands against her shoulders.

Then Adam struck, shoving his cock all the way into her ass till his balls slapped her buttocks.

She screamed and cried but didn’t move, held in place by two strong hands.

Then the cock in her ass started moving slowly, never exiting but still moving in short strokes. The stroked went longer and she began sucking Scott’s cock once more even as her tears fell. Eventually she relaxed enough to not be torn apart by the pain and Adam began rubbing her ring against her clit.

To her great surprise she had an orgasm. It must have surprised him as well because he came and for the first time she felt hot semen inside her ass. It was the strangest feeling and when he exited her body, she felt wide open. She could feel it leaking onto her but cheeks.

Scott took his place and turned her over onto her back. He spread her legs and lifted her hips slightly from the ground then entered her ass again. This position felt stranger than on her knees, but her ass didn’t feel empty anymore. It burned and was sore, but she was becoming accustomed to it.

He filled her as well.

Both kissed her on the mouth, tongues swirling, and she eagerly responded. The human contact after being alone for so many days was addictive.

“Haven’t had a girl as good as you in a long time.” Adam told her. “We will see you tomorrow night. The last guy in tonight will give you some gifts. Good job girl.”

“Meg.” She said, needing to hear her name spoken by one of the men who had fucked her ass and made her cum.

“Meg. Stay on the mat. More guys are coming.”

More guys did come. They didn’t just fuck her ass. Most fucked her pussy. None were particularly brutal, but neither were they concerned and caring lovers. They treated her as a fuck toy, a living sex doll and she was good with that. Being treated a thing wasn’t bad. It reminded her of her station while also giving her pleasure.

She had lost count of the men who fucked her. Unless she was sucking cock, she kept her eyes closed.

She knew when the last man was done. He was the first to cum on her face. The rest came in her ass, pussy or on her tits and belly.

He gave her the gift Adam or Scott had spoken of, a pack of cigarettes, a box of matches and a single sedative pill. He also put a large anal plug in her that didn’t hurt as bad as it would have before the night began.

Meg had never been a heavy smoker or a regular smoker at all, but it gave her something to do. She put her mat back on her cot and curled up in the corner, holding an arm around her knees that she drew up. She wasn’t as concerned about covering herself. Being naked had made her feel small and helpless but after a night of being a sex doll that feeling had passed. Now she kept her legs close to her body to keep herself warm.

She thought of using the sink to clean herself. The dried cum on her body was beginning to itch and cum was still leaking out of her two holes. She could still taste the loads of cum she had swallowed. She didn’t clean herself though. Like the cigarettes and the anal plug, the feeling gave her something to focus on besides her impending destruction and humiliation.

When the thoughts began sinking back in, she took the sedative and slept deeply for the first time since she arrived in this purgatory on her way to hell.

The nest night was more of the same, only Meg was much less a passive partner and more aggressive. When she woke, she felt refreshed for a minute and thought everything had been a horrible nightmare. Then she took stock of her surroundings and realized it would be the last night she would feel anything but horrible pain.

She took advantage of the guards. As a result, she thinks she had more coming in for a taste, but she didn’t care. She cried as she fucked them but only because she fought for each orgasm and the men appreciated it and did their best to give her pleasure before the night was done.

When the last one had gone, she was covered in more semen and imagined she could feel it rolling around in her empty stomach.

She had only smoked four cigarettes before a female guard opened her door.

“I’m not going to chain you. I hear you have been very compliant. If you try anything with me, I’m going to taze you and keep tazing you until you forget what its like to not be electrocuted. Do we have an understanding?”

Meg nodded. “Yes.”

“On your feet.”

Meg tossed her half-smoked cigarette into the toilet and flushed it then joined the guard.

She walked in front of the woman, looking straight ahead and not bothering to look into the other cells. Following her directions she entered a room that had a shower in the back but a gyno chair in front.

“In the chair, legs spread.”

Meg felt a hole in the pit of her stomach wondering what could happen next. She could have asked but was too afraid it would be considered resisting. Going along had given her two nights of pleasure amidst the horror her life had become. She didn’t want to change tactics now and become a problem.

She meekly sat in the chair and spread her legs on the stirrups.

The woman came over with a white wet rag, cream, and a razor. She jerked the anal plug out of her.

“Time to clean up your pussy. Then we are going to shave your legs and arm pits.”

Meg tried to relax but it was difficult. Not only having a razor around her pussy used by another but also a reminder of how she had no agency even over her body hair.

Once her pussy was smoother than it ever had been she stood and spread her legs. The woman used the wet, warm towel to shave her legs and then had her raise her arms above her heads.

Out of everything, having her armpits shaved seemed like the most intimate act though it should not have been.

When it was over Meg was told to sit back down. She kept her legs out of the stirrups this time and the head rest was taken off. The woman grabbed a pair of scissors and began cutting her long hair. There was no style to it. She just cut six inches off. Her hair now hung just above her shoulders, still thick but not covering her face or back.

“There. Public likes to see the victims face. Girls tend to hide their faces in their hair to hide the pain. That’s no good. Humiliation goes with pain. I understand you are a local girl. A lot of people was going to show up to see you suffer and die. You will know many of them. Let’s get you under the shower. I’m going to let you clean yourself. Get the cum off your body and when you are on the cross and locals are examining you from a few feet away, don’t say a damn thing about the sex. You might think it couldn’t get worse up there but trust me, it can.”

Meg nodded and did as she said. This intimate act of being groomed was like being fucked by the guards only without the pleasure. It was similar in that she had once again been shown in stark fashion that she had no agency. As the water flowed over her and she scrubbed her body, used the shower head to clean her pussy and ass as much as possible and washed her hair strands away, her body felt lighter and even more exposed. It was smooth and more sensitive than ever before. It was as if shaving her had taken away any trace of armor she might have had.

Meg was not taken to her cell. She was taken into a separate room with other naked people. Two men and three women.

They were made to stand in line. A collar was placed around her neck, cuffs went around her ankles. Her hands were cuffed in front of her, and a chain led to her chained feet. Another chain was placed on her collar to the collar of the man in front of her. She was the last in line. She would either go first or last.

Two guards approached.

“They are ready. Take them to the van. Time to get them hung.”

It's a good story so far. When I read the first part I thought it would be a solo execution. Now I see in the second part that there's a small group of condemned. Those two scenarios are quite different, with different emotions I think. I'm not sure which scenario I prefer to read about--they are both interesting. With a group of people I kind of hope the "authorities" will go slow, taking their time with each one and giving each one some time to start their show on the cross before moving on to the next one. I guess that seeing the first few get all set up would heighten the emotions and terror for those who remain about what they are in for soon. I'll be interested to see how you handle this scenario. You seem to hint that your main character might go last. If I was in charge of these executions I'd probably save the prettiest female for last.
Meg found herself in the back of a windowless bus on a cold metal bench. It was larger than she thought would be needed for only six of them. Of course, she went in first and went straight to the back as she was told.

She had a feeling she would be the last to be executed. The last to be killed.

Despite the heat in the enclosed space, Meg felt cold. She desperately wanted to go back to her cell. As horrible as waiting had been, she would do anything to wait some more. She could stare at her cell walls and wait to be fucked at night.

Despite the space that wasn’t being used on the bench, the guards pressed them all together. The three women were first, and the two men were next to her. The man next to her had his leg pressed against her leg, their thighs touching. She was beginning to sweat and knew the others were as well. She could smell it. The sweat and scent of fear in the stale air of this rolling prison.

The bus started to move and shook. The man next to her was rubbing his thigh against hers. Meg had been looking at the ground, but it was irritating her. She didn’t need irritation on top of fear.

When she looked up she couldn’t believe her eyes.

He had a huge erection.

“Are you out of your mind!?” Meg blurted out.

The man, in his mid-twenties and very attractive in a pretty boy kind of way at least had the decency to look ashamed.

“I’m sorry. I can’t help it.”

Meg closed her eyes and leaned back. A part of her found it humorous. Her last ride next to a pretty boy with a giant hard on.

“Think I should let him get off, Meg?”

Meg opened her eyes and was surprised at how close the guard was sitting across from her. He looked much meaner than the ones who fucked her at night. He was stroking the cattle prod in his hand like it was how own cock.

Meg refused to meet his eyes.

“Maybe I should make you do it. Your mama sucks good cock and the boys on nights say you are the best fuck that has come through death row in a long time. Said your cunt is like hot wet silk inside and your asshole is the tightest most of them ever felt even after a couple of nights of ramming that ass. Maybe you should sit on his lap. Give the son of a bitch a last quickie.”

Meg said nothing. Her cheeks were turning red. The man knew her mother, meaning he fucked her mother. She was surprised she had never seen him, but she did stop paying attention unless one stayed for a few days.

“Blow job?”

Meg continued to look at the floor. To her shame, tears started to fall.

“Don’t cry yet little girl. You have plenty to cry about soon. I won’t make you suck pretty boy’s dick. Fucking drug dealer doesn’t need to get off. If his hands touch his dick I’m going to taze it. Can hardly blame him though. Those tits of your bouncing down the road, those sparkly little piercings, he gotta be wondering if the one between your legs is getting you wet. Do you know why they let you keep your little piercings? Any idea?”

Meg said nothing. She was too terrified to talk regardless and would only stutter.

“I like it. That nose ring looks perfect for putting a leash on and leading you. Those little bars in your nipples, that cute bellybutton… yeah it ain’t just for show. Listen up dead boys and girls! I’m gonna be nice and give you a weather report.”

Meg could imagine how hot it was inside. They had not been outside yet, entering this rolling cell inside a garage attached to death row.

“You should all be hanging by 8:30. Temperature this morning is gonna be a nice 85-degree Fahrenheit. You will be hung looking down on a busy path and tall tress will be behind you, giving you plenty of shade.

“By noon, that shade will be gone. It is going to be 99 or hotter until the sun goes down at 8:30 PM. Those nails in your wrists and feet are going to be hot as hell. I hope you brought sunscreen. Meg, you know what that means for you honey? Those little metal trinkets are going to heat up. Those bars are going to make your nipples very uncomfortable. I heard they are hanging you in a way that your legs are gonna be spread open the entire time. That ring is going to get hot and resting against your clit like that…damn girl. You probably never thought of hanging out naked in the sun when you let some tattooed freak poke holes in your body, did you sweetie?”

Meg shook her head slightly, embarrassed as more tears fell. They mixed with her sweat, but her eyes were burning. Her legs were sweaty, her hair was stuck to the back of her neck and that son of a bitch wouldn’t stop rubbing his leg against hers.

“Hey everybody, Meg here is a local celebrity. First local girl to be hung on a cross and left to rot. Everybody been talking about her execution all week. She even hit the mayor’s daughter before she quit school. Meg’s mama is a stripper. A damn good one too. She calls herself Star but that isn’t her given name. $20 and you will get the best lap dance you ever had. $50 for a hand job, $80 for a blow job and for a Benjamin she will let you do what you want. I’m hoping her prices go down since she will have one less mouth to feed. I talked to her last night, Meg.”

Meg sniffed and tried to meet his eyes.

“She is gonna be there.”

Meg closed her eyes tightly and shook her head. As badly as she wanted to be back in her cell, as terrified as she was at what was to come, she wanted off this fucking bus.

“She ever tells you who your daddy was?”

Meg didn’t answer.

“She probably doesn’t know. Shame really. A girl like you would have been a good whore like your mother. Skinny body, soft in the right places, nice tits. As much as I am going to enjoy seeing you die, I wish I would have caught a night shift to fuck you first.”

Meg kept her eyes closed. She didn’t want to look at the man leering at her. She didn’t want to see the man with the hard cock next to her.

She didn’t even look at the other naked bodies or examine them. She thought she should be curious, but she wasn’t. She just didn’t care.

“Listen up. We are almost there. You will get out of the vehicle and stand in line in front of execution team. Your collar and leashes will be taken off, but your cuffs stay on. Too many of you try to run even though there ain’t no place to go. Survivor instinct.”

“There is gonna be a crowd, a big one because of Meg. They must stay behind the roped off area until you are good and hanging. Each one of you here is a murderer. I understand the families of the victims will all be there. They each have a say in how you are executed. They have determined how you will be hanged. Some of you like Meg are gonna have your legs spread and your dainty little feet nailed outward. Others like you dumbasses with the hard cocks will have your legs squeezing your nuts. Some of you got some special punishments. You pissed some families off bad. Its gonna be tough but just remember, you got one thing to focus on. Do what you are told. You do that, you die with a little dignity at least. You fight you won’t win and its gonna look more pathetic.”

The bus stopped and the guard ordered them to stand.

Meg tried.

Her legs wouldn’t move.

The man next to her stood and his chain jerked her head up. He practically pulled her up. Before she could regain her feet his cock slapped her cheek.

The guard laughed at, her grabbed her hair and pulled her up.

“I’m not carrying you sweetie. I’m going to watch that cute ass walks. Off the bus with the rest of the dead whores.”

Every step was a struggle. The shuffling of chains, the feel of sweat soaking every inch of her body. She was so slick, and her nipples were hard. She wasn’t sure if she should put her hands over her pussy or raise then to cover her breasts. Those were ridiculous thoughts in her situation, but they stood out to her.

The sun blinded her. The heat made it hard to breathe even at this early hour.

The crowd was applauding.

The applause was thunderous.

Meg looked ahead but saw nothing behind the black uniformed prison guards she guessed made up the team that would kill her.

She managed to look to the crowd and saw her mother. Her mother was crying.

Then she saw them. The bitches that made her life hell in school, who forced her out. They were cheering. They were cheering her death.

The chain came off her neck. Another step toward the end.

Just when she thought it couldn’t get worse she saw the man she never thought she would see again after the trial. The man whose wife had died. The man who put a gun to her head and made her get out of the car.

He was surrounded by three men in their thirties who resembled him. His sons. The words of the guard came back to her. The family had a say in her punishment.

Meg’s legs buckled. She was caught by the guard behind her.

“Keep on your feet kid. Show a little spine.”

Meg couldn’t. She couldn’t show any spine. She had no fight. In the next thirty minutes she was going to be nailed, spread open, her most intimate parts displayed and surrounded by people who hated her.

Nails. Big fucking nails were going into her body.

She had almost forgotten about the horn. Her ass clenched.

She said her first words since she entered the bus.

“Please don’t do this to me.”

The guard patted her ass and squeezed an ass cheek.

“No point in crying now darlin. You did the crime and now you pay. Look at it this way. Life wasn’t going to be much for you anyway.”

Meg almost begged again but a scream stopped her.

The first victim was being dragged to her cross. It had begun.

Happy to know that her mother decided to witness her crucifixion.

Hope they both will eventually find some... consolation (?) in that.

Meg in giving a great show of pain and death.
It is a very difficult thing, indeed: as DjEtla wrote in one of his stories, she should take some pride in that.

Her mother in watching her daughter acting as a great performer.
I don’t think Meg is acting or going to enjoy her performance
I'm sure she won't!
But it may be of some consolation for her knowing that she's givin' a good show anyway.
Meg found herself in the back of a windowless bus on a cold metal bench. It was larger than she thought would be needed for only six of them. Of course, she went in first and went straight to the back as she was told.

She had a feeling she would be the last to be executed. The last to be killed.

Despite the heat in the enclosed space, Meg felt cold. She desperately wanted to go back to her cell. As horrible as waiting had been, she would do anything to wait some more. She could stare at her cell walls and wait to be fucked at night.

Despite the space that wasn’t being used on the bench, the guards pressed them all together. The three women were first, and the two men were next to her. The man next to her had his leg pressed against her leg, their thighs touching. She was beginning to sweat and knew the others were as well. She could smell it. The sweat and scent of fear in the stale air of this rolling prison.

The bus started to move and shook. The man next to her was rubbing his thigh against hers. Meg had been looking at the ground, but it was irritating her. She didn’t need irritation on top of fear.

When she looked up she couldn’t believe her eyes.

He had a huge erection.

“Are you out of your mind!?” Meg blurted out.

The man, in his mid-twenties and very attractive in a pretty boy kind of way at least had the decency to look ashamed.

“I’m sorry. I can’t help it.”

Meg closed her eyes and leaned back. A part of her found it humorous. Her last ride next to a pretty boy with a giant hard on.

“Think I should let him get off, Meg?”

Meg opened her eyes and was surprised at how close the guard was sitting across from her. He looked much meaner than the ones who fucked her at night. He was stroking the cattle prod in his hand like it was how own cock.

Meg refused to meet his eyes.

“Maybe I should make you do it. Your mama sucks good cock and the boys on nights say you are the best fuck that has come through death row in a long time. Said your cunt is like hot wet silk inside and your asshole is the tightest most of them ever felt even after a couple of nights of ramming that ass. Maybe you should sit on his lap. Give the son of a bitch a last quickie.”

Meg said nothing. Her cheeks were turning red. The man knew her mother, meaning he fucked her mother. She was surprised she had never seen him, but she did stop paying attention unless one stayed for a few days.

“Blow job?”

Meg continued to look at the floor. To her shame, tears started to fall.

“Don’t cry yet little girl. You have plenty to cry about soon. I won’t make you suck pretty boy’s dick. Fucking drug dealer doesn’t need to get off. If his hands touch his dick I’m going to taze it. Can hardly blame him though. Those tits of your bouncing down the road, those sparkly little piercings, he gotta be wondering if the one between your legs is getting you wet. Do you know why they let you keep your little piercings? Any idea?”

Meg said nothing. She was too terrified to talk regardless and would only stutter.

“I like it. That nose ring looks perfect for putting a leash on and leading you. Those little bars in your nipples, that cute bellybutton… yeah it ain’t just for show. Listen up dead boys and girls! I’m gonna be nice and give you a weather report.”

Meg could imagine how hot it was inside. They had not been outside yet, entering this rolling cell inside a garage attached to death row.

“You should all be hanging by 8:30. Temperature this morning is gonna be a nice 85-degree Fahrenheit. You will be hung looking down on a busy path and tall tress will be behind you, giving you plenty of shade.

“By noon, that shade will be gone. It is going to be 99 or hotter until the sun goes down at 8:30 PM. Those nails in your wrists and feet are going to be hot as hell. I hope you brought sunscreen. Meg, you know what that means for you honey? Those little metal trinkets are going to heat up. Those bars are going to make your nipples very uncomfortable. I heard they are hanging you in a way that your legs are gonna be spread open the entire time. That ring is going to get hot and resting against your clit like that…damn girl. You probably never thought of hanging out naked in the sun when you let some tattooed freak poke holes in your body, did you sweetie?”

Meg shook her head slightly, embarrassed as more tears fell. They mixed with her sweat, but her eyes were burning. Her legs were sweaty, her hair was stuck to the back of her neck and that son of a bitch wouldn’t stop rubbing his leg against hers.

“Hey everybody, Meg here is a local celebrity. First local girl to be hung on a cross and left to rot. Everybody been talking about her execution all week. She even hit the mayor’s daughter before she quit school. Meg’s mama is a stripper. A damn good one too. She calls herself Star but that isn’t her given name. $20 and you will get the best lap dance you ever had. $50 for a hand job, $80 for a blow job and for a Benjamin she will let you do what you want. I’m hoping her prices go down since she will have one less mouth to feed. I talked to her last night, Meg.”

Meg sniffed and tried to meet his eyes.

“She is gonna be there.”

Meg closed her eyes tightly and shook her head. As badly as she wanted to be back in her cell, as terrified as she was at what was to come, she wanted off this fucking bus.

“She ever tells you who your daddy was?”

Meg didn’t answer.

“She probably doesn’t know. Shame really. A girl like you would have been a good whore like your mother. Skinny body, soft in the right places, nice tits. As much as I am going to enjoy seeing you die, I wish I would have caught a night shift to fuck you first.”

Meg kept her eyes closed. She didn’t want to look at the man leering at her. She didn’t want to see the man with the hard cock next to her.

She didn’t even look at the other naked bodies or examine them. She thought she should be curious, but she wasn’t. She just didn’t care.

“Listen up. We are almost there. You will get out of the vehicle and stand in line in front of execution team. Your collar and leashes will be taken off, but your cuffs stay on. Too many of you try to run even though there ain’t no place to go. Survivor instinct.”

“There is gonna be a crowd, a big one because of Meg. They must stay behind the roped off area until you are good and hanging. Each one of you here is a murderer. I understand the families of the victims will all be there. They each have a say in how you are executed. They have determined how you will be hanged. Some of you like Meg are gonna have your legs spread and your dainty little feet nailed outward. Others like you dumbasses with the hard cocks will have your legs squeezing your nuts. Some of you got some special punishments. You pissed some families off bad. Its gonna be tough but just remember, you got one thing to focus on. Do what you are told. You do that, you die with a little dignity at least. You fight you won’t win and its gonna look more pathetic.”

The bus stopped and the guard ordered them to stand.

Meg tried.

Her legs wouldn’t move.

The man next to her stood and his chain jerked her head up. He practically pulled her up. Before she could regain her feet his cock slapped her cheek.

The guard laughed at, her grabbed her hair and pulled her up.

“I’m not carrying you sweetie. I’m going to watch that cute ass walks. Off the bus with the rest of the dead whores.”

Every step was a struggle. The shuffling of chains, the feel of sweat soaking every inch of her body. She was so slick, and her nipples were hard. She wasn’t sure if she should put her hands over her pussy or raise then to cover her breasts. Those were ridiculous thoughts in her situation, but they stood out to her.

The sun blinded her. The heat made it hard to breathe even at this early hour.

The crowd was applauding.

The applause was thunderous.

Meg looked ahead but saw nothing behind the black uniformed prison guards she guessed made up the team that would kill her.

She managed to look to the crowd and saw her mother. Her mother was crying.

Then she saw them. The bitches that made her life hell in school, who forced her out. They were cheering. They were cheering her death.

The chain came off her neck. Another step toward the end.

Just when she thought it couldn’t get worse she saw the man she never thought she would see again after the trial. The man whose wife had died. The man who put a gun to her head and made her get out of the car.

He was surrounded by three men in their thirties who resembled him. His sons. The words of the guard came back to her. The family had a say in her punishment.

Meg’s legs buckled. She was caught by the guard behind her.

“Keep on your feet kid. Show a little spine.”

Meg couldn’t. She couldn’t show any spine. She had no fight. In the next thirty minutes she was going to be nailed, spread open, her most intimate parts displayed and surrounded by people who hated her.

Nails. Big fucking nails were going into her body.

She had almost forgotten about the horn. Her ass clenched.

She said her first words since she entered the bus.

“Please don’t do this to me.”

The guard patted her ass and squeezed an ass cheek.

“No point in crying now darlin. You did the crime and now you pay. Look at it this way. Life wasn’t going to be much for you anyway.”

Meg almost begged again but a scream stopped her.

The first victim was being dragged to her cross. It had begun.

Excited to read the next instalment. Shame Meg had to be shaved down - but still looking forward to her execution struggles
Meg did her best to regain the strength in her legs. Getting the guard’s hands off her sweat covered body was motivation. His large hands squeezed her hips possessively and she hated it. She felt humiliated enough. She did not want to be sexually molested in public.

She knew it would happen anyway. Meg was certain the pain of dying would make being sexually molested less humiliating. Her dignity would be the last thing she cared about.

She chanced a look at the crowd again. Her former classmates were now looking at the first woman who had been pulled to her cross, but others were looking at her with pity.

Two of the four guys she had voluntarily fucked were here. They had ben nice guys, outsiders, trash like her. One had sold pot around the school and the other was a skater. She had even enjoyed sex with them. Her first guy had been awkward and painful, and her second guy was as inexperienced as she had been, but she enjoyed these two and even had her first orgasm with the skater boy.

She couldn’t hold eye contact with either. She almost wished for the looks of hatred and derision from the bitches she hated than the looks of pity from these guys. If they truly hated to see her like this why were they here?

A bang and a scream.

Meg whipped her head to the woman on the ground. Her legs kicked in the air and then spread, her feet landing on the ground as if she were begging to be fucked. Meg then focused on what she was looking at.

She saw the second-strike drive home the nail into her left wrist.

Her screams were somehow louder. The crowd that had been loud and rowdy were dead silent.

Another blow to her left wrist then the executioner moved to her right side. Meg noticed her forearms were tied to the crossbeam making her unable to move her arm or fight back.

Meg began to dry heave. For once she was grateful she had only been fed energy gels. She didn’t want to vomit all over herself.

Then she heard someone vomiting. She looked to the crowd and saw many of the girls she had gone to school with looked sick and one had lost her breakfast.

The woman who was Hispanic and had tattoos covering her left leg continued to scream, to beg when she could, but nothing stopped the man from nailing her.

Then her legs were bent, and one foot was placed on top of the other and held in place by a very large guard.

A well-placed nail was driven through both feet in one blow. A second and a third followed and if possible she screamed louder until her voice began to break.

Meg wet herself. Her eyes would not leave the poor girl, but she could feel her hot urine running down her leg and heard it puddling on the ground she stood on.

Then the cross was raised and slammed into a hole.

Meg was even more shocked and terrified. Sitting in her cell, imagining her death she had always seen herself hung high above the crowd, looking down on them as she died.

This woman’s feet were barely three feet from the ground. Her knees were bent, and her arms hung from the crossbar. She couldn’t scream any longer. She was having trouble breathing if the movement of her ribs and heaving of her modest breasts were any indication.

Everyone would be able to do whatever they wanted to her.

Then some sort of contraption was attached to the cross and for the first time, Meg saw the giant horn. She flinched when it was raised up and shoved into the girl’s ass. For the first time since the execution began the crowd cheered.

“You smell like piss girl.” The guard behind her complained. “At least you got it out of the way now instead of the cross.”

Fear warred with humiliation, but fear was easily winning.

The executioner grabbed his victim’s left nipple and squeezed then twisted a bit.

The next woman was dragged to her cross, begging not to be killed, her eyes fixed on the woman already hanging.

Meg noticed the man in front of her turn as if he were going to run but thought netter of it when the chains around his feet shuffled.

She was surprised.

“How the fuck are you still hard?” she asked him quietly. Then she noticed the man in front of him was as well.

“I don’t know! They gave us something. I’ve been mostly hard for days. The water was dosed. You aren’t turned on?”

Meg didn’t bother answering. Turned on? She was terrified. Terrified of death, terrified of pain, terrified by the groping and perhaps worse that she would endure.

Her terror did not grow any less, but she decided the man must have been right. When he was nailed the idiot came, long streams of white spunk shooting in the air and landing on his face.

Finally, he was raised, and Meg was looking at five crosses, barely off the ground, three women and two men, groaning, screaming, crying out and some already lifting themselves to breathe.

She thought perhaps she could walk to the cross with some dignity, but she was frozen in place. Her eyes never left the victims as her wrists and ankles were unchained. Her body didn’t try to run or fight from some survival instinct that had gone long ago. She was frozen like a deer in headlights.

“Get her on the fucking cross already!” someone shouted from the crowd.

Her world titled. Someone had grabbed her shoulders and pulled her back, and another grabbed her feet and lifted them from the ground. She was being carried.

The wood touched her ass and back and she screamed. No nail had touched her, but she had awoken from her paralyzing fear and now wanted to run. She tried to sit up, but the executioner held her down with one hand on her chest. Her forearms were tightened to the wood with leather straps.

“Please don’t, please don’t, I didn’t know! I didn’t know what he was going to do! Please don’t kill me!” she screamed.

The part of her mind that was paying attention, the part that wasn’t frozen by fear, noted something was wrong. Something was different.

She focused on that and felt her feet grabbed. Looking down she noticed her cross was different. Two notches were on the lower part, like little triangles for her feet. Her cross was wider than the others. Her legs were spread and bent in an unnatural angle and the executioner took a nail and pressed it to one foot.


She didn’t scream right away. When the nail went through her foot and into the wood she didn’t scream.

The second blow caused the nail head to touch her skin and then the pain hit her. She tried to raise herself, to grab her foot but could do nothing.

Meg screamed. She looked at the sky and tried to move, tried to wiggle, free her foot but nothing was working. She felt another blow and the nerve endings in her entire body exploded.

Her scream was not shrill now when her second foot was nailed. It was more of a guttural sound of a wounded animal.

She looked down at herself when the blows stopped. Her knees were bent, the inside of her thighs was burning and she her body … she imagined this was what burning felt like. She couldn’t stop moaning. Her throat was becoming raw. She had imagined this moment, but it was worse.

Movement. She looked towards her left wrist in a panic and begged as the nail was driven through. Another nail. She could feel them scraping her bones. They wouldn’t stop.

Meg wished she could pass out from the pain. Anything to save her this injury.

“Make it stop.” She begged, not knowing who she was talking to.

“It will stop when you are dead.” A voice told her.

“I don’t want to die!”

No one answered her. Her wishes didn’t matter.

She was being raised. The cross dropped into the hole, and she slipped down, the wood scraping her ass.

She didn’t slip far. Her arms weren’t as low as the others.

Meg had never been bright in school, but she knew what was happening. She would live longer. She was taking shallow breaths; she needed more air and would suffer in pain but…

“What is the deal?” she heard one of the guards ask.

“Doctor said she won’t live more than a day especially with her feet nailed like that. Give her arms less of a drop and she lasts longer. She will dance but can get more air than the others when she isn’t lifting. Time for her ass.”

The position of her legs made her ass cheeks clamp together more tightly. She moaned and bucked when the horn was shoved up her. With her legs in this position anyone standing near her would have a clear view of the wooden horn shoved up her ass.

Meg clenched her teeth and tried to lift herself. She succeeded, despite the pain somehow increasing in her feet. She was able to breathe and scream louder but she couldn’t lift her ass from the horn. When she dropped, it bottomed out and reminded her of being fucked in the ass.

The old man was in front of her along with the executioner.


Meg shook her head.

“The DA told me what you were like. White trash, mother is a stripper and you grabbed onto the first criminal you could find to get you out. You drove that bastard and he opened my wife’s head with one shot. Now you can die opened up. Let the world see your dirty cunt with your whore jewelry. Executioner I invoke my write to mark her as a murderer.”

Meg had no idea what that meant.

Then an officer brought a red-hot cattle brand in the shape of a small M, perhaps only an inch high.

“No! Please! I didn’t know!”

The man took the cattle brand.

“Between her defiled belly button and her defiled cunt.” The man said, handing the brand to who must have been his oldest son.

The man wasted no time. He pressed it into her before she could beg anymore. She felt her skin sizzling, a new type of pain. It was not equal to the pain she was already feeling but on top of it… she had been branded like cattle.

Then the men were gone.

Meg had run out of tears. She had stopped screaming, only groaning, her throat raw. The others beside her were moaning as well. Some were dancing, up and down, trying to breath. Their bodies were thrust forward towards the crowd because of the horns in their asses. The dumb ass men must have been drugged because they still had erections.

For the first time, Meg looked at the crowd. Her mother was in tears, the boys she hated in school were there laughing at her and taking pictures with their phones.

The girls were gone.

The two exes she had were also taking pictures, but they weren’t laughing.

Her mother’s boss was there, the one who constantly tried to recruit her.

So many faces she had never spoken to, never knew were watching her. The pain was intense, but she became more aware of her body being in display in the most horrible fashion.

Meg gave into the inevitable and pushed herself up once more to have a large breath. The air helped her moan once again like a dying animal.

The fragment with Meg's ex-boyfriends is great! Meg must have been incredibly humiliated! Young people, her friends, school bullies who didn't like her. A whole cross-section of her peers, and she among them - condemned, naked, depilated, crucified and with an M burned on her lower belly, above her pierced pussy and navel. An incredibly erotic description.

Her peers, when they get tired of seeing Meg naked, will go home on their own, eat dinner, go to a house party to relax, smoke weed and have sex, and Meg won't go anywhere. And she will be banged by a horn in her ass.

I wonder what attractions they will give him on the cross! :devil:

I haven't read such a fascinating, erotic and exciting story for a long time. Keep it up!
The woman who was Hispanic and had tattoos covering her left leg continued to scream, to beg when she could,
but nothing stopped the man from nailing her.

This woman’s feet were barely three feet from the ground. Her knees were bent, and her arms hung from the crossbar. She couldn’t scream any longer. She was having trouble breathing if the movement of her ribs and heaving of her modest breasts were any indication.

I love the little detail of this poor woman’s tattoos and I can just feel Meg’s growing dread as she watches this condemned woman be pinned to her cross, raised up for all to see, and have a horn unceremoniously shoved up her ass…and Meg knows this is exactly what’s going to happen to her.

I wonder what this Hispanic woman’s name is. What did she do to condemn her to spend her last hours being publiclybfucked to death by a cross?

All in all, a delicious to story to read. I feel right there at this execution, with six young, good-looking criminals naked, squirming, moaning on their crosses. The women with legs wide open, the men with humiliating, drug-induced erections, all of them riding their cornus up and down, up and down…
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